
Reincarnated in avatar the way of water

GoldenFoxs · Phim ảnh
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4 Chs

Chapter updated)

( A little on the short side but i think ill post another one tomorrow )

The next few days

Alex can be seen sitting cross-legged but that wouldn't be odd. If there wasn't a golden vine ball wrapping something in front of him. Soon it started to tremble and the vine slowly started to recede and a large golden Ilu appeared but Alex didn't open his eye.

Alex POV

"What is this feeling it's like the surrounding is trying to call me" I extended my senses out to try to connect with it and a small voice appeared in my mind "Hello can you hear me" I mentally responded "Yeah, who are you" a few seconds went by until I heard "I don't know I just suddenly appeared here not too long ago," I thought to myself and knew it must be because of me but didn't voice it.

"Where are you because what im perceiving is that you are everywhere around me" this time it seemed more energetic like it was a child and said, "open your eyes!!" The moment I opened my eyes the water started to shift back and forth like it had a mind of its own then it hit me. "You like the ocean spirit like in Moana!!" the water continued to shift "Moana what's that?" I just shook my head "Never mind and since you don't have a name how about I give you one" the water in front of me condensed into a small dark blue ball compared with the crystal clear water around us and jumped up and down "Um sure" I nodded and pondered for a moment before saying "your name is Wai" (Hawaiian word water).

"Wai Wai I like it" finally taking my eyes off the small ball I looked at the Ilu it was huge but it still had its gentle characteristic. It swam around me stirring up the water around me. I nodded and looked around and saw a big flower that looked like a tree and the vines weren't even vines they were the root of the flower that slowly started to dim. I bowed "Eywa thank you for protecting this little one" The lights flickered as if saying you're welcome before dimming. [I guess it's time to head home but how?] I thought to myself. I swam to my Ilu and unbeknownst to me the overall ability increased and the moment it bolted upward I got flung off. I stared[ Damn, that won't happen again] this time I tightened my legs because the saddle doesn't fit anymore and with the help of some magic we bolted upward, and like a flying fish we burst out of the water before flying back in. Looking around I truly didn't know where I was " This is going to be a little difficult" but soon I heard "Do you need a little assistance" and head wai but looked around and couldn't see the dark blue ball "I just used that form so it was easier for you to realize what I was while you were underwater.

That made sense and said "can you locate the nearest island with a tribe" not even two minutes later Wai said, "if you go forward for some time and when you see the island in front of you and turn right a tribe should be on island." I nodded and with the speed at, which we were going what should have taken me an hour only took 15 minutes. I soon approached the empty island and turned and soon a small tribe appeared in my view.

I stopped a little far away to not scare them with the Ilu then thought [Who cares im in a rush to get home] and bolted to the island without delay loud horns started to go off and soon this tribe's warrior started to appear at the edge of the island. I rode slowly with my hand up "I come in peace and just need instructions" they seemed confused and soon their clan's shaman who oddly enough wasn't a girl but an old man "What can I do for you young one" I owed because he was on the same level as this clans head which is common in every clan. "I just wish to know where the Metkayina clan is?" He stared into my eyes with his dull green and said "Are you the child that Tonowari is looking for" I hesitantly nodded and he sprung into action calling the warrior that is stationed here from the Metkayina clan and soon a familiar person came rushing to me.

"Former Head it nice to see your ding well," he said as he was circling me. I smiled and said "Why are you here aand how long haave i been missing "

After making sure I wasn't injured he finally stopped carrying me and said "You have been missing for about 2 months now and the sole reason im here is just in case you habit t wash up on this island I can come and retrieve you or your body " I nodded and thought[ It didn't feel like 2 months more like a week or two] coming out of my thought I said "Let's head home" he nodded and ready his skimwing [I thought they only use those for battle and hunting beyond the reef] but shook my head and hopped on my Ilu "Go at your top speed i want to see if your skimwing can beat my Ilu now" he blanked out for a moment and said "Are you sure that is a Ilu it's too big" I just nodded and waited for him to lead the way.

