
Reincarnated in Naruto as/with Sakura?

This is my first fanfic. It's pretty bad and only gets good from the 160th chapter. I hope you have fun reading! Synopsis. Truck-kun works again to send another soul to the Isekai post office to be sent to the Naruto world but our MC feels something strange and finds out there's someone else here with him! A/N : This book will be put on hiatus going forth since I want to rewrite the book due to improving over time while writing this book. A/N: The MC is a researcher at heart and wants to explore the world of Naruto with his own knowledge combined with what is possible in Naruto. There will be quite a bit of fan fiction behind the theory of the jutsus. Part one deals exclusively with setting up the relationships between the characters and reads more like a slice of life story, while part two will deal with the enemy of the novel and is more action and planning oriented. THINGS TO NOTE THAT PEOPLE COMMONLY DON'T LIKE! -MC shared body with Sakura for a few chapters. -MC 'reveals' his past life to one other person. (Nothing really negative happens because of it, though. I think so.) -Things in the first part are too 'reasearchy'? Too much depth in jutsus. -No Shadow Clone Jutsu. None of the characters are mine, except the OC's. The images are generated using AI. Go to link below and get a membership for $1 to read up to five chapters ahead. ***************************************** k o-fi.com/hooin_kyoma_au ***************************************** Remove the space after 'k' and it should work like a normal link.

Hooin_Kyoma · Tranh châm biếm
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230 Chs

My heavy head needs a lot of sleep~ yawn.

It has been about two days since I was born and today was the day when I would leave the hospital along with my parents back to our home.

Surprisingly I have no relatives, I guessed that since no one came to visit us in the hospital ward where I stayed along with mom for the last two days.

Dad seems to have work so he spends most of the time away and is back at night whenever I wake up in the middle of the night from hunger and need milk. Health care is expensive no matter the place I guess.

There is no TV or internet here. Not even mobile phones. Which part of the world is this? Or did I go back in time or something? The nurses that come in everyday too aren't modern, they don't have a stethoscope, but they dress like modern nurses though. Perhaps I've really gone back in time, but then why is the quality of everything so high? All the clothes and general items seem artificial and machine made with no manual imperfections and even have some common manufacturing faults too, so when really is this? Industrialization era?

Outside the window is a refreshing view of a colourful garden. Seems weird how my eyes are already well developed and are able to see so soon. Maybe I have a genetic mutation?

'If I didn't know better I could claim to have the Sharingan!'

Well not like it bother's me, I'm asleep most of the times I'm not eating and when I'm still awake mom intrigues me with a paper pinwheel. Now I'm not dumb or baby enough to be intrigued by a pinwheel on its own but this one, it intrigues me because I haven't yet understood how the pinwheel rotates on its' own.

Get this, as long as the pinwheel is in my mother's hands it spins freely and the second I pick it up it stops! And no matter how much I look at it I can't find a switch, a motor or a battery in it! It can't be a chemical because if it was it would've worked if I held it too!

I tried glaring at it for a few minutes everyday and my mom finds it funny every single time I do it! Woman don't you get it! This thing is capable of generating free energy out of nowhere! It violates the principle of energy conservation.

Ah! But who cares I'm already sleepy again.


A slight nudge woke me up, as I found myself carried in my mother's arms wrapped like a burrito with only my face sticking out.

I was sleeping the entire day so I probably won't be missing out on the view of the town, city or even the village we were in. I wanted to see it all and finally find out where I was.

As I walked or rather my mom and dad walked and carried me along, we reached a set of blue doors, that opened automatically without a sound, leaving me shocked and amazed as we walked out into the dark but vibrantly coloured evening sky.

As soon as I looked at the main gate that opened against the compound wall in front of us I spotted two people, a couple walking through it.

The man was young, blonde, with blue eyes that flexed in joy seemingly untouched by the ways of the world but sharp enough to fight back against them, curiously he looked to be wearing what looked like a green bullet proof vest? Not really but it looked like it? Along with a white over coat on his back. While the woman had a fiery red hair that seemed like it might flare up at the slightest of confrontations. But both of them had a smile on their faces as if it was the best time of their lives.

Haha they look so much like Minato and Kushina I wouldn't be surprised if that's what they are called!

"!@#! Yondaime!"

Both my parents immediately bowed and soon knelt upon seeing the yellow haired guy.

Wait I heard 'Yondaime'. Is this the world of Naruto?! Haha surely not, they probably have the same system of addressing their leaders, right? Right.

"$#@! !##!$ #@%!!"

My parents rose up after the yellow haired guy, I think Minato, said something. 

My parents talked to them for a while and then mom handed me over to Kushina.

"$#!$ Sakura!" my mom exclaimed in smug happiness!

Kushina kindly looked at me while holding me and then brushed my face with her hands whose slender fingers I tried to instinctively suck on.

As I put her fingers in my mouth something internally clicked within me and I became aware of exactly how much chakra was running through her body. While my toothless mouth lathered the tip of her finger in saliva I could feel myself trying to draw her chakra towards me, to consume it like a meal.

Kushina promptly pulled her hand away from my face and I looked at her like someone had stolen candy from a kid. While she looked at me with a shocked expression, which soon turned serious and then simple as if she was confused and then happy for whatever reason.

I tried to reach out and grab her slender fingers that were still a little far from me but they kept evading me on their own as if they had mastered Ultra Instinct.

When I almost started crying my mom pulled me back to her and tried to pacify me but I kept wanting to go back to Kushina. Perhaps being a baby made my emotions hang on a sleeve and made me more emotional than I usually was but I couldn't help but revel in the feeling of something having been taken away from me.

