
Reincarnated With Mount & Blade Universal System

A 23 year old guy is reincarnated with his memories of his life intact. Remembering his death made him sad but stopped once he heard a deep voice Knowing he had a system of the game he cherished with his life made him cheer up on the only thing he cared about. His whole life was a sad story that one wished to change but now that he died and has a way to change his fate from being the same to a new one. The multiverse shall know his name as he rises to the top without stop, with his army conquering everything in his way and shall become the true ruler of the multiverse. In his path there will lay pain, death, and suffering but it shall make him stronger and better than he ever was. This is the story of a man who will change the world in it's entirety and build an Empire that shall stand tall for the years to come. A/N: This system will have both the First Mount & Blade System and Bannerlord II System but the Bannerlord II System will come later on the story. The story itself will be realistic with mentions of rape, cursing, gore so be warned. P.S: Cover art is not mine so if author doesn't want it Ill take it down A/N: To make the mods that will be added realistic, I will be adding more lore for them or make new types of units. [WARNING] A/N: As this is realistic, there will be dark tones such as rape, torture, and mass bloodshed due to the innate nature of some races and basic need

Joaquin_Bonilla_2031 · Tranh châm biếm
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17 Chs

Great Massacre (2/2)

Alexis: "Dark mage Adel you will be killed by the order of the kingdom of Barsil!!! Surrender or die a pitiful death!!!"

Adel: "A mere mortal thinks he can kill a high ranking mage!!! Don't make me laugh, once I kill you all I will turn your corpses into faithful undead!!!"

Hearing his words I lowered my blade pointing at the horde of monsters at the opposite side of my soldiers.

Both armies charged at one another and without words meeting to be spoken, each of my officers went and attacked the monster hordes while leading groups of soldiers towards each horde.

Each officer of my army led 14 soldiers to fight against the monsters that charged forwards not stopping. Katsuyori himself had an additional thirteen making it so only the five kizoku warriors were guarding me.

Oda charged forwards with no fear before he and his squadron clashed with the wolves but when the wolves jumped with their jaws open they were skewered upon the blades that the soldiers or footmen had raised upwards.

Swiftly Oda gripped his Katana before he lifted the large wolf Infront of him with one hand and threw it to the side then with a grin that of the devil's looked straight at the Abnormally large wolf with a crown on its head.

Oda: "You better give me a good fight if you don't want to get skewered and see your kin skinned alive!!!"




I looked at Katsuyori leading his soldiers against the large number of skeletons who numbered 68 but it did not matter for they would be facing Katsuyori.



While running towards another with soldiers shouting and the sounds of bones crackling until both sides clashed against one another. As Katsuyori was at the very front he had swung his Kanabo destroying at least five skeletons and then he lifted the Kanabo again before swinging and going deep into the skeleton horde crushing bones.









And not long even when skeletons surrounded him he did not falter and kept going until he appeared before the 15 Armored Skeletons. Out of the 15 armored skeletons only 3 had black armor and had a suppressive aura around them.




Katsuyori: "As you have decided to make yourselves enemies with the young lord you shall face my full strength..."




Lastly Hayai was near us having covered us from being attacked from the Demonic Eagles who had arrows throughout their chest and wings. The large two headed Eagle kept it's heads looking at Hayai with hostility.

Taking a deep breath and looking forwards while making unnecessary thoughts slowly drift away while making myself feel more calm & collected. I saw Adel start to move slowly towards me but instead of the black cloak he wore it was gone and I could see his body.

The veins of his right arm was red and had fire surrounding it along with a tattoo of a smiling skull. His right arm was covered in black scales with 5 magical circles around it. His chest was grotesque with rotten flesh & bugs squirming around and black horns protruding out his entire body.

The least normal part of him would be his head that looked almost human except if he did not have part of his cheeks missing showing the razor sharp teeth he has surprisingly.

