
Remember Me,Luv

"I will never ever give up on you"

Dark_Reed · Tổng hợp
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8 Chs

Chapter 6

Real life isn't a fairytale, wherein you'll meet your prince charming because you left a stupid shoe or Meet a Billionaire that will fall inlove with you in a snap, Real life is basically you getting left behind by someone and people will instantly judge you because of that,because your not enough. I am the most stupidest girl in the whole wide universe by following this dude that doesn't want me back.

I've been following him since yesterday where he said the most heart-stabbing words to me but I don't care. I know he knows that I'm watching him from afar.

He's currently going on a date with my sister they first went to a cinema and I was basically just two rows behind them. Watching them laugh and smile at each other like they are really inlove. Well I guess the heavens really cursed me. Like God hated me.

I really can't stand them so I went to the hospital just to get an eye check. It's been 5 years since my surgery but I come here from time to time just to make sure my eyes are okay. I quickly hailed the taxi and instructed the driver to go to Norvig Hospital.

The driver stopped right in front of the hospital and I was about to get my wallet when suddenly I realized that it was lost or maybe I left it somewhere, I immediately panicked and asked the driver to wait for me because I have no money but I have my debit card. "Hey Ms,Next time you get in a cab make sure you got cash okay?!" he said to me angrily, well someone's not in a good mood? "I'm really sorry promise I'll be back in a minute and I'll pay you I just need to get money from the atm" I pleaded the driver "ok..ok be fast" I quickly run to the atm but I guess the heavens are really angry to me because it's out of order.

I panicked like literally panicked I don't want to go to jail just because I didn't pay a taxi fare,for heaven's sake. I saw a man standing in front of the hospital he looks like he has money so I lowered my pride and asked "Hi I know you don't know me, heck I don't even know you too but do you have 3.50 that I could borrow? I forgot my cash so I can't pay the cab, but I promise I'll pay it back" I explained, he looked at me with amused eyes but I don't want to look at him because I was so shy I mean who wouldn't? But I really don't want to be reported to the police. "sure" he replied shortly still smiling, I smiled back awkwardly. He pulled his wallet from his pocket but the driver is already honking like really loud.

"Can you please be faster?" I asked with respect obviously, "Ok...ok chill" he replied. I quickly ran to the cab and gave the money and the driver drove off. I ran back to the man and said "Hi again, Thankyou for letting me borrow the money, I forgot my cash and the atm here is out of order" I smiled apologetically "There's an atm right beside the counter, I'll pay you there" I said "sure, I was going to go inside anyways" he replied.

I went to the atm and got cash and I paid him back. "Sorry again for the disturbance" I said "Nah, It's okay, so what are you doing here?" he asked. "Oh, I was just going to get an eye check-up" I replied, we just stared at each other for a good minute because I really don't know what to say. I'm just regretting for buying all those popcorns and the restaurant they ate at which was expensive as hell.

"How about you? What are you doing here?" I asked so that it wouldn't be akward. "Oh my mom works here" he replied shortly, oh not much of a talker. "I forgot I'm Lucas by the way" he said while wiping his hands on his pants "I'm milah" I quickly said. "nice name" he answered "thanks? i guess?" he chuckled "Sooo, Lucas I really need to go get a checkup Dr. Jaimee might get mad at me for being late" I informed him. "Dr. Jaimee? Oh that's my mom, do you want to walk together since I'm going there to visit her" he said "sure"

"So how old are you milah?"

"I'm currently 22 years old turning 23 this year"

"oh your old" he said I stared at him with a really surprised look on my face, he got guts.

"hahaha we're not close babe" I replied sarcastically "aw you called me babe already?" he said while laughing his guts off "Ew, atleast I look like I'm fifteen you look like 30 year old guy with no job and has 6 wives" I said back to him, he hold his heart like he was hurt "ouch, I shouldn't have gave you those 3 dollars you really hurt me a lot" we both laughed, I don't even know why I was even laughing, I just laughed because he laughed.

"Oh we're here already" he informed me, I knocked in the door and opened it "Milah your late" she said "I know Doc, I'm really sorry I forgot to bring cash to pay the cab" I answered "Why?, Oh my son is here" she got cut off because she saw Lucas standing behind the door. " Hi mom!" he waved at his mom, "so how are you?" she asked me while checking my eyes. "oh i'm ok, same same" I replied "Why did you forgot your cash" she asked me "You know me doing stupid things for him" I replied smiling at her " You know what this isn't healthy now it's not healthy for you,for your studies you want to be a doctor right?" she asked " Yes, I want to I'm still studying Doc don't worry, I always keep up with my grades so that I wouldn't lose my scholarship" I smiled, "Wow Milah you really work hard you know?" Lucas interrupted "of course, she supports herself by working at cafes, She really is a brave and determined girl. You know what Lucas you should make Milah your role model don't just goof off in school" his mom scolded him and we both laughed. "I know mom don't worry I'll make Milah my role model" He winked at me, Like why would he do that? "I forgot to ask, "How did you two know each other?" she asked "Well a girl just ran up to me and borrowed three dollars" Lucas chuckled "But don't worry I already paid him" I interrupted him and smiled. This dude is really killing me. His mom gave me a mischievious smile because she know what kind of stuff I was experiencing with Train.

"I gotta go Doc, I need to go uhm.. study" I waved goodbye to both of them. "Milah let me walk you to the taxi stop" he offered me "No thanks, I can't cause you trouble no more" I replied "No really I insist" "Really it's okay,nice meeting you" I walked away from him then waved at him.

It was nice meeting a new person other than him.


Hey Loves!

Thankyou for reading my book! I really appreciate it. I'm going to update everyday if I can hope you guys enjoyed the new chapter the last chapter was kinda short but I maked sure that this chapter was long and the chapter you guys will look forward too. Leave a comment!


dark reed