
Reincarnated in Marvel: My Cheat is OP [Rewritten]

Reincarnated in a dangerous universe, what are you going to do? Read as Will tries to overcome all the challenges and dangers he faces whether seen or unseen. ---------- I'm bored so I made a fanfic. I own nothing it's made with entertainment purposes in mind.

30Degree · Tranh châm biếm
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27 Chs

Chapter 6: My Cheat

"Believe in the power that is inside you."

"Once you understand how powerful you are within, you exponentially increase the power and potentiality of everything outside of you."

― Steve Maraboli


Once I was inside I saw both of my parents lying in bed with oxygen masks on their faces and with more stuff connected to their arms and wrists while the nurses are moving around the room checking on them.

"Wait sir, you shouldn't be in here." The doctor from before spoke again from behind me.

"I-I'm sorry..." I apologized, I just want to see them again so badly. But I didn't get out and continued standing there watching them from the door.

"Sighh... do you have any other relatives that will help you out?" He sounded annoyed but didn't make me get out again.

Suddenly from behind us, a loud booming voice spoke, "I'm here"

Me and the doctor turned around and saw a huge guy that casts a shadow on us. When I saw him I shouted and hugged him but because I'm so short compared to him I only hugged his legs.

"Uncle!" He then picked me up and ruffled my hair then smiled.

"Hey little guy I'm here now, don't worry."

He then talked to the doctor while I rest my head on his shoulder.

After a while, my parents are moved to a private room and I was alone with them. Uncle Charles is currently taking care of everything and talking to the doctor while I rest on a chair in between my parent's beds.

'I promise mom, dad, I'll find out who did this and make them pay...' I promised myself while looking at both of their unconscious bodies. I then looked at the clock it was 11: 46 pm, the day isn't even over yet. Then when the clock hit 11; 47 pm I felt something inside me.

Somewhere inside of me, power surges forth and envelops my whole being then information came forth in my mind like it has always been there. I think my cheat finally activated.

I then processed the information then checked for any changes in my body, nothing changed the same ten-year-old body that I've grown quite used to.

I now know that I can summon things from all the Omniverse whether items, power, or characters I can even assimilate the character. I get 1 Gacha Point (GP) per week then I use that to summon things randomly.

The Items I summon can only be used by me or those I give permission to. It will always work in any Universe but the item can degrade if not maintained properly. The guns I summon will have limited ammo unless I made more of it or summoned one and anything that needs energy to work will lose power unless I charged it.

Then the characters I summoned cannot betray me or refuse my order. There will be a bond meter that will start at 0 or neutral and the highest is 100 or completely loyal, where they will do everything I told them to even if it completely goes against their morals. I can raise our bond by spending time with them like any normal person.

1 gacha point (GP) per summoned item or character and If I use more than 1 GP it increases the probability of an Item or character that I wish but is limited to 10 GP( 1 GP= 1%). The more powerful I am the more powerful the item or character summoned.

The Item or character summoned can be influenced by my life, environment, and compatibility or similarity. So if I am like Luffy can I summon a card of him? Wait the event that happened to my parents is similar to Batman maybe I'll summon a card of him? I hope... so I can investigate what happened.

Character assimilation will depend on the compatibility or similarity if I am similar or compatible the faster the assimilation will be and vice versa. I can assimilate the character faster by training or meditating.

Then the manifestation of the gacha in my mind can be anything but I'll choose a screen because it's much easier that way.

|Name: Will Allan Foundre

Gacha points: 1


- None

Character Assimilation:

[Empty] [Empty]

Summon Characters:

- None

Unused Cards:

- None|

If today wasn't the worst day of my life I'll be dancing now...

Okay let's try it, so I spend my 1 GP to get...

| Zenitsu Agatsuma (Demon Slayer) |


Are you kidding me? Am I similar in any way to Zenitsu? Although It's been a long time since I've been reborn but I pride myself on my memory, it's basically the one thing I relied on when in school.

Let's analyze the character of Zenitsu, he is a coward, always claiming he doesn't have long to live due to the dangerous job of being a Demon Hunter. He also has a rather low self-esteem despite his strength, to the point that he thinks he's actually useless.


... Atleast the assimilation part will be faster.

I'd rather not summon anyone yet because where will they go? and what about their background, will they have their own passport and ID? There are still too many uncertainties plus personal power is much more important.

So I assimilated Zenitsu's card and I felt no different... what the hell? did it not work?

|Name: Will Allan Foundre

Gacha points: 0


- None

Character Assimilation:

[ Zenitsu Agatsuma (Demon Slayer)- 1%] [Empty]

Summon Characters:

- None

Unused Cards:

- None|

Huh... I guess I'll see later when I try and train if anything will change. Because I can't train I just meditated, I crossed my legs and then closed my eyes but I can't concentrate. The events of today kept replaying in my mind so I stopped. I think I needed to rest first then I'll try again first thing in the morning.

When I opened my eyes I saw Uncle Charles opening the door. When he saw me looking at him he smiled at me and then said,

"Why are you still looking sad? You should smile and laugh because now your parents are safe. See like this Dereshishishi... dereshishi"

"You really laugh in a weird way."

"Dereshishi... it doesn't matter if your laugh is weird, all that really matters is when you laugh all of a sudden your problems disappear."


"What do you mean 'why'? Everyone knows you laugh when you're having fun right? So if you're not having fun, all you need to do is laugh and everything will work out just fine. When you're feeling down just laugh, there isn't anything a good laugh can't fix."

"That sounds stupid"

"That's not true. Dereshishishi... like that, come on try it."


"That's right! Now louder! DERESHISHISHI... Dereshishi"

"...hmm... Dereshishishi"

"That's good, Dereshishishishi... dereshishi"

"Dereshishishi... dereshishi" When I was laughing, I felt tears streaming down my cheeks but I kept on. "Dereshishi... dereshishishi"

It doesn't really matter right now on who is the one that did this because I should be happy that they are both still alive and the assailant failed, so I laughed and laughed and felt relief like a weight has been lifted on my shoulders.