Adel: "Once I kill you the small group of yours will be left without a leader to lead them and my army will overcome yours before devouring them and b coming another of my army"

Alexis: "I wonder where you got the idea of killing me off just as easily than the rest especially when I am their leader. Even those two guards of yours where so weak with just one swing they both died"

Adel: "Hah? A damn human thinks he is better than me! Once I kill you you will be skinned and given as an offering to my god!!!"

Alexis: "You think I would care about somebody's backing who has already become hostile with me. I will kill you first and then your god and then let me see you rot in hell!"

After saying so Adel became enraged and aimed his right arm at me before a new type of fire was fired at me. It was a black fire with an intense heat that made some of the skeletons I saw in the corner of my eyes hiss before backing away from the Tetsujin Footmen.

Thinking of something I grinned before moving away and rolling to the left avoiding the new type of fire that hit some of the skeletons before they caught on fire and disintegrated.

He aimed his left arm at me before one of the magic circles lit up in a dark light and hearing the ground rumble I jumped backwards before rolling to the left avoiding the long spears that wanted to tear through my body.

I swiftly took out my Nagasaki and sprinted towards Adel who raised his left hand and shot out sharp projectiles that I dodged and hit the ground.

Adel had quickly raised his staff upwards and the ground rumbled before a wall made of rocks appeared in front of me making me stop abruptly.

Adel: "Hmph, Amateur!'

Katsuyori: "Lord!"

Before I could try to move around I instinctively lowered my torso avoiding what would be a bad tearing of my organs & body parts by halberds that were slammed into the wall instead.

Looking at both new Armored adversaries I suddenly grinned before I closed in on the first one and thrusted my Nagasaki into it's armpits but the other armored halberdier had swinged his halberd downward making me jump backwards and kick the chest of the halberdier making it take a step back.

I looked at Katsuyori and saw him cleaving through the skeletons and seems to be fighting with the strongest one. They both kept exchanging blows one after the other with insane accuracy but with how heavy the Kanabo is Katsuyori is slowly winning.

Adel: "Don't look away damnable human!!!"

I looked back at the two armored halberdier and looking at Adel who was at the back with a grin on his face. Remembering the new Attributes I gained from the level up I told the system to place 2 points into STR and 3 into AGI.

Feeling a headache and my body straining itself made me want to punch something and feel like I could move more fluidly now. I sheathed my Nagasaki on my waists scabbard and looked at Adel once again before running forwards.

Feeling myself be somewhat faster than before I slid under the horizontal swings of the halberds and ran towards Adel who grinned at me before he rose his staff and fired off a spell that threw cackling skulls at me.

Jumping to the left and sprinting forwards I dodged the next fireballs that were shot at me. I had to jump to avoid vines that tried grabbing my feet and stop a few times from almost being impaled by purple spikes.

Once I arrived before Adel who grinned and seeing his upper body open up with a jaw full of sharp teeth and before he could fully open it up I gripped my Nagasaki's handle and smoothly unsheathed my blade and thrusted my Nagasaki through his head making it stop for abit but soon moved once again.

Somewhat puzzled and thinking about what I read back on my earth. I pulled out my katana from my inventory, and swiftly thrusted it towards his heart.

Alexis: "Go die in a ditch!!!"

As he tried attacking me with growing spikes below my feet and purple miasma in his right hand I felt my heart pulse harder than before and keep pulsing harder each beat my heart does.

Feeling something within me open up and want to be released so I just let it free not containing it. In doing so an imaginary pressure was released from my body into the surroundings that became hotter than before.

With the pressure having a golden hue it managed to erase the black miasma and as I lifted my left leg the golden hue went to the stele of my foot and as I slammed it down the spikes wanting to tear through my bodies cracked before breaking and turning into mist.

Adel: "W-what! H-How did yo-"

I grew red horns from my head and my hair grew longer with it slowly changing into a silver color and I breathed out hot breaths.

Alexis: "Katsuyori...throw me the Kanabo, I will beat his damn ass and make him spit out his arrogance..."

Katsuyori: "Yes Young Lord!"

