

Arriving at the Islands we explored the places but came across nothing outside what the league discovered being the two temples on the island. From what I gathered it appeared that the two Pokémon that should be here, Darkrai and Cresselia only appear during certain times every few decades. The next appearance will not be for another decade or so. 

We then headed back to the mainland of the Sinnoh Region, once there we made our way to Celestic Town. As Cynthia wanted me to meet her family, it took us a few weeks to arrive there mostly because we took our time. Once we arrived the Town was larger than the games, closer to the anime having several thousand citizens. 

It had the temple underground in the center of the town, along with a research center near the temple. Cynthia's grandparents and her aunt's family live here. Along with the head of the Celestic Town Historical Research Center Professor Carolina, who was Cynthia's mentor. Along with Lila who is a famous Pokémon Stylist, and a former Pokémon Coordinator who is also known as the 'Tiger Lily of Celestic Town'.

"Come on, follow me," Cynthia says dragging me through the town as people greet her as we pass by. Cynthia then brings me to the outskirts of the town, where a large mansion with a huge property taking up the outskirts exists. 

"This is my family's estate. My aunt and uncle, along with my cousins live here. They moved back here after my Mom died," Cynthia says to me as she walks over to the large gate blocking the entrance. Cynthia never knew her father, nor had the interest in tracking him down. 

"Yes?" I hear an elderly voice say after Cynthia pushes a button on the intercom by the gate. 

"Grandma, it's me," Cynthia says with a happy voice. 

"Cynthia! Come in!" her Grandmother says with the gate immediately opening a second after. 

"Come on!" Cynthia says quickly walking toward the house as her team all come out and follow after her. 

Currently, only Ralts is out for me and sitting on my shoulder, looking around. Though I quickly follow after Cynthia who doesn't even get to knock on the door. An elderly couple opened the door right when we arrived at the entrance. The grandmother looked very similar to Cynthia, they both smiled at Cynthia hugging her along with kisses. Then they noticed me, with her Grandmother giving me a confused look, while the Grandfather was judging me harshly with his stare. 

'This dude reminds me of Robert De Niro from 'Meet the Parents',' I think to myself as this older man eyes me with a suspicious look. 

"Hello, nice to meet you both. I'm Lucas Brinton, Cynthia's boyfriend," I say offering my hand in greeting. 

Cynthia's grandmother pushes my hand away and hugs me instead, greeting me happily. Though her Grandfather just grunts while staring at me a second more before shaking my hand. 

"You didn't tell us you had a boyfriend!" Cynthia's grandmother says giving her an annoyed look. 

"Sorry, we've both been very busy. I'm sure you saw us on the news recently," Cynthia says trying to explain why she didn't bring me up.

"The news… Oh, right! The two major discoveries you've both made," Cynthia's grandmother says, as the Heatran is not known to the public yet. 

"Well come in! You both must be hungry," her grandmother continues not taking no for an answer. While her grandfather has been eyeing me this whole time trying to judge me it seems.

"Where's everyone else?" Cynthia asks her grandparents as they bring us to the kitchen and her grandmother begins to quickly prepare some food. While her Grandfather sits down across from me with the same stare on his face. 

"Your Aunt is at the research center, and your Uncle is at the Contest Hall with your cousins," Cynthia's grandmother says while preparing food like a machine. 

"Oh, ok," Cynthia says and the two then begin catching up. 

While they are talking I'm trying not to stare back at the Grandfather who just keeps staring at me. Then her grandmother walks over handing us the food, before smacking her husband on the head making him stop staring at me. The food was better than any other food I've ever had in either of my lives. 

"This… this is the best soup I've ever had," I say while savoring this simple soup that is somehow the best thing ever. 

"Well thank you," Cynthia's grandmother says smiling happily and proudly at my compliment. 

"So tell us about yourself, Lucas, I mean we heard some things about you from the news," Cynthia's grandmother says as I eat the soup. 

"Uhm… I'm from the Kanto Region, and my Dad is one of the gym leaders over there, along with being a Pokémon Researcher. I took part in the tournament for my region a couple of years ago and almost won it. Though because of my… abilities, I was given the rank of a Champion Trainer," I say while thinking of my life's highlights while trying not to brag too much. 

"Plus he is Professor Oak's student," Cynthia says adding that, after meeting Professor Oak under the mountain over half a year ago. 

"Oh, you know Professor Oak?" her Grandfather says giving me a surprised look. 

"Yeah, we talk and I help him with some research and exploration," I say while giving him a curious look. He just nods his head slowly taking in the information. 

We then spend the next couple of hours talking with her Grandparents. While I was able to let my team out in the backyard. Where they roamed around exploring the new place. Cynthia's grandparents Pokémon were also in the yard walking around. Then after we were here for a couple of hours, her Uncle and cousins came back home. 

Her cousins ran over to her and gave her hugs, the two were much younger than her. The youngest is only eight and the older one is around thirteen, each a girl. They began bombarding Cynthia with questions not even noticing my presence. Her Uncle came over and hugged her too, while looking at me curiously. Then her Grandfather whispered something to her Uncle who nodded while eyeing me like the Grandfather now too. 

