


AliceM6760 · Kỳ huyễn
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10 Chs

Chapter 3


A mate is created for every Alpha in a pack. They are born to be our partners until another rises.

I was getting to the age that I needed to find my mate. I couldn't get to find one in my pack so I decided to notify the rest of the pack that I would be visiting them just to find my mate.

It was quite risky leaving my pack in search of a mate. I was sure going from one pack to another was the only way I could find my mate.

I took some of my wolves with me on my journey. Getting to the first pack, I got to meet with the alpha who offered to help. He called out all his female wolves in the woods, but none of them were destined to be my mate.

This search went on and on for several weeks, from one pack to another. I got worn out, tired and frustrated, but giving up wasn't part of the plan.

"We are heading to the last pack now alpha" one of my wolves broke the long silence.

"Maybe she isn't alive. I shouldn't have started a search like this in the first place. Let's head back."

Just when I paused on the path to the last pack, I was almost giving up when I sensed someone. I couldn't get it clearly so I headed slowly towards the fire I saw from the woods. There were voices chattering and the sound of the firewoods cracking making it hard for me to get the scent that was dragging me towards the woods.

"Did you get a scent?" One of the wolves asked while following behind.

"Something like that" I answered.

I came to a pause immediately I saw a pack gathered round. The scent became stronger and I could feel a bond to someone I didn't know nor see.

Since the bond was getting stronger, I could clearly approach where it was coming from. Finally, it felt like my search was a total success.

I blindly headed towards the scent until I reached the front of the crowd. They were about carrying out an execution. It was alpha Max's pack, my oldest friend.

All I knew at that moment was that I wanted that girl.

She was my girl.

She has to be the mate I have been searching for.

I took few steps closer to her, "Hold on!" I raised my hands and immediately they crowd kept silent.

She was everything I wanted.

Her yellow eyes lingered in lust, I believe she felt the bond as well. Her dark lips was already bruised due to the torture she had experienced, and her long blunt hair that fell down to her back drew me closer and closer until I hualted in front of her and slowly brush off the blood on her lips. I didn't want to know what she did wrong, or who she was. I just wanted her to be in my arms and heading back to my pack together, as my mate.

"Give her to me, to be my mate" I uttered immediately.

"She is a criminal!" A girl who stood beside Alpha Max raised her voice aggressively.

"Then sell her to me Max." I insisted as I couldn't get my eyes off her. And I realized it was all a mutual feeling when she kept her eyes on me and didn't even blink.

Max looked at me in a pitiful manner and realized what I meant, "release the girl to him" he ordered.

"What are you doing Max?" The girl asked glaring angrily at me.

"Becky. Isn't it a waste to kill her? She could be of help to my oldest friend here. This is the visitor I was waiting for." Alpha Max parted Derrick on the shoulder excitedly. It's been years.

She was untied immediately and handed to me. I stood staring into her yellow eyes. I had never seen someone this beautiful. I runned my fingers seductively through her long hair, while she kept staring at me.

I felt she wanted the same thing I wanted. She felt the same bond too. I found my pair. I just couldn't wait to have her by my side.

"My name is Derrick" I stretched my hands.

"Jasmine Brooke" She shakes his hands.

I took her already cold hands into mine and wasn't ready to let go. I wanted to be more than her mate. She smiled at me while gazing into my eyes, she saw me as her hero, I could tell.

I immediately took off my leather jacket and covered up her bruised shoulder. I could see the tears built up in her eyes, I rubbed her hands softly. I was going to be her hope.

"You don't want to know why I was going to be beheaded?" She asked looking way from me.

I smiled.

"I just want to know if you would leave your past behind and go with me. I don't want to know what you did." I answered.

I believe she was too hurt to remind her of what she did. She didn't hurt me, so it wouldn't matter to me what she did wrong or who she was.

She was my peace.