


Sounds of canons was all everyone can hear. A pirate ship is attacking another ship. Everyone on the ship is screaming. The pirates started landing on the ship using ropes and started looting the people. But there is an exception among the pirates, there is a timid looking boy with pink hair among them who was in sharp contrast when compared to other scary and tough looking pirates.

He is in the pantry thinking he will stay here till they complete looting the ship. He saw a big barrel there and found out that it was very heavy. He thought that since barrel is heavy there must be good quality wine inside it. He thought of presenting it to his captain, who he is very afraid, pirate captain Alvida.

He is rolling the barrel towards the door, suddenly three pirates came inside. "Hey pipsqueak, what are you doing here?", the boy timidly said "I found this big barrel of wine and thought to present it to Alvida-sama.".

"Ho, then we must taste it, don't you think so?" "Yeah" "Yes" the pirate's two buddies answered.

"No, no, you definitely must not do it, if Alvida-sama finds out, you will be killed!" the boy said fearfully.

"Of course but that will only happen if you will tell her, but I am sure you will not tell her about it. Am I right?" the pirate said intimidatingly.

"Y,y,ye,yes I will not tell her anything." the boy stuttered when answering, he is very afraid of these pirates.

The bulky pirate said "Let me open it" and when he was about to break it open with a punch suddenly a punch came to his chin from below and knocked him unconscious.

"I HAD A GREAT NAP." A boy suddenly came out, bursting open the barrel, his fists in the air and has no idea that he just knocked down someone. Of course this boy is Luffy. When he finally left his village for the adventure he encountered a whirlpool, that broke his boat. These were the boy's thoughts at that time "Ah I completely forgot about the whirlpool, Oh well I will just hide in the barrel and things will probably happen the same way like in the anime. Probably. On well, I should just take a nap." And the went inside the barrel leaving everything to destiny. Should we say he is very lucky. Or should we say he is a huge idiot. Looks like he also has some idiocy of original Luffy.

Back to present

Luffy sees his surroundings, there are three people in the room looking him fearfully and a man sleeping on the floor. "Why is this guy sleeping in the open?"

"You were the one who knocked him out!" Both pirates shout together.

"Who are you?" But people did not answer them and asked the young boy "Is there any food? I am hungry." "Listen to people when someone is talking to you." the pirates again shouts.

The pirates takes out there sword and attack him from behind, Luffy turns around and breaks their sword with his bare hands. The pirates get scared and runs away shouting monster.

Luffy smells food from the inside and walking towards the way. The only remaining person, the boy can't believe what he just say, but he quickly comes to his senses and says "Hey you should run away else they will kill you" but Luffy don't listem to him and keeps on walking towards the source of smell. The boy tries to pull him but can't and instead he got dragged by Luffy. Thinking he can't change his mind, he said "ok we can also hide in the pantry"

During this little episode Luffy was thinking "so this is Coby, he was really a big coward in the beginning, but he is still a good guy so I will help him escaping from Alvida."

Luffy enters the pantry and see it is filled with food and started eating fruits. "It is so good".

The boy starts talking to Luffy, "Hi, my name is Coby", "I'm Luffy".

"Is this a pirate ship?" Luffy asked Coby,

"No its a cruise ship and is currently being raided by alvida-sama and her pirate crew."

"And you are with them." When Luffy said that, Coby's expression become crestfallen.

"It was a fateful day. I went out of my home island on a boat to do some fishing, but I later found out that it belongs to Alvida-sama, so they took me with them. Its now 2 years since that and they everytime treats like slave."

"So you did not try to fight back."

"Impossible, impossible, impossible, she will kill me." Coby said frantically.

"So you are a gutless coward, I don't like you."

"You know Luffy-san, I have a dream, I want to become a marine and capture pirates like Alvida who tortures and kills people for fun. But now it pretty much impossible. Do you also have dream Luffy-san?"

"Yeah, I want to become the pirate king."

"Pirate king! That means you are a pirate!"


"Where is your crew"

"Nope. I am about to start recruiting."

"Do you even know what being a pirate king means? It means claiming the treasure that means wealth, fame and power. It means finding the one piece."

"Yes, i know"



"Impossible, impossible, impossible, absolutely impossi-"


"Why did you hit me?"

"Felt like it."

"Oh. But you will die, you know."

"If I die chasing my dream then so be it, either I will become pirate king or die trying. I will never give up my dream." I said with conviction. Whatever I said was true, I don't want to waste my new life. In this life either I will become someone big or die trying. Atleast then I will have no regret that I did not even try.

What Luffy did not no that his words rekindled his dream that was about to die.

"Luffy-san can I also do what I want if I am ready to die. I will become a villain and capture all villains. And first I will capture Alvida." Looks like the kid got his confidence back. Good for him. Luffy thought to himself.

Suddenly the room destroyed and they heard an angry voice, "Who do you want to capture coby?"

Coby's face was pale, I took Coby, stretched my hand and got us out of the room. Coby was so scared that he did not even notice my hands stretching. Outside many pirates are waiting for us with their weapons ready.

"Gum Gum no Pistol" and that it all took to take them down, these small fries were not even worth a warmup.

Then I saw a meatball rolling towards me, how can a meatball be so big and why a meatball wearing clothes. Oh no that's actually a woman.

"Hey Coby, who is this fat old lady"

Perfect silence. Everyone froze at their position. Their jaws dropping to the ground. Alvida for a second did not even believe what I just said. She came towards me and asked, "Are you pirate hunter Zoro and came to take my bounty?"

"No, I am a pirate."

"Oh that means we are enemies. But before we fight mind telling me how your arm stretched like that."

"Oh that, I am a rubberman, I ate the gomu gomu no mi"

"Oh devil fruit. I thought they were just a myth. But I will still kill you for offending me. But first, Coby tell me who is the most beautiful woman in the world."

"Coby its time for your test. Let's see you have the resolve to face the world and and make your dream come true." Luffy thought to himself.

"Of course, Alvida-..... .....is the fattest and most ugly woman in the world."

Another perfect silence. CLAP CLAP "Bravo Coby. That was the best."

"COBY" Alvida was so angry that she swung her mace directly on his head wishing to kill him in one-shot. But Luffy came in between and the mace hits Luffy's head. Coby has tears in his eyes thinking Luffy sacrificed himself for him. But suddenly Luffy laughs and removes the mace. Everyone is shocked. "Told you I am rubber. Now its time for you to be on your way. Gum gum no pistol" I said and punched her away. Don't know whether this time she will get a devil fruit or not.

"Oi, give us a boat." i said to remaining pirates.

"Aye" They were so scared that they agreed right away.

We ran away from the ships. On the ship, "Hey Coby who is this Zoro"

"He is a very famous bounty hunter. Why?

"I think if he is good enough I will recruit him in my crew."

"Impossible, impossible, impossibl-"


"Why did you hit me?"

"Felt like it."

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