Katsuyori gripped the Kanabo tightly and looking at the High Skeleton Commander he swung at it's head and as it wanted to block with it's Longsword Katsuyori kicked it's sword from it's blocking position and slammed the Kanabo into the Commanders skull taking it off and sent flying towards me.


I grabbed the skull before grabbing the back of Adel's hair and with my newfound strength pulled his head downward to me level before I lit up my right fist into red flames as I slammed the skull into his head with my fists engulfing his entire face.



Before he could finish his sentence Katsuyori threw the Heavy Kanabo towards my direction. I grabbed his hair and looked straight into his eyes before I jumped onto his leg and kneed his chin knocking him backwards.

Adel: "Wh-"

Before he could look back at me again I reached for the Heavy Kanabo before I gripped it with both hand and swung from below once again into his chin but this time he was sent flying.

I quickly chased after him who had made a black wall with shape tendrils to stope but I used the red flames on my entire body before I started to sprint after him and once I neared the walls ready to pierce through my body.

My body was engulfed in flames before I rammed straight through with the tendrils burning and the wall cracking before breaking and white fireballs being shot at me but with my Heavy Kanabo I swung left and right throwing the fireballs off my way and exploding the area on my sides instead.

Hearing the wind in the sky change as an object diving downwards I kept moving forwards before summoning my Nagasaki and throwing it behind me where Katsuyori was following as he grabbed Nagasaki and was keeping pace with me even with this new form of mine.

Katsuyori: "Lord, let me deal with the large bird, give that bastard hell for killing our brothers!"

I nodded and felt him jump to my shoulders before jumping upwards to the flying vulture and as it's claws where about to tear his body an arrow flew through the air before it pierced the vultures right eye making it screech and stop it's dive, giving enough time for Katsuyori to thrust the Nagasaki into where it's heard would be making the giant vulture screech.



Katsuyori quickly swung himself from the Nagasaki's long handle around the vultures neck and pulling out a Wakizashi he stabbed it in the vultures vertebrae as it kept screeching but it created arcs of wind and trying to take Katsuyori off by flying around in the sky.

I focused on Adel as he tried to summon more beasts but I burned them with my flames and I kept moving closer to his position making it harder for him to make offensive spells and could only cast defensive spells as the wall with tendrils or spikes in the grounds, and the Halberd knights...shit...

I ducked and threw an upward kick knocking halberd 1 away and halberd guy 2 following me and swinging diagonally at me and dodging to the right it hit Adel who groaned and shouted with pain.

Adel: "You fools, don't attack me kill the Red human!"

I grinned and kept closing in on Adel and hitting him with the Kanabo throwing him into a tree and breaking it.

I slammed my heavy Kanabo to the right, sending halberd two flying through trees and halberd one's closing in and in a swinging down his heavy black halberd with me blocking the strike with my kanabo with both hands.

Just where did Adel find these two halberd units? No wonder I couldn't kick these bastards away, they are too damn heavy and only Katsuyori and I can beat them.

I breathed in hot air before breathing out red flames engulfing halberd one's face and spreading to his face but black miasma started to fight back against my flames surprising me somewhat as Adel hadn't seem to be Able to fight my flames as it burned his disfigured face.

Well he did say he needed elves to get a higher position and as he worked under someone maybe they were the ones who gave him these two black armored halberds....

I focused more before I started to use my red flames more and engulf the black knight who after awhile couldn't fight off the red flames spreading over his body that soon seeped inside his helmet making it stop and soon fall down.

Sensing Halberd two sprinting with his Heavy halberd with black miasma, raised horizontally I looked at Adel who had major burns throughout his body and the bugs are gone now with an arm being chopped off and him staring daggers at me.

He summoned that black miasma with skulls again before he shot them out towards me as they started screaming but as both attacks neared by I waited until Halberd two swung his blade at my waist as I jumped onto his halberd and quickly pulled the shoulders pads of his armor before pulling him at the black screaming skulls that hit his armor.





