Don´t you just hate it when you are a witch who loves doing witchy things but can´t, well say no more, my name is Yorko, i am here to pleasu... i mean help you unleash your inner strength.
Yorko was sitting by himself in the Neverwinter Castle, the new capital of the Kingdom of Graycastle.
He had just returned from the Kingdom of Dawn for some Ambassador related business. He couldn't help but think of the hot night he had with his escort last night.
He loved making love and hated doing any work, that was the kinda man he just was.
Yorko from childhood had a lot of sisters, most of them were older than him, he learned to sweet talk them to get out of doing chores and all kind of things, but he never expected that it would work on other women, especially married Nobel women.
He was known as the Magic Hand of The Kingdom of Graycastle. A title that came out of a lot time and hard work through a range of satisfied women and angry husbands.
He was just bored and was looking around when he noticed something, a lot of attractive young women kept passing him, then it hit him, why had he never considered doing a witch.
Since they can't give birth to any children and common people in most places still consider them to be the Devil's agents. They were the perfect target for his beautiful, embracing and graceful love.
But most witches were closed off emotionally to the common people, he had to think of a scheme that could make them running to him instead, he will then make his own witch union of beautiful, sexy, long legged witches and he will call it the witches of the bedroom.
He couldn't stop drooling just thinking about it. The witches passing by were disgusted by this man who had the most lustrous face and drooling while looking at them.
His intentions couldn't be more obvious. At the same time he had his idea, he will make a propaganda and rumor saying he trained the best witches of the witch union through his .... mmmhh....passionate methods.
He got up at once and pointed to the closest witch and loudly said, Release that Inner Passion you witch, worry no more, Yorko is here.
Unfortunately the witch he pointed to was Ashes, she immediately came to him and punched him in the guts making him spill his lunch and walking away feeling disgusted.
Ashes hated lustful men the most, and she was also clearly only interested in Tilly Wimbledon, unknown to any other person whether she knew it or hadn't noticed it yet.
Yorko picked himself up and just laughed, he forgot in the moment of heat that he hadn't made the plan be a reality yet and believed that was the only reason he had failed to woo her.
He went to his buddy's office and told him of his plan, Roland just looked at him, with a gaping mouth and a blank face, he had no way of answering him back, in the background you could here a woman's laughter.
Roland picked up some papers and gave it to him, they were his next assignment, Roland told him the plan was to give him a week of rest then be on his way but he had changed his mind immediately after hearing his plan.
An hour later, Yorko was on a ship on his way to the Kingdom of Dawn , he looked back to the city of Neverwinter, he held his fist up high and said he will make sure to make his plan a reality. While he was doing a pose to show his resolution to the world he saw a young female merchant passing by.
She giggled when she saw him looking at him, he immediately went into Magic hand mode and completely forgot about his resolution and his plan to conquer witches.