He bolted and I waited for a few seconds before I bolted as well but I caught up and faintly surpassed him and like this, a day and a half passed "Holy sh!t I didn't know I drifted this far away" he just smiled and said we are approaching the reef. Soon I can see the reef and I stopped him "It's time for the protector of the sea to appear" he was confused but I just hopped off my Ilu and thought to myself [With great power come great responsibility and Wai how do you work] a few moments passed before he said "You're somewhat of a beacon for me so what I can do depends on where you're at, unless some worship me and form a connection only then, can the scope of what I control increases" after mentally processing I asked "how do you know that" but all I got was silence.

I looked at my Ilu and said "Come here I have a better place for you to live" he circles me for a round and rushed toward me and just like magic he rammed into me and like magic he disappeared. When you want to come out and play just say something and ill know. I looked and saw the warrior with a wide-open jaw before doing something, even more, awe-inspiring the water started to split and form a walkway to the island from the reef and proceed to walk slowly and at my own pace and soon I made it to the island with the whole tribe waiting with my family at the forefront."O thank great mother he didn't leave this word" my mother started to ramble and my father walked up to me and hugged me he didn't even say words because they weren't needed to know how much he worried about me.

I looked around to see the whole village looking at the separated water and said "Eywa has blessed me with the ability to speak to the ocean who has eyes and ears and maybe if you are lucky enough the ocean will help you in a perilous situation like I was it goes by the name of Wai" The moment I said that they all started to kneel and pray to Eywa and Wai and I turned and said "Wai can you return the ocean to normal" while actually putting it back myself but I heard Wai say "I can feel my sphere of influence increasing it was about half a klick around you now its a whole klick which is a god improvement.

(Klick is a term used by the military to denote one kilometer or 1,000 meters, 0.6214 miles or 3,280.84 feet)

After worshiping Wai my sister and brother came over with tears in their eyes saying they thought I was gone and all that. I just let them cry their hearts out for the time before saying "Father recall the warriors i have some thing to give them when they arrive" he nodded and sent the guy who guided me here back out.[This might take a week ugg] I thought but soon I was bombarded by the tribesmen about Wai and I just made up some lies by saying Wai is the protector of the sea he sees all things and soon the banquet for my return was held and they continued to ask me questions and I started to grow black lines on my face until "Leave me alone i just want to eat and go to sleep" the moment I raised my voice they all scattered like flies.

But that put a smile on my face seeing that people aren't scared to approach me not going to lie it made me feel warm inside just a little.

Soon the next day came and I ask my family to gather at the reef "Why did you bring us here" my mother asked I smiled and said can you drop a little blood in the water. They looked confused and hesitated but the first person to do it was my dad he slit his palm and soon blood started to drip into the water "Wai you can take it and form your spiritual connection or whatever you were talking about" soon the blood drops slowly started to stop in the crystal-like water and disappear and soon my father jumped a little because he said he heard a childlike voice "Oh it actually worked. dad throw your necklace with full force" and he did "Now ask Wai can he bring it back" he hesitated " O great Wai can you bring me my necklace " and soon a wave started heading our way but stopped before hitting us suspending he looked at the water blob with shining eyes only eywa knew what was going on inside of his head.

Soon the rest did it and were fascinated by Wai especially since they all can hear him. "The reason I had you guys do this is that I feel a great threat coming our way and I need to make sure you are protected" they had many questions but decided not to ask me."I want to come out" I paused for a moment and jumped in the water and the Ilu flew out circling the rock my family. My mom approached the Ilu with some fascination in her eyes " How did it mutate like this " while touching it I smiled and said "Eywa just happened to gift this guy with an upgrade" she stood and jumped and punched me in the head since she was shorter than me she had to jump. I squatted down with fake tears and looked like an abandoned dog but before I could ask why she said "Nothing never just happens Eywa knows all and she must have intended for this guy to evolve" she said solemnly.