When they both collided into one another a massive explosion happened and Halberd two's armor was completely destroyed and seeing a purple round shaped glass cracking, it's entire body crumbled before dying truly.

Looking at Halberd one's body it didn't move but red flames were still in it. Guess the flames destroyed the small purple glass ball, but now to beat the shit out of Ade-

I looked at my chest seeing a hand going through I laughed and looking Adel who had a shit eating grin I lit myself in flames and engulfed my entire internal organs into red flames and saw his grin change quickly as he tried to take his hand out my chest with blood quickly turning orange to red.

I summoned back my katana before hugging his shoulder before I stabbed myself through his body and seeing him squirm trying to get out I grinned before I started to make more Red flames that started spreading to his body as he started to scream.

Adel: "AHHHH!!! S-STOP IT!!!"


I then turned my entire body into flames as he kept screaming and black miasma tried to escape but I spread the flames around not letting it escape as it tried to escape and after I felt myself becoming dizzy and my entire body weighing more than before I stopped making the flames but soon I received a notification from the system that Adel was killed making me grin and unsummon my katana before I fell backwards onto the dirt floor taking deep breaths.

I soon lost consciousness and slept now that most of the dangerous enemies were killed now.

Now I leave it up to my officers and troops to finish the mission or help them if I wake up in time...

Alexis: System...can you give access to Katsuyori to lead them and inform....about the mission...?

[Will do host, take a well deserved rest]

Katsuyori POV

After watching the Lord burn himself alongside the vile dark mage Adel I held my breath and worried but seeing that the lord was fine I breathed out in relief.

I quickly grabbed my Wakizashi before stabbing the vulture in it's skull and slowly moved it around before It started falling downwards as I killed it and I cushioned myself on it before it's fall I grunted in pain as we hit the ground and it's entire body's bones could be heard break.

I took deep breaths but thinking of the lord's condition I quickly got up while grunting and I heard the same voice that brought us here to serve the Lord.

[Katsuyori! Alexis is unconscious currently so don't worry, he will recover within 3 hours as he overused his new transformation to the limit. He told me to give you his mission that I have given Alexis]

Katsuyori: "What ar- This is the mission you gave the Young lord...?"


Type: Saving/Raid/Collecting Info/Interrogation

Time Limit: 8 Hours

Difficulty: B+


1.Kill the Dark Mage Ardel and his followers who wants to sacrifice elves for magic experiments

2.Save the heiress and her guards of the Hidden Elf Clan of the Province

3. Kill the Bandits who have terrorized the nearby provinces of the Kingdom of Barsil

4.Kill the Bandit Leader who was once known as as Zephyr the Giant.

5.Find evidence of the Corrupt Nobles who funded the Bandit Town and made illegal dealings

Mission List:

-Kill Dark Mage Adel 0/1

-Save heiress Eriae 0/1

-Save the heiress Eriae's Guards 0/17

-Caravan Master Joseph 0/1

-Caravan Guards 0/35

-Kill Zephyr the Giant 0/1

-Kill Bandit Vice-Leader Victor 0/1

-Kill trained Bandits 0/40

-Interrogate Captain of the Rogue Knights 0/1

-Kill Rogue Knights 0/15

-Find and take documents of corrupt Nobles illegal dealings 0/10

Rewards: 15x Tetsujin Recruits, 15x traveling supplies, 10x Trained Tetsujin Archers, 10x Tetsujin Recruits Musako, 6340x Gold coins, 1x Companion Summoning Card




Katsuyori: "We have nearly 6 hours left yet the lord had to do this within 8 hours? But the rewards means the lord will have new troops to add to the Tetsujin Clan..."

[As Alexis left you in command temporarily until he wakes up, you are able to oversee the state of your soldiers, gold, supplies, and how to upgrade them]

I stayed silent while she spoke and hearing most of it I quickly thought to look over the conditions of all my fellow men and see that we have taken casualties and Nobunaga fighting the Wolf King. And the deaths of 8 of my brethren from the same clan.

