
Death is but the beginning of a New Journey

A young man shuffled sadly along one of the many streets in this bustling town. Cars sped past and horns could be heard echoing down the street. People were going about their days as normal, until a long car horn drew the attention of the crowd. Several people pulled out their phones and started dialing 911. A frantic man jumped out of the crashed car and ran down the road a bit, his face stricken with horror.

"I-I didn't see him. I swear," The man shouted out and started looking around. "I swear I didn't see him," the man started gasping for air and clutched his chest tightly in fear.

In the middle of the road laid a disheveled man, who appeared to be in his mid-30's, laying in a pool of blood. Seth's vision was blurry as he tried to look around. 'What is going on?' He thought to himself as sirens drew near. "Am I dying?" He struggled to breath these words as two medical staff members rushed over. "This can't be how it ends..." He gasped reaching out his hand for something. "Help me..." He gasped and the machine started showing no pulse.

"He's going into shock. Get me the crash cart. Charging to 200, Clear," The woman shouted and jolted his body with the paddles. "No pulse. Charging to 300, Clear," She shouted again. Nothing. "Again!" She shouted once more and zapped him again.

"Doctor, he's gone. Time of Death 1735 Zulu," The man's eyes went grey and then time was frozen. Seth looked around, confused at what was happening around him.

"I thought I was dying?" Seth asked outload to no one in particular and looked down at the ground, his jaw dropped at the sight. His body was laying there, dead and motionless, but how then was he standing there?

"I bet you are pretty confused about what's going on right now, huh?" A childish voice asked from seemingly nowhere. Out of thin air a ripple appeared and a young woman popped into existence.

"It's you," Seth spoke aloud and remembered what happened as he lay dying. "You appeared before me while I was dying. I was reaching for you. I asked for your help," He spoke softly, remembering out loud.

"That's right, and I will help you. I've looked through your life, Seth, and you've lived a pretty pitiful existence. You bullied other kids in school, constantly disrespected others, made a mess of your life, and much more bad stuff. Now, normally we don't do this sort of thing for people like you. However, I've decided to make an exception in your case," She barked out his life and each memory hurt his heart more than the last. The guilt weighed heavy on his conscious.

"I know how much of a loser I turned out to be. I've tried to make amends and become a righteous man, but karma is not so forgiving," He sighed and sat down near his body. "What now?"

"Now I give you your choice," She offered a soft smile and turned to face him. "I can not give you back your life in this world. Your existence here is at an end, but I can give you life in a new, fantastical world. Or..." She paused and Seth looked up at her.

"Or What?" He asked, confusion on his face.

"Or you can choose to give up. Die right now and forfiet your future. You don't have to choose right away, but your time is limited. Think carefully," She offered him some advice and left him alone to think.

"A second chance? This is what I've always wanted, but what about my life here? I know it isn't much of one, but I always thought I'd be reborn here and given another chance," He rambled on for several minutes before he stood up and started looking around for that girl. He was desperate for another shot at living a righteous life, but he would be reborn in a different world. So what? It's not like anyone in this world would miss him. He was a social outcast with no friends and a job he despised. His family all but abandoned him. What was left here for him to stay? His facial features changed and the woman appeared once again.

"By that determined expression I can see you've made your choice. Speak up and I will honor your choice," She bowed her head to Seth.

"Then, I will accept your generous offer. I only hope I can prove myself worthy of such a gift," He thanked this woman in front of him, bowing his head in return.

"You will not be alone, Seth," The girl replied and walked towards him slowly. "I'll give you a gift for this new world, and I will be there to watch over you," The girl continued speaking, her sweet, innocent voice echoed down the streets. Seth could see her clearly now. Her voice did not match her looks. A tall, slender woman with pale skin now stood in front of him. Her hair was a gentle shade of blue and her eyes sparkled like bright emeralds. Seth felt heat beginning to tinge his cheeks.

The girl came to a stop in front of him, but her face kept moving closer to his. Seth, a man who had never held a woman's hand before, felt his heart beat quicken. "Wha-what--?" Seth was caught off guard when she cupped his face in her hands. She leaned closer still and closed her eyes, pressing her lips firmly against his and caressed his cheeks with her velvet fingers.

Seth stared in shocked for a few seconds before she finally pulled away, one of her hands now caressing her lips. "That was my first kiss," She blushed and turned to the side, to embarrassed to look at him for the moment.

Seth finally pulled himself together, but not before fighting the urge to kiss her again. His lips burned from where her lips had been, but he pulled himself from these thoughts and looked around the street. "So, what happens now?" Seth asked after some time had passed. "And who are you?" He continued, just now realizing he didn't even know this woman's name. She finally turned to face Seth, her pale face now red from embarrassment.

"I am a Goddess of Rebirth, my name is Deltune. You would do well to remember it," She explained boasting with pride. "Now that I've kissed you, you have been bestowed some of my divinity. Your soul will be capable of sustaining more energy and you will be able to surpass many restrictions on your body. Know that I am not sending you to a place like your world. It won't be a safe life by any means, but your purpose will be made clear in time. For now, though, you have to sleep," She whispered and placed her hand over Seth's eyes. He began to feel drowsy as she helped him to the ground. "I'll be by your side when you awaken," She promised as Seth fell into an unconscious state.

A few hours later, a cool breeze sent shivers down his spine and Seth awoke in a strange forest. The trees were so strange. They grew as if they had a mind of their own. He looked over when he felt someone's breath on his neck. Looking over, he noticed a petite girl with the same eyes and hair as Deltune, however, why did she look so small and young? Seth stretched his hand out and moved a strand of blue hair from her face. That was when he noticed his tiny hands and short arms. He moved his hand away from her face and slowly scooted away.

"What's going on? Where are we?" He asked and took a look around at their surroundings. The trees surrounding them were huge and overgrown. Nothing like this forest existed on Earth. He found a small pond nearby and walked over to examine his reflection. Getting on his knees at the edge, Seth hesitated for a moment. "No I have to look. I need to know," He whispered trying to work up his courage. Peering over the edge, Seth was in shock over his appearance. He reached up his hands and started touching his face, mushing it together and pulling at his cheeks. The bags constantly under his eyes were gone, the wrinkles on his face, as well. His hair was short and messy, and it was a fiery shade of red. His eyes had also changed. Instead of both eyes being blue, his left eye was red and his right eye was green. "This can't be real," Seth said still touching his face.

"Of course it's real. This is the power of a goddess. Such a feat is a trivial matter for us," A sweet voice filled his ears and two small arms wrapped around his neck. "I told you I would be by your side, right?" Deltune giggled softly and held him close. "Your journey is just beginning. Welcome to your rebirth, Sona," Deltune whispered his new name in his ear and it made him shiver. "Now, it's time for us to start our new life in this world," She said after letting go of his neck.

"Yes, let's go, Deltune," Sona said adapting to his new name. He stood up as Deltune slipped her hand into his and started pulling on his arm.

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