

"=Speaking out loud

^= this means thinking in mind

!=system talking


"Mom I signed up for a basketball camp!"said Magnus

"That's okay, but you better ask permission first next time you want to sign up for something!" said mom with a slightly surprised yet furious tone.

"Yes Ma'me!" Magnus screamed in a afraid tone.

The car ride home was uneventful as it was just a normal day with nothing to do. as we got home though father came out to greet us looking like he just had 5 all nighters in a row, he said "Boy how are your studies?"

"Fine? Why do you ask"

"Fine you say! Explaine why your science teacher just told me they will never step foot within a 500 mile radius of you!" his father said with a look of pure rage

"Because he simply can't comprehend that I'm smarter then him!" Magnus replied with a grin so wide that it makes the jokers smile seem small.

"Fine then you can go ahead and pass out of that class then!" his father said with a tinge of doubt.

"Ok" said Magnus with a deadpan expression .

his father looked on with a confused face.

"Fuck it Boy you go do it right now" his father said in fury while calling someone to handle it.

"oh yeah dad after that could I ask for you to get a basketball cour built in or outside the house?" Magnus said with the best sweet boy tone and puppy dogs eyes he could manage.

"And why in the hell would I do that?"

"Because I'm going to be playing basketball!" Magnus said with a look of pure joy on his face.

"Fine BUT you have to ace that science test!" his father grumbled in annoyance.

"Agreed" Magnus said with a bright smile on his face while walking inside.

Times skip to the end of the day after the test

"Suck it!" Magnus yelled at his father.

His father looked on in disbelief before sighing and saying, "Fine you proved me wrong you get the court and basketball equipment"

"Let's Fucking Gooooo!" Magnus yelled while flexing his non-existent muscles, then he looks behind him to see a witch with red hair about to smack his ass harder then Saitama, "Ahhhhhhh!"

"BWAHHAHAHAH!!!" was all that his father did during the beating before he saw the witch walk up to him, " What I didn't do anything?"

"He learned the language from somewhere" she said before all that was heard was the screams of a eunuch.

Time skip to when the youth camp begins aka 1 week.

^Finally maybe I can make some progress, and hopefully the system will actually fo stuff once is start to play."

he walked into the gym and saw kids of various heights and ages the tallest being 4'6 while the shortest being 3'3

Then a ta man walked up to me saying, "Ahh another 8 year old go join the eight year Olds in the far end of the gym."

"I'm not 8 I'm 6" replied Magnus

The man looked at him like he was a idiot, "That ain't right you are way to big to be a 6 year old well your playing with them anyway, you play basketball before?"


^except in my past life.^

"Okay then you will play with the 8 year Olds anyway then because most of them are complete beginners anyway." replied the man then he went and called every 6 year old over and told them what to do then the 7 year Olds.

During this time I was socializing and met someone I would never suspect to be in Washington state Lemelo Ball so of course I went to meet him.

"Lemelo Ball right?"

"Yeah how do you know my name? "

"Because I have met you father and he talks about you and your brothers a lot."

"True can't deny that"

"Well nice to meet you names Magnus looks like we might be seeing a lot of each other." Magnus said as he reached out his hand for a hand shake.

"True I guess nice to meet you" he said as he shook his hand.

"Okay come over boys come over it is time to play some basketball" said the mam that I talked to earlier "My name is Marvin Williams I will be your coach for the camp, now we will separate into 2 groups beginers on the left and people who have actually played on the right." he yelled (If you know who Marvin is you know;)

every one separated and I could see Lamelo on the other side and sighed internally, ^of course he has played before baka.^

Marvin talked with the experienced people and told them to split off and play king of the court in groups then walked towards us, "Okay first off we are going to have you practice dribbling crouch down in a lingerie position and dribble at your side then every 2 minutes switch to your other side and then rest for 2 minutes and repeat I will be back in an hour to see progress and take those who are ready to the next exercise."

Magnus sighed and walked towards the basketball racks he picked up a basketball for the first time in this life it was a surreal feeling and then.


!Quest Activated!

!Learn the Basics!


Dribble 1,000 times

Make a Layup 300 times

Make a Mid range shot 100 times

Make 25 Three Pointers


Rewards: 3 skill cards

Penalties: Removal of the system

Time Limit: 1 week (he is 6 years old he doesn't have enough strength to hit 3 Pointers that well so it will take a lot of tries)


!New Quest!

!Impress Marvin!

