
Day of Journey and Explaination about World

It's been 10 years since the day our hero was reincarnated in this world. He is waiting for the day to start the adventure. Hero was a big pokemon fan and had read many thing about the pokemon fiction (It is fiction in the world where there are no pokemons).

Jason is sitting in his room and thinking about his upcoming adventure, 'The world is really different from what I thought, though I don't remember everything about my past life but I still remember few things and there was nothing cruel shown about this world but it is different'.

First of all I will give some details about pokemon world which our main characters had learned by reading many books.

1. Ranking system of Trainer

there are certain ranking of the trainer according to which they get alot of benefits. Though healing in pokemon center is free for all and only in certain conditions they need to pay the charges but that pay also differs from rank to rank. Starting with ranking,

a) Rookie- This title is assigned to every trainer who start their journey. They have privilege like 120 day total free stay in Pokemon center in a year and 20% discount on healing charges for major injuries.

b) Intermediate: This title is govern to rookie trainer when he get atleast 2 badges out of 12 badges of the league They gets privileges like 160 day free stay in pokemon center per year and 30% discount on healing charges for major injuries.

c) Advanced: This title is given to trainers when they have atleast 5 league badges and also their 3 pokemons are mid elite level. They get privilege like 200 days free stay in pokemon center per year and 45% discount on healing charges. Trainers with this rank onward get some payments from league per year as well.

d) Ace: This title is given to trainers when they have atleast 8 league badges and also their 1 pokemon at pseudo king level and 2 pokemons at Max Elite Level. They get privileges like 260 day free stay in pokemon center and 60% discount on healing charges.

e) Master: This title is given to trainer when they have all league badges and also their 3 pokemons are at pseudo king level. They get privileges like 300 days free stay in pokemon center and 75% discount on healing charges.

f) Elite: There are only 8 elite trainers in this region and for getting this title the trainer need to beat the league tournament and challenge them, if he is able to beat atleast 2 elite trainers then he become elite trainer and weakest of them is removed but reaching this level is too high as all of their pokemons are at Emperor Level.

g) Champion: This is most powerful trainer in the region and current champion of league is at that position since 30 years and his age is 65 years, even elite trainers are in their 50's and youngest one is 45 years old.

This is the ranking of the trainers in the pokemon world in all regions. There are certain ranking of pokemons as well and that is divided in 3 tiers for each rank and those tiers are Pseudo, Mid and Peak. The ranking of pokemons are as follows.

a) Rookie

b) Intermediate

c) Advanced

d) Elite


f) Emperor

g) Champion

h) Master

According to data which our main character got from reading, many trainers start their journey but they reach only upto Advanced level and that due to their pokemons don't advance because lack of nutrients and proper training. Out of total Advance trainers only 10% reach Ace trainer level and out of Ace Trainers only 4% reach master level. This is all due to lack of training and nutrients to pokemons. Advance trainers are mostly respected as higher personnel in the small and mid towns and only Master trainers are allowed to be a gym leader.

The region our hero incarnated is Hoenn region and this is the time when there are 12 gyms in the region and champion is Leon, Steven stone is not champion and he is not known to world yet.

About our hero, our hero is 10 years old and his name is Jason Wood, he has black hairs and eyes are light brown with round face and wears glasses. his height is 4'7", kid is very curious and from the age of 5 he is reading about this world and he is smarter then kids around his age in the town. The town where he stay is Gao Village which is at 60 Km distance from Slateport City and 50 km from Mauvile City. Mauvile city is 110 Km from Slateport City. His family includes his Mother Charlotte, Father George, Grand Father Joseph, Grand Mother Mila and his 4 years old sister Aria.

In his family his grandfather is an ace level trainer and he is mayor of the village. Also his father owns a milk dairy which delivers milk to nearby towns which include Slateport City, Mauvile City, Rustbro City, Shivan City and few other city and villages, so their business is big level and earn quite enough. They have around 20 Taurous and 150 Militanks in their farm. Our hero was also given an egg at his 6th birthday who is a Taurus and later he caught a militank after permission from his father. Though they are with him since his 6th and 7th birthday respectively but their power level will be disclosed in later chapters.

Today is special day and our hero is going to get his first pokemon from Slateport City and will be starting his journey. His mother is crying but elders at home consoled him by saying that jason is a mature kid (Which he is compare to other kids in town) and can handle himself.

So what pokemon our hero will get and how his journey will start, stay tuned for next chapter.

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