
Reincarnation, Are you kidding me!

Destroyer_Dragon · Kỳ huyễn
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5 Chs

Country Side Walk

Making my way through the open landscape down the road and past livestock I've never seen before, cows with rock like skin and sheep that had green wool.

Which was the weirdest for sure but the scariest one would be the chickens they were pretty big not as big as the other animals but as big as a Labrador?

But they had sharp beaks and talons they were fighting one another when I walked by. One jumped at the other cutting it's head clean off "Holy Shi-"

I'm interrupted by a farmer, he was human at least and wore baggy clothes he looked at me and told me to, "Move along now" Good Thing we speak the same language.

I continue see more of the same until fields of odd crops, though I'm not surprised anymore until one snaps at me, "AAAGGH"

I scream as someone runs over asking if I'm alright when I tell them I'm fine and a plant almost chomped off my hand she explained that this is a plant to prevent rolroars?

Whatever those are from destroying crops and she asks if I'm from around here because I should know what these are.

I tell her I'm not from around here as I start to walk away she runs up and say, "Here take this old book I don't need it and if your planning on staying around here you should familiarize yourself on the fauna and flora"

I thank her and we smile and wave good bye. That was nice of her I think almost to the gate when, "HALT" a mans voice yells I jump in fear until looking at him and saying, "Um hello w-what did you need".

"You need to show me your citizenship before you may enter" okay it's fine, I think I mean I don't have that but many I can get a citizenship thingy.

I tell him I don't have one he scoffs and tells me to follow him and I do so as to not cause a problem, we enter a room where he pulls out a wooden box with a crystal sphere lodged in the top he tells me to place my hand on the sphere to check my stats, "Stats"?

I say and he explains that it's my Mp (Magic power), mana, and vitality. I'm starting to freak out magic? Mana?

This would explain why the animals are so weird, I place my hand on the crystal and it shatters the man gets up and pulls out his sword asking who am

"I don't know, I woke up in a desert not knowing anything" he slowly Sheaths his sword telling me to follow him.