
Proposal two.

**Third Person POV**

A/N : The following is in third person.

'I watched as Megumi was sitting down cross legged in the backyard with his katana in his lap.'

'It had been a night since Megumi had shown me what he did or rather what I did.'

'Although my love for him had doubled and still kept rising without bounds, I still felt furious and angry for what he had pulled off.'

'It just felt irresponsible and stupid that he did something like this without even asking me out first.'

'Perhaps noticing my continuous angry stare at him I watched as Megumi opened his eyes, looked in my direction and smiled, but I wasn't in the mood to smile back at him so I just pulled the curtains after making sure he saw me glaring at him.'

'But as I collapsed into his bed, his scent set me off into a spiral of thoughts about him.'

'The feeling of trust that emanated from what Megumi had done was a little too much for me to handle without falling for him once again.'

'I remember the first thing I said when I came back to my senses was to ask Tsunade-sensei if Megumi was dead, since that was what it felt like at first.'

'Megumi felt empty, void of content, just like I was at my core self or rather there was nothing present where I should be. There was no such thing as the 'soul' on the inside.'

'What was there was memory.'

'There was the memory that decided everything about the identity of 'Sakura' and 'Megumi'. Not just our personalities, but everything from our body to our looks, to our preferences for food, people and even who we loved.'

'We were just an accumulation of this memory, given physical energy and a bit of spiritual energy to control and keep all this together as one life.'

'It was rather scary and terrifying at first when I had felt this.'

'But this was not what had gotten me angry at Megumi.'

'Neither did the fact that he had left me alone to figure things out and that he had done it in such an abrupt way made me angry.'

'What did make me angry though was how he had done it and why he had done it.'

'I remember clearly how a few months earlier Megumi had kissed me to join our mindscapes, he'd told me then. 'You don't need to ask, I've already dissolved my entire existence to become solely yours.''

'Those words felt fluffy, cute and heartwarming. Who wouldn't want to hear such words in love after all.'

'But what the fool, the bufoon and the idiot had done was, merge his 'memory' part of the 'soul' to become included in mine as he did it.'

'There was no longer any separate 'Megumi'. After he joined our Mindscapes together Megumi was essentially living by selectively selecting to view only his memories to give me the 'feeling' the he existed, when he had already mixed into me.'

I could no longer halucinate about him anymore, sicne I already was hallucinating him. Except this time my hallucination was real.

'The idiot had just…given up living separately by choosing to live with me, forever. There was no good way to explain what he had done.'

'It's not like that you silly girl.'


'And why are you talking to me in third person in your thoughts?'

'...go away. I don't want to talk to you.'



'.....Come inside.'



'Stop irritating me. I am angry and I have every right to be.'

'Dont throw a tantrum now...come on. Come. Come.'


Megumi watched as Sakura walked into his mindscape after his rather short tantrum.

He went closer to her and put his arms around her and pulled her onto the bed with him.

Sakura tried to create some distance in between the two, by placing her arms in between, but Megumi had none of it as he pried them apart and wrapped them around himself as he wrapped his own around hers and pulled her even closer, until their bodies were touching.

Sakura looked at Megumi with anger in her eyes and puffed up cheeks, but he just vanished both their clothes until they lay bare and then wrapped a blanket over them to keep them warm.

"What did you want to show? This?" Sakura asked pointing at their naked selves with her eyes.

But Megumi just ignored her pointed question and pulled her closer, until thier breaths intertwined as he spoke, "This is what I wanted to show you."


"This how close we are. Only our breaths separate us. Our spiritual energies are what give us the experience of choice. So the only thing that is between us anymore is our choice to be with each other."

"But that is why I'm angry with you. What if I ever in anger destroyed the seal you placed on me that connected our mindscapes? What if I never chose to do what you did? What then huh? Would you just leave me and then die?"

'...' Megumi just looked into Sakura's worry filled loving eyes.

"And to top it all off, there's why you did such a stupid thing!"

Beads of tears began to stream down Sakura's eyes as she felt like she was a terrible person, Megumi just brought her closer and kissed her.

Although their kiss was bittersweet because of Sakura's tears, a sense of relief washed over her heart.

"You know that was the only solution at the time…Rura."

"....but…you could've just died….all because I might've changed my mind on a whim…"

*Smooch* Stealing another kiss Megumi spoke, "Well what can I say? You made me go crazy?"

Sakura just deadpanned at him.

"You see what I did there? To stop you from going crazy I became crazier? Hehehe! nice pun right?"

"Not funny Megumi! I'm trying to be serious! We are talking about you're life here! You could've died if at any point I chose to abandon you or blamed you for what had happened to me! How can you know that if you break your boundaries with me that I'll stop hallucinating!? You should've just let me die if I was going to die because of hallucinating something! How can you value your life so little!?"

Megumi just looked at Sakura's teary face with a smile as he said, "Just like how you're life is worth less to you than mine, mine is worth far less to me than yours. Isn't that beautiful, that I know that I can leave my life in your hands and never have it abused or taken advantage off?"

Sakura just looked at Megumi as she looked like she wanted to kiss him but was holding herself back since she wanted to be angry first.

"...and by the way, didn't you realise all this, because you used my seal to end up doing the same thing as me, although inadvertently with my help? Still don't you feel great?"

