2 Marcus Leviathan

Marcus Leviathan. That's the name of the boy from whom I'm possessing as of now. And what I mean by possessing is the kid ain't here no more and yet I am for some reason.

And I ain't got a clue on how or why I'm here? Both here's.

I was practically just dragged to the principles office and he started screaming at me for threatening the old bag during a lecture, and the entire time I just listened.

Sure I was caught off guard at first.

This could have been some practical joke.

But the more I looked into it, I saw a fucking kid shoot fire from out of his hands as we were passing the open courtyard and I shut and became observant.

Listening and paying more attention even to the bull shit that was being spat out at me, and that's how I got the name to begin with, they called me Marcus.

Marcus Leviathan.

It sounded like a nickname but hearing the bombardment from the teacher and principal before getting suspended, it became more appeared that they were serious.

Also, apparently I've been suspended as well for a week, but I guess that just gives me time to figure out what the hell is up with this place and where the hell I even am?

. . . . .

After screaming back and forth from the hag and principal, the scolding went onto to be, "Seriously! I don't know what to do with you! You act out now when the first quarters exams are a week from today!"

He was talking to himself.

Because I know he sure as hell ain't talking to me.

The principal then went onto rant about this exam and how important it was, he even turned to the teacher to help get the point across on how significant it is, but looking over.

When he turned back to me I was gone, I left, I walked out of that room and went to the head office to request my schedule so I know where I'm supposed to go.

"Here you go hun~"

The receptionist gave me a sheet telling me my schedule and looking down at it, "Thanks" I told her back looking at it and seeing that other than homeroom I had 2 other classes and then there was my dorm room number.

Dorms huh?

He lives in dorm 4, room 174.

Also what's Ranger basics?

And Herbalism basics?

And... What the hell is this writing?

Was I actually able to read this shit?

These characters are like Japanese but written by a crack head who scribbles and draws pictures of stickmen all day.

Which sounds like many people from upper America?

Looking at the paper this wasn't a joke anymore, these words aren't anything of what I know, and somehow.

Just somehow I understand it a little bit?

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