Katsuyori: "I will not lose the trust the young lord has given me to access our current situation and goal. Thank you, whoever you are for helping our Lord..."

[Don't worry about it, Alexis is the one I chose so I care for him. You can also now summon objects Alexis has gained from his rewards do use it wisely]

Katsuyori: "Yes..."

Quickly summoning the lord's Naginata I grip it tightly and remember what I should do before we do anything else.


???: "FIGHT THEM!!!"



As I shouted out the moral of all the soldiers rised and I called back the men I was leading before I lead them towards Nobunaga squadron where we charged straight through the Ferocious wolves and with the Heavy Kanabo I crushed the wolves bones with each swing of the Iron Kanabo and slowly approaching Nobunaga who was fighting the large Demonic Wolf who bared it's fangs.

Katsuyori: "Nobunaga!!! Finish the Wolf already and help me with the casualties of our own!"

Nobunaga: "Fine, you no-fun bastard! Well time to Finnish our little game"

Nobunaga POV

Damn Katsuyori! Can't someone have fun fighting their opponent, but I guess I should kill it off as it seems others have gotten injured.

I started to swing heshikiri rapidly now vastly more powerful than I previously shown. The Large Wolf had cuts all over it's black fur with blood coming out of it's wounds.

I swung forward cutting in half a large fireball that the large wolf shot out from it's mouth but it seemed it was as far as it could go.

As I neared the Large Wolf the smaller wolves charged near me and tried to jump at means before I could slice them apart I thought about the actual wolves were and the large Wolf and thinking about it.

Nobunaga: "Katsuyori! Why don't we tame the wolves instead of killing them? Our numbers have lessened with our fallen and with how ferocious the wolves are we can try taming them as our own troops"

Katsuyori: "That....seems likely but figure a way to tame the Demonic Wolf and you can have the other wolves listen to you!"

I grinned before slowly turning to the remaining wolves near the Demonic Wolf that started to shake suddenly.

Nobunaga: "Okay, How should I tame the Wolf?"

I started walking towards the group of wolves as all the remaining squadrons were surrounding them and they started growling at me but I didn't pay attention to it.

When I neared they had to move out the way and soon the large Demonic Wolf straight at my eyes as I started to look back with a grin at his and unconsciously the aura of a Tyrant started spreading from me affecting all the wolves who whimpered and kneeled to the ground.

The Demonic looking wolf slowly rested it's head downwards and I smiled before I walked towards the big wolf and patted it's head.

Katsuyori POV

That...is interesting, wonder what will happen now..?

[Ding! Demon Wolf King has joined Alexis party along with his Pack of 25 wolves. Nobunaga gained Title: Beast Master]

I chuckled before recounting all our numbers previous before this fight and had a grim look at the 8 tetsujin recruits we lost along with 6 Tetsujin footmen.

Katsuyori: "Just with this battle we lost 14 soldiers leaving us with 32, 2 officers, one general , and the young lord...."

Nobunaga: "But the Wolf pack gave us an extra 25 wolves and the Wolf King is my contracted Summon right?"

Katsuyori: "Yes, you even gained the title of Beast master, congratulations!"

Nobunaga: "What can I say, I'm always achieving distant goals by just being there"

Katsuyori: "Shut up, everyone has gained a level even you. Choose what you want and better yourself for the young lord..."

Quickly looking through the noble troop tree and seeing the fearsome warriors I admired before serving the young lord I upgraded the five Kizoku Warriors into the Tetsujin Kanabo Warriors and the Musako recruits into Tetsujin Kizoku Warriors.

I then looked at the Tetsujin Troop tree and looked over the upgrades available. The two Tetsujin recruits would become the new Footmen along with the 20x Footman being split with ten going towards the Tetsujin spearmen and the other ten into Trained Footmen.

Then the Trained archers would become Tetsujin Longbowmen and it would wrap up our upgrades and to bury the dead will be next and taking care of the lord before we raid the bandits base.