Seeing how I was unrelenting and squirming about my parents didn't know what to do so they just bowed and tried to leave, but just as they were about to Kushina told something while patting my head, that barely had any hair on it, with a hand coated in chakra which seemed to have calmed me down a little so they began talking again.

"Kushina-san #$#! !#!@$ ?"

A faint blush crawled up her cheeks as she gently placed her hand right above her abdomen as if it answered the question they were asking.

The air around immediately got excited as my parents immediately started bombarding her with questions about something I couldn't understand but everyone seemed to be equally excited so I didn't really need to do anything and started to think deeply. Wait! If they are Minato and Kushina then did they come to the hospital to check if they were having Naruto?

Was I really in the Narutoverse? A world full of blood, revenge and manipulations? A world where lies and deceit could be used against you at any turn? A world where power reigns and a world where an ever elusive unfindable entity can decide when and where it would be your turn to die without you even realizing how you did so? A world where chaos reigns and order is just a pretense to hide the planning for next wars to be fought? And above all a world where normal people stand out like diamonds in the vast ocean of crazies? 


What a dangerous world to live in.

Will I follow people's rules until I'm beaten into the ground or will I make others follow rules that I create to excite me?

Or will I just leave it alone to lay back as I relax and watch everyone scrambling around writhing in the turmoil because of the life they have forced upon themselves?

Wait a minute, if these people are the Hokage and his wife, and then that means that I'm in the narutoverse, then…..

Wait a minute.

One minute…

My name's Sakura…


Sakura is a-

Is a-


I, a eighteen year old man, reincarnated as Sakura Haruno, a girl, in the Narutoverse…

I did always want to make Sakura feel like a less useless character so that she doesn't get the flack she always does, I didn't want to become her though. So that old man was taking out his grudge on me? He was angry cause I touched his daughter to save her life? Sheeesh.... I wonder what is going to happen when her boyfriend comes to meet her parents.

'Wait..that's my boyfriend? And my parents? Shit no!!! I need to get a new body asap.'


This day just keeps getting worse and worse.

Well I can't do anything about that now.

I can only accumulate knowledge and experience so that it is not too late when I actually need it or when I decide whatever I really want to do.


It has been a couple of weeks since I've come home with mom and dad and I've had the time to check if I'm really a girl or not. I had some hope for the first few days that I was just wrong, but turns out I'm not.

I am a girl.


*cough* *cough* Never mind that, perhaps the crazies of the Naruto world are getting to me.

Dad usually works during the day and sometimes even during the night. Mum usually spends time taking care of me during the day and leaves me with the neighbors sometimes when she has to go work too. Some other neighbors do that too sometimes while I'm with mom.

I guess the lives of civilians is really tough in this world.

Playing with mom although exhausting, is really fun! And I finally figured out how mom turns the pinwheel! She does it using chakra! She pours in a miniscule amount of wind nature chakra through the pinwheel and turns it as she expells it out from the edges!

I figured it out when I accidentally felt the gentle wind streams that poured out of the edges of the pinwheel! And boy was I excited when I felt them! I kept trying to touch them, eat them, push them, absorb them and many more things! It just made the experience even more amazing!

Seeing my zeal in exploring what chakra was Mum even started trying to pour more into it to show it to me more clearly, but she got tired just as quickly so I stopped doing that and just enjoyed it secretly while trying to snuggle into her arms.

It feels nice to have someone so close to me that I can relax around once again. Initially it was uncomfortable to be around a person who you don't know and neither understand.

But seeing the simple smile and the warmth that person exudes through it makes you want to remain close because you know they would give up the world for you.

Although for now I think of her as the person who loves me the most second to my mother in the other world, but I know sooner or later she'd be right there by her side.

Though I do wonder, if she has such good chakra control, why isn't she a shinobi? Did she get injured sometime during the war? Or did she just never have the means to become one? But during the war every single shinobi could've been used so the village might've even given out loans to people who want to become shinobi but can't.

Or maybe this just isn't hard and I'm just delusional in thinking this requires any actual skill. No! I'm sure my mom is the best! Or maybe there is something different about this world from the manga?

Each time I come in contact with the wind nature chakra it keeps awakening something deep within me, but I fail to grasp it, since I can't properly focus and get tired quite easily.

It has been long since I was close to someone who'd treat me as their child. After the guy killed my parents in my past life, everything was a strange set of self dependence and pity from other well meaning people, well except one guy, but it feels nice to just have someone to cradle you. It feels like all my burdens have melted away and I have ascended to a higher realm of existence.

Some of the few times during the day I'm awake I try to think about what I should do while I'm in this world.

Naruto's birthday should be coming up soon which means there is going to be a huge calamity that strikes the village soon.

I tried to think if there was anything I could actually do to prevent any of this since it would be great as a lot of lives could be saved, but there wasn't really anything that I could think off.

I thought I could try and draw a message on a single paper and somehow pass it to Kushina or Minato if I was lucky enough.

For example, I could draw a stick figure representing their family with different colour hair to represent each one of them and a Kyubi controlled with a mangekyo sharingan eye and a stick figure for both Obito and Kakashi both with sharingan in opposite eye.

I could even draw stars around Obito's eyes and place stars around a three pronged kunai, which Minato uses, to represent information about the space time jutsu.

But all this is just too far fetched since there are just too many problems with it.

Even if I'm able to draw everything in the next few months, where do I hide it?

Even if I do hide it somewhere, how do I get it to them without them noticing it was me?

What about the smell that could be used to track it back to me? Are there any other unknown methods that could be used to trace it back to me?

Even with all that taken care off, what about Zetsu and Danzo and the Third Hokage.

*Yawn*…. I guess I'll just think about it next time. I'm quite tired and sleepy from all the thinking right now.


Thank you for reading! 

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