
Blank and Jibrils Abilities And Their Power Level


Name: Blank Kanvas




4 years old (Is Mc A Shota or a Loli?)


Normal 5-Year-old Human Physique

Mana Level Ex


1st True Magic/Pure Magic [Denial Of Nothingness]Rank Ex

-[Denial of Nothingness] Is a magic native in Nasuverse, however, In Dxd Denial of Nothingness isn't really special as Magic in Dxd is a common practice unlike in Nasuverse. What we can refer to Denial of Nothingness

In Dxd as Pure Magic, as we can see that, Denial of Nothingness Purely Stem In its power of "materializing nothingness", even magicians/Gods/Devils and other races in dxd, cannot simply replicate this magic, as even in Dxd." Materialization of Nothingness" Is an act of creating Miracles.

(Also, Remember Gods in Dxd are significantly weaker than Gods In NGNL and Nasuverse. Gods In NGNL and Nasuverse, are beings of concepts while also capable of creating miracles, their Divinities are also more complicated.

Dxd gods are incapable of creating miracles, unlike other worlds gods. Their Powers/Divinity heavily relied on human faith. Gods in Dxd are basically beings born with high power, unlike, Nasuverses Gods which are actually beings that are capable of using concepts.)

While Denial of Nothingness Is already powerful. What sets apart Blanks Denial Of Nothingness Is it can imbue and create concepts, making it even more powerful.

Star Platinum Over Heaven (Stand)

-Star Platinum Over Heaven is Native To Jojo Bizzare Adventures World, It is a stand capable of overwriting reality. We can see this in action when Blank ordered Star Platinum Over Heaven To Rewrite Jibrils Body, so she can wield the dxds mana.

Stands Can only be seen to other Stand Users, It is stated, I. Jojo's that only Stand Users can deflect and see stands. Even though Star Platinum Is in Dxd, this law is still applied.

Blanks Current Gear-

Ultimate Blank Ring

Effects: This Ring Is Capable to produce infinite mana, hides users' mana to an average humans level.

The ring is soul-bound, so stealing the ring is very hard.

The ring is unbreakable. The ring gives the user Editic Memory and Thought Acceleration effect.

The ring can also serve as a medium when the user wants to input new effects. The Ring can detect Malicious Intents.

The Ring is also directly connected to the internet, the user can also issue demands. Just think of it like an Ai or Jarvis in Iron man.


Name: Jibril (Kanvas in the future,( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°).)




It's Over 6000!!!


Strong Flugel Physique, Can shrug of a hydrogen bomb unaffected, Immortal Body, Regenerative Body, and Magic Resistance A+(Ex). Can fly via wings.

Mana Level A+(Ex)


Anti-Matter Scythe A-

-Jibril can use her original powers to create a scythe that is made up of anti-matter, can easily slice anyone.

Create Portal B-

-Jibril can create a portal, the portal's range is still unknown, but she can easily, create a portal in the underworld and arrive at Blanks Room.

Boost Flight A+

-She can coat her wing with an unknown black substance, it seemingly increases her speed at flight.

No clip A+(Just Imagine Kamui)

-she can easily pass through solid objects, at this rank she can also pass through magical barriers or bounded fields.

Spirit Manipulation A++

-She can directly manipulate her Original Energy to do multitudes of things like Transmuting material by directly changing Its compositing via Spirit Energy, Can elevate/Manipulate Matter, And Anti-Matter by using her spirit energy as a medium to manipulate them.

Mana Manipulation B+

-As her master overwrites her body, she can now accommodate mana, But, because she recently received it she is still new to Manipulating mana. Her main uses of mana are directly changing its element to attack/defend/boost.

Example: Jibril can coat herself with mana, then transforming her mana of that of the time element. By doing this she can speed up her movements like kiritsugus mage craft time alter.

Heavens Strike (Fake)A++,(Holy)

-Jibril can unleash heaven strike by Overcharging her wings with spirit energy, and mana. She is using her wings as a medium to unleash the attack, doing so, creates a holy mirage and a silhouette of her wings shining brightly. If Devils were to see this image their first thought would be "God came back, to slaughter them all".


Thy Slaughter Has Begun, Thou Lands Shall Be Littered Thy Blood,

Let Thy Creatures, Witness Thy Wrath Of The Heavens.


Jibril Current Gear-

" Normal" Necklace


The Necklace Produce A Forcefield that can nullify any magic that is below A++ Rank Magics, at all times.

The Neckless Hides Her Wings, halo, and ears, to humans.

- - - - -

Insurance Ring (Masters Proposal Ring)


The Ring Produces Infinite Mana

The Ring Can Notify Blank As to where Jibril is.(I definitely did that just to find her if she's lost, I'm definitely not worried about her or anything, B-Baka)


Author's Thoughts

Yeah, Sorry About the Chant, But, I need to release my inner chuuni.

I did this so that we can have a clear representation of Jibril's power, Blank is just there for a bonus

Oh yeah I copied the heaven strike in NGNL 0, you have to admit it was cool.If you don't know watch it on YouTube.

We canse here that Mc is protective of his friends.So Mc probably wont let Kazuma die

Also, Dxd gods are weak compared to other Gods and nothing can change my mind.


Omae Wa Mou Shundeiru!


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