(I am using last year's troop tree)

I looked around and the five Kizoku Warriors were engulfed in a blue light before the wind picked up and then appeared my five brothers-in-arms with the same metal armor like mine ready to fight with their new weapons being a Kanabo.

Katsuyori: "Welcome brothers, it's nice to see you all are alive and well"

Katsuyori: "Although I wished for the younger men to survive, as their senior I tried helping but we fought enemies we have never seen"

Kanabo warrior: It is alright brother, you did your best but ultimately we fought a man with powers unknown to us.

I sighed before nodding and not long the Trained Footmen brought in the captured elves along with what could only be their leader if they are guarding her.

Katsuyori: "Before you make any demands or ask anything of who we are I will reject it. The only thing I want to know is the exact positions of the bandit camp, how big their camp is, underground cave systems, small outposts, and how often do they go out to hunt or pillage"

Seeing as the elven guard was about to talk I cutt him off b fore he could speak and told him exactly what I wanted and did not care what else he had to say.

???: "Wh- you human! Let us go this ins-"

Before he could say anything Nobunaga appeared behind them and with the growl of the Alpha Demon Wolf it alerted them and tried moving the girl out the way but the footmen stopped them.

Nobunaga: "Let me repeat what my friend had said before you say anything. He said he won't listen to what you say and only wants information about the bandit camp. So if you would, please answer"

As more wolf's started showing up the more grim looks started to show in their faces. Seeing their physique they should be good in hand-to-hand combat which will trouble the trained footmen but except the officers.

???: "You think we should tell lying humans!"

As he was about to step forward Hayai fired a hooked arrow at his feet and he backed up swiftly.

???: "Lynelle, don't anger our saviours. I am sorry for the trouble my subordinate has caused. As long as you are willing to let us go we can aide you in destroying the bandit camp"

???: "Princess! You can't trust these humans"

Lynelle: "What Lycic said! The humans will capture you once you tell them!"

Lycic: "Young miss we'll fight to the death for yo-"

???: "It is fine, they seem like honorable and respectable people"

Katsuyori: "So tell me miss, what do you know?"

???: "For starters, my name is Eriae, the heiress of the Wood elf clan. The bandits have underground tunnels that lead outside the forest, and the deepest tunnel is where the Bandit leader Zephyr resides in.

Nobunaga: "Strange, shouldn't he be in the middle of the base instead of underground?"

Eriae: "Recently there was an arrival of Rogue Knights whom Zephyr welcomed and their Captain was there to oversee their business"

Katsuyori: "So they are the ones on control, is the Camp a fort or multiple bases?"

Eriae: "It is a large fort with four small towers overlooking the cardinal directions with merchants coming by every two days. You took a chunk of their soldiers so there numbers are reduced and won't be able to overlook all the parts of the fort"

Nobunaga: "I would say to burn the entire fort down in flames but I am curious of their prisoners and if we can recruit them such as Blackie here"

Nobunaga rubbed the black wolf's head as he had a smile on his face. Did the wolf bring a change within him?

I looked over the quest the voice has given me and saw the illegal documents making me think about politics of the kingdom we find ourselves in.

Katsuyori: "I believe there are some things going in the dark we might not know and is best we don't leave any traces"

Nobunaga: "So it seems to be something with the Rogue Knight's and a Captain?"

Katsuyori: "Yes, with our new bolstered numbers we may have less losses. but what worries me is the knights and their Captain"

Nobunaga: "Hah? You still worry when you killed the undead knights by yourself and sent them flying? Now there are five of you who seem to gain more strength than before"

I... didn't think of that and looking at the kanabo warriors skill proficiency their highest proficiency was in Two-handed, one-handed, and Athletics.

I looked at my own skill proficiency was the same as the Kanabo warriors but my Two-handed & one-handed proficiency were both 135 surprisingly.

Nobunaga: "You just realized?"

Katsuyori: "Shut up, let's hurry up and form a plan of entry before we siege the Fort and beat them up"

I looked back at where the young lord was, being protected by Hayai in the trees and trained footman near the area....please wake up soon Young lord…

To be Continued