

Jason could feel nothing as the steel tore into his skin crushing his bones and puncturing his lungs. After only a few minutes the noises of the outside, the pouring down rain that he could barely feel touch his check.

He could hear a young female crying out to him in the far distance.

Jason knew this person and so desperately wanted to return to this woman but his body was numb

soon his body felt like he was floating in a sea and he was anchored to someone

She could feel the presence of this person and she liked her,

"Just one more push" she heard in the distance as there was a intense cry from the woman as the girl felt a intense chill as her naked small body was handed to the woman

"Tera. my child! What are you going to do with her!" the woman said as she gave her to a young man

" Do not worry ms stone your child will be taken care of very well by The Indigo Empire." Terra heard as she was torn from the loving grip of her mother and into the grip on a cold unfeeling man

"DeX No!" The woman cried out as Terra could feel a man take her his hands felt warm and he had a aura of determination on him.

Terra ears rang with pain as a loud bang could be heard and the screaming of the cold man as blood ran down his face.

As he picked up Terra she saw the long jagged scar that ran down his face

"Sir, we need to go Commoned is waiting." a young man said

The man with the scar did not respond he just looked at Terra

" Those eyes, they know what they have seen. this child she has great potential." The man thought as he drew his blade and in one swift motion cut the man in two.

Though she was only a few minutes old the young girl's parents were killed in front of her and she did not know what vengeance was but a single thought formed in her mind a promise that she made on that day.

" I will avenge them. No matter the cost."

Terra closed her eyes and went to sleep. The man with the scar put his sword away as the last soldier of the revival squad fell the ground soaked in blood and guts

"I pray to Kara that you are worth it." the man with scar said as he teleported to a unknown region of Tylingariea where the village Haven fall is.

The man with scar walked up to a large stone house on the outside of town He paused for a few minutes thinking about knocking but decided against it.

Carefully he placed the child on the front porch and walked away

" Jakky. are you going to live with out saying goodbye?" A familiar voice said from a few feet in front of him

" Yes Ren I was, i just came to give you another chance to be a father. don't screw it up like last time."

Jakky said Ren stopped him " no the last time you were here was doing the great collapse and my son killed that monster your Di'vara summoned."

Ren paused

" where are here real parents?" Ren asked

Jakky did not respond for long while

This was all Ren needed to see to know the truth " God Damn it Jakky!" Ren said

Ren paused and said " is something like the great collapse happening"

Jakky replied "I don't know. maybe, I cant be sure yet. The Di'vara are becoming restless and the corrupted have been spreading to other regions in the north and sources have said that unknown dark Kyi has been emitting from the Forgotten Continent and I fear that the Di'vara may try to bring there Leader back to the mortal realm."

Ren nodded " fine I will train her for what might happen " Ren paused and said " I will not tell her about her parents."

he placed a hand on Jakkys shoulder and said softly " just be careful."

For the next Eighteen years Ren raised Terra like she was his own he taught her how to use Kyi, sword fight and use a bow as well as other useful skills to survive all the while keeping the truth of who killed her parents and what her destiny is

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