Goal: Impress Marvin (0/100%)

Rewards: +Relationship with Marvin and 1 random mental badge

Penalty: -Relationship with Marvin and -1 speed

Time Limit:today


!Main Quest Activated!

!Become the best basketball player at camp! (Excluding coaches of course)

Goal: Become the best basketball player in camp (0/100%)

Rewards: 5 Random Stat boost Cards

Penelty:-1 to 2 random stats

Time Limit: Till Camp Ends

^Holy shit^ Thought Magnus as he began dribbling ^I need to really focus on Impressing Marvin time to put it into over drive^ he thought as he began dribbling as fast as his tiny hands could.

1 hour later

Marvin walked over and saw Magnus going wild dribbling between the legs, behind the back with normal dribbles and crossovers mixed in, but to him it looked sloppy but better than evert other kid there so he brought him to the next exercise layups.

Learn the Basics!


Dribble 1,000 times (500/1000)

Make a Layup 300 times (0/300)

Make a Mid range shot 100 times (0/100)

Make 25 Three Pointers (0/25)

Rewards: 3 skill cards

Penalties: Removal of the system

Time Limit: 1 week (he is 6 years old he doesn't have enough strength to hit 3 Pointers that well so it will take a lot of tries)


!New Quest!

!Impress Marvin!

Goal: Impress Marvin (25%/100%)

Rewards: +Relationship with Marvin and 1 random mental badge

Penalty: -Relationship with Marvin and -1 speed

Time Limit:today

1 hour later

Marvin checked in again more kids joined the Layup group and Marvin moved Magnus to a new exercise after seeing him do reverse layups and even attempting a 360 that resulted in him face planting. So he moved him onto mid range shots but first he made sure that his form was good then left.

1 hour later

Marvin brought only 4 other people this time and then made Magnus go to the 3 point line because he started to do fade aways and consistently hit mid range shots for a grand total of 1/5.

1 hour later

Marvin brought no one this time and looked at Magnus with suprise because he actually made a couple shots, that was the end of the session.

!Quest Update!

!Learn the Basics!


Dribble 1,000 times (750/1000)

Make a Layup 300 times (150/300)

Make a Mid range shot 100 times (25/100)

Make 25 Three Pointers (6/25)

Rewards: 3 skill cards

Penalties: Removal of the system

Time Limit: 1 week (he is 6 years old he doesn't have enough strength to hit 3 Pointers that well so it will take a lot of tries)


!Quest Completed!

!Impress Marvin!

Goal: Impress Marvin (100/100%)

Rewards: +Relationship with Marvin and 1 random mental badge

Penalty: -Relationship with Marvin and -1 speed

Time Limit:today

!+1 Relationship and RMB Awarded!

Magnus got in a car that was waiting for him and as soon as he noticed his mom didn't come he decided to use the Random Mental Badge.

!Ding RMB Used!

Suddenly everything turned white then a giant wheel appeared in front of Magnus.

!Roll The Wheel!

Magnus face palmer and said, "Of fucking course let's hope RNGesus blesses me" as he spun the wheel. it spinned for a solid 10 seconds and during this time he saw badges like Ruthlessness, Brutality, Alpha Dog, and Sub Zero. But the wheel landed on possibly the most important and usefull mental badge he could possibly think of.

!Congratulations for unlocking the

Go$%^ #e%t!*%>y


A/N:1543 words fuck that's a lot I had to take care of my dog yesterday because he had 14 teeth pulled so I couldn't post but anyway yes I'm doing ya guys dirty with the cliffhanger it is currently 6 in the morning and I started on this chapter at 2 so yeah fuck that wait for next chapter also I plan on releasing an auxiliary chapter tomorrow hopefully so that it can point out some wholesale in the system like for example what badges and skills are and how they are different. and if it sounds like I'm hiding the parents names iit is because I am going to at least with the mo. for a little bit for reasons..... well also if anyone wants another Stat added to the system just comment I will look and if I like it I will put it in. also Lemelo isn't going to be that important I just kinda threw him in for the lol's and I am not a Charlotte fan although I love MJ he can't bs an owner for his life, But we will see what othe NBA players show up I already have 1 in mind but I'm open to suggestions. Also just so you guys know I'm basing the former bodybuilder part of his story off my weight training teacher because he is a former professional builder but also the biggest nerd of a body builder ever because he did thousands of hours of research into the human body just because he found it interesting so yeah pretty cool. Now I need sleep so in the words of the Late Great Technoblade So Long Nerds.

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