

In a world full of demonic beasts and dangerous experts. An 18-year-old adolescent reincarnates with a system that allows him to eat everything. The more he will eat cultivation resources the more powerful he will become.//// this is my first book so please be indulgent .//// English is not the native language.//// Don't forget to write comments and reviews so that I can improve my work. Thank you in advance.

AnimeMaster123 · Tranh châm biếm
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21 Chs

Alchimi association

He brought back a storage ring and told me that there are 8,000,000 DSCs. I nodded and left, now I can make a lot of money super easily so I can have a lot of resources. Now I have to go to the Alchemy Association and buy as many pills as possible.

I left the blacksmith shop and went to the Alchemy Association. I quickly got to the Alchemy Association, the Alchemy Association is huge and she has a lot of disciples but unfortunately she is in decline right now. I entered the main hall and saw a library to my left. I've been in the library to eat as many books as possible and maybe complete a few.

Of course I couldn't go too deep into the library so I stayed where I had to stay. I crunched through all the books like crazy and I learned each time what the book contained. There were also dozens of books that were not complete at all so the system completed them. Nie Li will be doing his exam soon to become an alchemist so I have to do it before him and get a share of the profits from the Alchemy Association.

I kept crunching the books until I crunched them all. Once I had them all I had a little headache but it was okay. All the books that have been lost over time I now have them in my memory. I'm pretty much ready to do the exam so I might as well do it right away.

" Hello Miss. I would like to take the exam to become an intermediate alchemist please. I asked politely to let her know that this is not a joke.

"Okay young master the registration fee is 200 DSC. She looked at me politely and asked me for money. I removed 200 DSCs from my storage ring and gave it to them. She told me to wait in this big hallway for my turn to come.

I waited a moment before I saw two old people waving their hands. I followed them and we entered a small room with a large pile of leaves.

" Hello young man. You must choose 20 sheets of your choice and finish them in less than 2 hours. You tell me when you're done choosing. "It could be seen that he did not take me seriously at all but I did not pay attention to them because I have better understanding in alchemy than them.

" Hold. take 20 sheets sheets for me. I told them to take 20 sheets from me so he can see that I didn't pass the exam by any chance. They looked at me for a second before choosing the leaves.

They gave me 20 sheets and I quickly started the exam. As I am already gold rank I can write super fast, I finished the questions in just 10 minutes They were shocked by the speed with which I finished the exam but he believed everything was going to be wrong. They started correcting, the more they corrected the more shocked they became.

"Young man follow us. They told me to follow them. I followed them to a large room with an old man testing alchemy recipes.

The two examiners went to whisper in the ear of the pill maker in the middle of the room. While he was talking I stepped forward and I was in front of a table with lots of recipes which are not filled. Even if there are some that I can't fix as much as I can.

When they saw that I was looking at the table with pill recipes they were trying to find they laughed. I didn't pay attention to them, I just paid attention to the painting. I took a pen and started to answer all the questions on the board. When they saw that I was writing so quickly they came to see what I was writing, they were even more shocked.

"Little how did you manage to answer all his problems. There are even questions that dated 10 years ago. His eyes went wide. He would never have thought that someone in this world could solve this problem but he saw that he was wrong.

"I just used a bit of my skills. But I can give you better things than that. But I have conditions. He looked at me with enthusiasm and with great clarity in his eyes.

"Okay, these are your conditions. He was very anxious that I gave him the conditions and then great things.