Sakura looked intensely into Megumi's eyes for a second before telling him with a straightforward look on her face but a burning blush on her cheeks.

"It feels vulnerable to remain like this…but it feels good to not have any boundaries between us anymore. I mean I can literally look through all your memories….but….it's more fun if I don't. After all…." Sakura stopped herself from continuing further.


Breaking the short silence between them, Sakura said, "I want to ask you something Megumi."

Confused as to what she wanted, Megumi just consented by nodding lightly and squeezing her butt which was where his hands were.

With an aparant blush on her cheeks Sakura continued, "Megumi, will you please give me the opportunity to know more about you over an eternity?"

Megumi's eyes widened a little as his grip on Sakura's body loosened a little, but then a few drops of tears formed in his eyes as he squeezed Sakura into himself and stared into her eyes and responded, "Just an eternity? I'll give you every other eternity after that as well. Just like I know you'll give me yours."

Sharing a deep pationate kiss, Megumi rolled around Sakura and pinned her on the bed as they looked at each other with lust and passion, reigniting or rather turning up the intensity of their love for each other exponentially, since they were eager to take it slow and figure everything out about each other, after all love felt the most passionate when you knew the other person was naked right behind the last layer of cloth wrapped around them and they gave you their permission to undress them.




"I feel sore…"

"Aren't you a medical ninja?"

"Yes..but there's a limit to the number of times even that works…"

"Hey…you did it to yourself…who told you it was a good idea to stop yourself for an hour before going at it all at once…?"

Sakura blushed as she played with Megumi and spoke in a whisper, "But…it felt soo goooooddd…"

"....you're a crazy woman."

Giving him the side eye, Sakura just said, "Didn't you already know that? And aren't you just as crazy too? Who told you it is a good idea to stimulate me using electricity?"

"...didn't it feel good?"

"....I…I was just pretending."

"Oh…were you?"

"Yes." Sakura said confidently as she tightened her grip around whatever she was holding.

"I wonder what our neighbors would say if I ever did that to you in the real world…..the whole village woul probably wonder which demon was being summoned."

Sitting over Megumi, Sakura leaned over and rested herself on top of him.

"Megi….how come I can't stop falling in love with you?"

"What a coincidence…I was wondering the same thing…I wonder if it is because of how well we go at each other in bed."

"Ewe…dirty minded fellow."

"Ewww says the girl who tries to get me to suck mil- mfmfffmfmfmf"

"How many times have I told you. Don't speak out about our time together….it embarasses me." Sakura asked with an annoyed look on her face.

"..." Megumi just looked at her and then bit her lips as he initiated a deep kiss causing Sakura to squirm on his stomach.

"Megi…do you know how embarasses I felt."

"What? Why?"

"It feels so stupid now."

"What does?"

"Thinking of the question I asked you earlier. If you told me that it was fine to occasionally admire beauty, I'd think nothing of it. But just the thought of me trying to do so now makes me gag now, it's like doing so is betraying what I have right by my side."

"Oh..? So you do know how I felt then."

"Yes. I'm sorry… but…what will you do if someone else becomes as close to us both as you and me are?"

"What else? I'll accept them as they are but I can't love them as I do you. They just remain whatever they were before to me. Love doesn't need to be sexual after all. I care for Mom, dad, Tsuna-nee and Shizune just as much as you, but not like you. I don't need a second wife to please me when I have you who is so perfect for me in everyway."

With a grateful look on her face, Sakura leaned forward to kiss Megumi.

"And just for that, in spite of my soreness I will-"

"No need. We have a long time for you to wait and do whatever you want to do to me. It can wait so that you enjoy it equally."

With a blush on her cheeks Sakura whispered, "...but it was supposed to be a little painful for me…your electric stimulation turned on something inside me…I think…"

Megumi just smiled and shook his head…. "I'm sure….you're a wild and a shameless woman."

"Not as much as you, who no matter how much I push the limits keeps expanding and pushing them further but still finds ways to lay all the blame on me."

"Hey…what can I say? I aim to please!"

"And you need to again!" Sakura said as she dove in to kiss Megumi.


With the feeling of something wet lapping up her lips, Sakura instantly woke up only to find Megumi sucking on her lips, she met his eyes as she watched him raise them and acknowledge her waking up.

Wrapping her fingers in his hair she brought him closer and made him kiss her harder untill she felt satisfied and energetic for the day.

"Although a nice way for me to start the day, they'll swell if you do it too much."


"By the way Megi, I saw you communicating with the blade yesterday. How did you do it?"

"Just like, you did it to me by erasing your boundaries and merging in mine."

"....but you trust a spirit so much?"

"Hey! I created them! If I don't trust them who can?"

"And they trust you just as much?"

"Erm…not all of them really…My spirit is still working on that….she's a little troublesome."

"She?" Sakura asked cocking up her eyebrows.

"Yep, it just happened to be like that, accidentally, coincidentally."

"Hehe…I was just joking. But I do wonder…"


"What does my spirit look like?"

"Sorry can't tell, you should figure it out after meeting it yourself."

"Tsk. But my spirit is being so slow…" Sakura pointed at her lips and asked.

"Why don't you look at it like how you look at the normal Katana you used to swing first?"

"But…it's a person…."

"No it's a weapon and it knows that well."

"I'll see."


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