
Reincarnation of a Bastard

Istvan used to be a normal citizen in the year 2045, living sealed away in his room, only going out of it to go to his job, until one day when he got framed for an act of cyber terrorism, only minutes after getting swatted and seeing his beloved dog shot on sight, he too got shot after bursting into a psychotic episode. After dying he could only think in humm as the thoughts of all the other dead flooded his mind, only being able to get rid of them after what seemed like an eternity, and stupefied he unknowingly escaped into another reality.

Necrostyx · Kỳ huyễn
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3 Chs

Chapter 1: Death of a newborn

'I am again? I-I can think!'

He had suddenly begun to exist as an individual again and that was his first thought.

'What happened to me?'

He thought whilst trying to open his eyes, but the light hurt his beady eyes and so, he cried. He began to hear some shouts and so, he cried some more, for the screeching sounds of nature, the confusion and dizziness of free will and existence was all too much for him to bear again just yet.

'Why is it all so rough, my skin, the light, the fur of this thing I am in, fuck its walls are tall, am I in some sort of prison? Is this the punishment I get for living in such a pathetically miserable way? To forever live after death in this giant wooden priso-' His chain of thought got interrupted by the shock he felt after being grasped by a giant hand, it was soft and yet it still hurt him.

'Are you god? Can you hear my thoughts? Please erase this' He thought to himself all the while remembering that he never really was one that cared much for divinity, but now when he wished for comfort, there was a woman whose tears were hot and fell upon his cheeks and whose embrace was soft and warm, what else could it have been.

He stopped thinking and just existed for a brief moment, in the dark and warm embrace of his new mother he had found what he searched for during the entirety of his previous life and the entirety of the eternity he had spent as one of many dead souls that all conjoined together.

When he opened his eyes he had realised how much time had passed and was able to make more sense of his thoughts, he had realised that he body he inhabited was a dead one, only being kept in function by his soul and that the woman who held him was probably his mother, there was also a man whom he assumed to be his father, they were in some sort of cave.

'That's the smell of petrichor!' He thought to himself.

'It must be raining, fuck, is it comforting to be able to tell what is happening around me' He said whilst twirling his mothers hair that fell upon his puny body.

'Her hair is so soft and beautiful, blonde as the sun of my old world, I wonder how similar these two worlds are, do they have a purple sun and dogs that walk backwards or is it going to be similar to my own?'

'They have what look like humans, or however they call themselves so why would other things be different. I wonder, will my hair be as beautiful as my mothers?'

'But why are we in a cave? Do humans just live in caves? My fathers darker complexion seems to suggest another story' He thought to himself as he began falling asleep.

After a while he woke again, seeing his mother using a handheld mirror whilst his father slept with his halberd besides him, he wished to see his new body and so, he crawled out of his bed, and fell upon his own head, he could feel his thoughts slipping and sight darken until he saw a blue light.

'What is this? Why am I not hurting? Who are you mother?' He thought as the blue light shined upon his face.

'Is this magic? Am I finally in a world where the fantasies I have had all my life will finally come true?' He said whilst looking at the hair falling from his mothers head.

He continued to watch his parents as they talked, one word being repeated over and over again as they gestured at him "Azuth".

' "Azuth" ? I guess that must be my new name, or maybe their word for baby ?'

He continued to watch as his father went out into the world, leaving the cave and his mother started reading the only book he saw in the cave, it was a slightly damaged book with a green cover, there were some words on the cover but he couldn't read them, he could only watch the black feline skull that was painted under those words as his mother kept on reading, turning page after page, that book seemed endless.

English is not my first language but I hope this is readable

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Necrostyxcreators' thoughts