
Reincarnated with Op chess skills

Fax the world's current chess champion received a challenge from the world's 2nd best champion for a game of chess. Throughout the game Fax was Winning but the other opponent had a trick up their sleeves. The other opponent Was wearing a black hood covering his entire face. it seemed very obvious that Fax was gonna win but at the last second the tides changed,the tables turned. it turns out his opponent was cheating using ear phones and an AI was telling him what to do. Fax at that moment was very stressed, that he even forgot about the basic principles of chess. his king was at h3 forced to the wall, Black's bishop was at f2 together with Black's Queen on g1 plus Black's horse was on g5 anddd it was...a checkmate! ----------------- Add to library to read more.

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The world's current number three champion of all time is facing the world's number two.

3 rd champion's name is Fax

and 2 nd champion's name is...ahem! it's unknown.

Soon they sat facing each other as 2 nd champion Fax took white and the other opponent took black.

As the game began Fax moved A pawn to e4, also called the king's pawn opening.

And the other opponent also had a fair share of the center by moving a pawn to e5.

And as the game continued on it seemed like Fax was gonna win but suddenly the tides turned or let's say the tables turned.

it turned out the other opponent was using ear phones and an AI was telling him what to do.

The expression of Fax was serious but it soon turned into confusion and confusion turned into stress.

It was like he even forgot how chess pieces moved and he Forgot even the basic principles of chess.

Sooner than enough black won the champion ship game.

As he lost, several reporters came and said what will you do now that your dream has been shattered ?

But Fax didn't listen to any of them as he stood up with a gloomy expression .

all the memories of his grandpa came in mind as he slowly walked away.

| Flash back |

Grandpa can you teach me chess?

Well why not? but why do you want to learn it.

Because you seem to be playing it all the time.

Oh about that... your grandpa was remembering some Good old memories.

Ok my boy so first you set up a board like this.

grandpa I don't want to learn how to set up a board I want to jump straight to the basics.

Ok we will do that in a sec just learn this first.

YES! I won!

Grandpa I think I am a chess professional now.

Yeah but there's still a lot you have to learn.

what else?

Uh....not much...just hundreds of thousands of traps and defences , attacks en passant , castling etc.

... never mind I am demotivated now.


Grandpa! Please don't die!

you still have to teach me chess you know!

My boy... don't cry so easily promise me that you will become the Greatest chess champion EVER SEEN he said while dying.

I...I promise please don't die yet!


Tears fell down but his hope didn't.

demotivated or not he still continued.

Even when he had diarrhea he played chess.

he swore to himself that...


| Flash back end |

As he got out of his thoughts he regained some confidence.

And while walking towards his home he said to the reporters if my dreams are shattered... I will recollect the pieces.

he went off far away in the distance with new found hope in his eyes.

But that hope was soon shattered with some men in black suits kid napping him.

Soon he woke up in a basement while being locked to chains.

the chains seemed low quality and were pretty old he tries to break it but it doesn't work.

after 7 hours of desperately trying he finally broke the chains.

Fax went outside but the men in black suits saw him and chased him.

He managed to get away but as he breathed a sigh of relief.

A truck came towards him together with a black man in a suit charging towards him with a knife.

But suddenly out of no where a lighting strike hit his head and he died by all of them.


he thought he was gonna die at that moment but the chess God's toke pity on him.

Some where in another dimension.

He woke up seeing Everything white.

Fax says, "Is this Heaven?"

God says, "No, but this is the place where your wishes shall be fulfilled."

...After some explanation.

God says, "You have three wishes, remember to choose wisely."

Fax says, "okay..."

Fax says, "So my first wish is to remove this damn limiter that this human body has so I can play chess better."

God says, "First wish Noted."

Fax says, "my Second wish is to...ahem! be handsome yeah that's it totally."

God says, "....Second wish Noted."

Fax says, "Give me the ability to make anyone immortal, even myself."

God says, " Third wish Noted."

Fax says, "Thanks for giving me this opportunity."

God says, "It's rare for people like you not to wish for unlimited wishes but whatever."

Fax says, "So what world Will I be reincarnated in."

God says, "A magical world of chess."

Fax says, "...Any more information?"

God says, "Bye chess guy.

As Fax goes on an Adventure of conquering beautiful gir-Ahem I mean since he was lonely in his previous life he will get many many friends.


I will try to make it immersive.

also I don't really post daily but sometimes i do.

I like to create different Ideas instead of your usual everyday isekai.

I also know about chess a little bit so i am not clueless about chess.

also I will post pictures to help you understand positions more.

I made this novel to increase my chess skills maybe yours will increase too.

There will be a time when Fax trains disciples in another world.

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