"Mother you can't be jumping around like or my replacement might have some brain damage" The whole family went silent before everyone in unison said "replacement?" I looked at my mother and father before saying "I see you two been busy over these two months " with a cheeky smile on my face and I got another punch but this time not by my mother but by my father "Spit it out and stop giving us brain teasers" rubbing my head [two hits in one-day eywa help] but just sighed "she is pregnant so I advise not to do much intense labor" now it was my father turn to squill "Oh Eywa another one this old body can't do it" and he was punched by my mother with full force sadly she still had to jump to achieve it. "I just said not to jump around," I said sternly and this time she heeded my advice by nodding her head as if she was agreeing with me.

The Next Day

It was a peaceful morning for me because I often didn't take many walks around the village but it was nice seeing each family in their own little hut either getting ready to hunt or the kids learning how to ride their small Ilu. Which was extremely pleasing to the eye considering all I did for 15 years was to train or train the warriors' which I can't lie kept me entertained but now they aren't here yet so I need to occupy myself. The only thing that was nerve-racking was that people kept scaring me. I decide to play with them a bit. "Oh, great Wai please bring me a fish or excitement" soon little fish made of water started floating around and throughout the tents and kids started chasing them and parents looked in awe poking them. I continued on my path with the fish slowly following me until I heard horns and all the fish dropped and hit the ground soaking its way back into the ocean "Fun time is over let go see the commotion" and like that the village rushed to the sound of the horns. While following the other tribesmen I thought [ The more I expose them to me controlling water the more normal it becomes to them] I thought that be a genius plan only eywa knows if it was smart or dumb.

When I finally made it toward the source of everyone's gazes I couldn't help but be excited [They are finally here!!] I mentally shouted but I arrived a little late seeing my mom already circling them while saying "Look their arms are weak and their tails are thin they are going to be dead weight if we accept them" sully comes with a quick reply "We will learn so we can pull or own weight" but in that instances, she pulled up Loak hand and was about to say some harsh words I stepped up

" Mother, I believe that they can learn our ways and if they can't they can improve the clan in their own way because currently we don't own Banshee and they do if they really can adapt they can adapt their skills to fit their need like seeing schools of fish from above or?" I couldn't think of anything else but I can see my mother nodding her head but she still looked toward my father and his eyes twitched and nodded a little and my mother blinked a few times before they both looked at me [Oh by they want me to deliver their mental message] I just sighed and stepped forward a little more to make sure they all can hear me "Starting from today jake and his family will try to learn our ways if anyone is dissatisfied please let me know now" I said scanning to see a few disgruntled gazes but nobody dared to say anything.

That's when I focused on Kiri only to see her yellow eyes staring intently at me. I just smiled and turned back toward my father so he can give the next instructions "My daughter Tsireya and my son Aonung will teach your kids how to breathe underwater and hunt in the reef" then he looked at me and said "My son Alex and I will teach you how to hunt" The smile on my face froze [He is planning on dumping this all on me] I hurridly said "Ok Let me show you your new house and were you can place your banshees" I scurried away and then realized that they didn't follow and waited for my father's orders. Sully was at the forefront still hesitating on whether to follow or wait for Tonowari orders "Father we can't stand here all day" I said in a hurry knowing that he liked messing with people secretly "Follow him he will show you your living space " now the real question that plagued me is to move them closer or farther away from me but ultimately decided closer because Loak like making rash decisions and I don't get time to run across a village to help out.

While walking I can feel someone's eyes staring into my back and son they were fast approaching "Mr. Spirit or Alex which would you like since you never told me your name and up and left" I kept quiet before saying to everyone "Alright here's your hut if you need anything you can know on that door with the water dropped engraved in the mountain above it or you can go to my family hut a little further down also in a few hours the kids can go to meet my sisters" and walked toward the ocean but stopped "I never fully caught all of you guys name" and Sully being the quickest to respond "These are my sons Neteyam and Loak and these two are my daughters Tuktirey and Kiri and my wife Neytiri" I nodded and smiled and said "If you ever need help while in the sea especially if one of my family members are by you might receive the help of the protector of the sea Wai" they all just nodded and took my words lightly only kiri thought about it a little before her yellow eyes bore into my scalpe again.