
Chapter 1: It can't end like this!

"You monster! This world shall no longer live in fear of your existence!" Blurted the king as he looked down the beaten up hero who is on her knees. The hero had a blank expression on her bruised face. Void of hope and emotion. The crowd cheered as the executioner sharpened his axe. "Any last words Eve Vozen?" The king asked with a grin. The hero remained emotionless and did not respond. Only a single tear fell on her cheek as she witnessed the disgusted faces of those she fought so hard to protect. Finally, the executioner raised his axe and the mighty hero was no more.




"Ughh how could you do this you damned author!" Alex grumbled as he finished reading the novel. He thrashed around his bed due to the sheer frustration. "How could you treat someone so bad and then not even give them a good ending! No, it can't end like this!" he added partned with more thrashing. With a deep breath, he finally calmed down and overwhelming sadness and emptiness filled him. It is normal after finishing a book to feel such emotions especially when a person was incredibly invested into the story. Alex stared at his ceiling for a few moments and let out another sigh. "Shit, I shouldn't have read it at night." he mumbled.

After struggling for hours and trying dozens of sleeping positions, Alex was finally able to sleep for a total of 2 hours.

The following morning, Alex is visibly tired and haggard as he waited for the train to come on his way to work. "Puhahahaha! What the happened to you?!" Coleen, a colleague of Alex, asked as she met with him at the station. "Ugh shut up. My head hurts like hell that I can't even keep my balance." Alex replied with a frown. Coleen leaned closer "Seems like you had one hell of a night" she said. "Well if you consider spending the entire night reading as wild then yes." Alex replied. Coleen's eyes brigthened "No way! You finished the novel I recommended?! That fast?". Alex nodded "You know me, I can't really sleep with all the cliffhangers" he said as his headache worsen. Alex frowned as now it feels like his head is being cracked open. "Ah wait I'm almost finished as well so don't spoil me!" Coleen replied with a smile. Alex can no longer comprehend what is happening around him. The pain is just too much. Headaches are no strangers for Alex, in fact, it is a common accurance for him. However, this one is just not like any other, its worse than anything that he has ever experienced. "Are you sure you're alright?" Coleen asked as Alex started sweating bullets. Moments later, Alex fell on the floor. "What is happening?" Alex thought. Everything is moving slowly and he can't make up what they are saying. People are starting to crowd around him with their faces filled with worry and panic. "I'm fine" Alex said but his voice won't come out. He tried standing up but his arms and legs won't move. He saw Coleen on the verge of tears and it finally clicked to him. "Am I dying?" he thought. It's a bit different to what he imagined death to be. His life didn't flashed before his eyes, it wasn't scary, and it wasnt painful. Even the headache was gone. Everything was peaceful and quite. "So this is how I die?" he thought as his vision started blur out and an overwhelming sense of sleepiness set in. As he slowly lost his consciousness, he saw Coleen crying while frantically calling for help on the phone and

had his last thought. "Fuck. I forgot to rant to the author about how shit his ending was." and finally, Alex was no more.

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