"So, you are little Cynthia's boyfriend… I've heard a lot about you from the news," her Uncle says walking over to me and shaking my hand in greeting.

"Good things I hope," I say with a small chuckle as he just stares at me with a judging look. 

"Listen, I'm gonna be honest with you. Until we get to know you better, the real you, we aren't gonna trust you," her Uncle says as I sigh and nod my head. 

"Yeah, ok," I say since I'm not gonna argue or start a scene with Cynthia's family. 

'I hope we aren't here too long,' I think as the two men stare at me with glares. 

"Guys, this is my boyfriend Lucas. Lucas these are my cousins, Emily and Jennifer," Cynthia says introducing me to her cousins, the older one being Emily and the younger being Jennifer. 

"Hello, nice to–" I start to say. 

"You're the guy on TV with Cynthia!!" Jennifer says while having a very surprised look. 

"Yes, that was me," I say with a laugh at her excited attitude. 

"Awesome! Then you must have strong Pokémon!" Jennifer says as I nod my head. 

"Yep, that is my team over there," I say pointing to my team who are relaxing with Cynthia's team in the backyard. 

"Cool, can I go talk to them?" Jennifer asks me with puppy eyes. 

"Sure, come on," I say as Jennifer runs over and jumps onto Garchomp from behind. 

Garchomp jumps up and looks behind her to see Jennifer before relaxing seeing who it is. The two kids then ran around and played with both Cynthia and my team, Ralts was having the most fun being the youngest of my team and like a child herself. However, Annihilape disappeared as soon as the kids appeared, back into my shadow, as he had no interest in dealing with them. 

"Where'd the monkey go?" Jennifer asks after running around with Ralts noticing Annihilape disappeared. 

"Uh… He, uhm," I try to think of an excuse. 

"Annihilape is just shy and only really likes to come out after getting to know you," Cynthia says speaking up for me and I nod my head agreeing with her statement. 

'I just think the kids are annoying,' Annihilape says through our connection making me hold back a laugh. 

As her Grandmother was cooking, Cynthia hung out with her younger cousins. While I was being grilled by her Grandfather and Uncle they asked me every question they could think of. With the last one stunning me making me go quiet.

"Where do you think this relationship is headed?" her Grandfather asked me which made me go quiet. 

'Dude, I've only been dating your Granddaughter for a few months now. Like shit, I really like her but it is way too early to be having that conversation,' I think while trying to formulate a response that won't piss them off, but also give off the wrong impressions. 

"I am–" I start to say while still formulating my response. 

"Dinner is ready come on!" Cynthia's Grandmother says shouting to everyone. 

'Thank God,' I think quickly leaving the two men. 

Walking inside we all make our way to the dining room, just then we hear her Aunt come home. She shouts hello to everyone, before dropping her things and appearing to quickly get ready for dinner. Then when she enters she does a double take at seeing Cynthia before quickly hugging her in greeting excited to see her. 

"How are you?!" Cynthia's Aunt says while hugging her tightly. Cynthia's Aunt looks very similar to Cynthia and her Grandmother, meaning she is the younger sister of Cynthia's mother. 

"Great and you?" Cynthia says as the two separate from the hug. 

"Sit down, and talk so we can eat," Cynthia's Grandmother says gesturing to her daughter to take a seat. 

Cynthia's Aunt nods her head before sitting down next to her husband and then notices me. Her eyes go wide again at seeing me and then looks between Cynthia and me before everyone nods their heads. 

"So you finally bring a man home for us to meet," Cynthia's Aunt says making me laugh as Cynthia's face blushes completely red. 

"Tell me everything," Cynthia's Aunt says as the whole dinner turns into a huge conversation about Cynthia and me. 

Along with our adventures and how we came across the things we did. Over the next few hours, Cynthia talked with her family catching up with them. As they asked me a few questions here and there to get to know me better. Then as it was getting late, Cynthia grabbed my hand and dragged me to her childhood bedroom. On the way there, both her Grandfather and Uncle gave me deadly glares as I entered her room with the door closing behind us. 

"So what did you think?" Cynthia asks me as we get undressed and into our sleepwear. 

"About?" I say confused since I was thinking about the deadly looks of her Grandfather and Uncle. 

"My family," Cynthia says giving me a 'are you serious' look. 

"Right… They are really nice and cool people. I'm glad you brought me to meet them," I say being honest with her when it comes to her family outside her Uncle and Grandfather.

"Great, then are you fine if we spent a week or two here with them?" Cynthia asks me with a hopeful look. 

"Yeah, why not," I say while thinking that I might be murdered by the end of that time. 

"Awesome!" Cynthia says jumping into my arms and kissing me while dragging me to the bed at the same time. 

"Uhm, might be best we don't do anything while here," I say breaking off the kiss and not wanting to start anything with her family. 

"Yeah, you're probably right," Cynthia says nodding her head before cuddling up next to me.

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