
Reincarnation of The #1 Magic Caster

The continent of Acadia which is named after its continent dragon has 7 major nations represented by 7 dragons. The conflict between these nations have exceeded more than a thousand years with many wars breaking out between them. These wars are fought by the Magic Casters (Also known as Mages) that are regarded as the warriors or the protectors of the nation. When the nation of Wyvern was about to fall, one man defeated all the other Magic Casters and protected the nation of Wyvern alone. Seeing the powers of this Mage, the continent dragon Acadia gave him the title of #1 Mage. He was a legend who alone defended Wyvern and tried to resolve the conflict between these nations. But, he was unable to resolve the conflict and was brutally murdered while attending a banquet for peace negotiations. He has been reincarnated as his younger 14 year old self due to the powers of the God's ring that he possessed. Will he be able to resolve this conflict after being reincarnated or will he fail?

Happy_soul · Kỳ huyễn
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20 Chs


Beside the principal, Gilbert had a sorry expression as he was looking at Lux. Soon afterwards, Lux took a seat beside Miss Garden at the center of the room. After everyone required had arrived, the principal prepared to start the discussion.

"Today's discussion is regarding the matters with the first year student Lux Feros. For addressing the problem, I would like to call Mr.Roswell Heterox." The principal gestured to Gilbert's father to speak regarding this matter.

Gilbert's father was filled with rage down to the core regarding this matter. He looked at Lux who was just a child in front of him and started speaking.

"Firstly, my son Gilbert had started sneaking out from the mansion during the night time. I just got hold of this information during these recent weeks. As I was too busy with some other work, I had to hold off on this matter till today. During the recent days, I also had some capable Mages investigate this matter.

According to them, after Gilbert went out during the night, he would meet with some group of students at the Dark Energy Lake and cultivate during that time."

When Lux heard about this, he was inwardly shocked. He had failed to notice some Mages watching them when he was cultivating with his group. He finally figured out what this whole discussion was about.

"It would not be too big of a problem if they were training under some great Master. But, after these mages investigated their group, they were found to be training under this student Lux. What right does he have to act like their leader and lead them ? From what I have heard, just this past month, he was just an ant of level 0."

After Gilbert's father told this, everyone started talking among themselves. The currently silent hall was full of chatters from these people.

"That is not even the full story. Even the princess of the Wessex family was seen training with them. This matter has already reached too out of our hands and I would like to severely punish this insect for his actions. I would like to show him his place." Gilbert's father said in a really angry tone that made everyone talking in the room silent.

No one could believe that the rumored level 0 student was doing such things. Many had started pitying Lux as he would surely not meet a good ending by the way things looked right now.

Even the principal who was calm and composed was a little startled after hearing Roswell's report regarding this incident. The Wessex family was a really large and powerful family in Wyvern. It also had close relations with the royal family and was also called at the capital during several major occasions.

There was even some talk of Alice, the daughter of the Head of the Wessex family planning to be engaged with the third prince of the nation. Whereas Lux, the child before him had gone to such lengths as to even invite the princess of the Wessex family to his cultivation ?

Although other people in the room hadn't known, the principal sitting at his throne had already sensed some really mysterious powers from the boy before him. He knew that the boy was not as simple as he looked. So, he was looking forward to seeing Lux facing this problem.

Lux looked around the room once more but, the representative from the Wessex family could not be seen anywhere. After seeing that, Lux made an assumption that they had yet to inform this matter to the Wessex family.

After Gilbert's father Roswell finished his report regarding this matter, he was staring at Lux while radiating immense aura. For other's, it felt like the gaze itself could finish their lives. Anyone would face huge mental suppression at such a gaze.

The principal watched this scenario and said, "Mr. Roswell you should probably relax. The student is not worthy of your rage."

Hearing the principal's suggestion, Roswell calmed down thinking broadly about the principal's words.

"Now, as Mr.Roswell has stated the problem, the student Lux seems to be leading his son and also some other students on their cultivation. The major problem as I see right now seems to be that Mr.Roswell doubts the powers and capabilities of this boy, so he has brought this matter in front of us.

"Firstly, I would like to report this incident to the guardians of the students who were cultivating along with Lux. And as a solution to this problem, I think we should test the powers of this student ourselves and then decide if he is worthy of leading them or not. So, we will further discuss this matter after all the guardians of these students arrive." Saying this, the principal concluded the discussion.

Lux was really surprised by the managing capabilities of the principal. He had noticed that the principal seemed to have held him in some high regard and was helping him right now. He was truly grateful towards the principal for this.

Gilbert's father seemed to be somewhat disappointed by the decision of the principal. His dissatisfaction was shown all over his face.

"Don't worry I will try to cover some ground for you. But, the rest will be up to you to decide. It's up to you to show some results and prove them." Lux suddenly heard a voice in his head.

He looked around to find that the principal was looking at him as the voice passed by. This was a technique which allowed high ranked Mages to communicate with others mentally. Only some legend rank Mages were capable of achieving this feat. This proved how powerful the principal really was.

After this, Lux and Gilbert were sent back to their classes. After the classes ended, the group members of Star Will were gathered at the garden area of the academy. Somehow, this news had already spread around the academy and right now, there was barely anyone who didn't know about this matter.

Some people were even ridiculing Lux in the academy.

"Who does he think he is ?"

"Did you hear that student there who is also rumored to be the weakest in the whole academy has the confidence to lead some really great people like Gilbert and the princess Alice."

"Everyone should know their places. Does he think he is even more knowledgeable than the masters those noble families can bring ?"

Gossips about Lux was spread everywhere right this moment and the whole school was talking about him. He could hear everyone gossiping no matter where he went in the academy. So, the Star Will group had decided to meet up at the garden as it was the most silent place in the whole academy.

Usually, no one even came to this place, so it was the perfect place for them to gather and discuss this matter.

Everyone had a serious expression when they gathered. Even after sitting there for a while, no one had started a conversation. Everyone was currently looking towards Lux who looked like he was in deep thought.

Lux was the one who had helped them and made their progress skyrocket. If they had relied on the old methods they used for cultivating, they would have barely reached level 20 even if they worked themselves to the bone by now.

With the help of Lux, they had skyrocketed their cultivation. Not only that but, Lux had even led them to a dungeon and had helped them to improve their fighting techniques. But, because of them, Lux was facing a major problem right now.

So, no one had the resolve to start a conversation.

While everyone was thinking that Lux was in deep thought, in reality Lux was only just communicating with Gabell the Hell Dragon he had sealed inside of himself. Gabell was only at the peak of Legend rank right now.

It seemed like he was stuck at this level for the past millennium since before he was sealed in the Hell's Gate dungeon. Lux as someone who was just a breadth away from breaking through to the God rank in his previous life knew well how hard it was to actually break through.

But, due to the mysterious God Ring he had in his past life, he had gained much knowledge regarding Magic and ranks. His knowledge could even rival the rumored 10 gods who sealed the Black God Dragon.

It was also due to the God Ring on why he had progressed so much after losing to the 10 Master Mages. If not for the ring, he would have been stuck at the beginning levels of the beginner rank for his whole life.