
Reincarnated As The Asura Prince

I am writing a rewritten version named "Reborn As The Asura Prince". So please try reading that.

Suryaputra_Karna01 · Kỳ huyễn
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69 Chs

Chapter No.29 First Words

Outside the chamber, Guru Shukracharya took a moment to collect himself. The encounter with the draconic entity had left him profoundly unsettled. The weight of its presence lingered in his mind, a constant reminder of the forbidden depths hidden within Meghnad's birthmark.

As Guru Shukracharya stood in solitude, he felt a gentle touch on his shoulder. It was Vibhishana, who had followed him out of the chamber. "Guruji, what did you see? What is the nature of the power within Meghnad's birthmark?"

Guru Shukracharya sighed heavily, the burden of the revelation weighing on him. "Vibhishana, what lies within that birthmark is beyond our comprehension. It is an ancient force, a primordial power that existed before the cosmic order as we know it. The draconic entity guarding it is a sentinel of unimaginable might, and its warning to me was clear—never attempt to access the depths of that power."