
Reincarnated as Severus snape

A soul from our world reincarnated as Severus Snape with wishes and a annoying Golden trio

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12 Chs

Chapter 1

In dark and silent Void we can see a soul made of light talking to a big ball of light which was giving a feeling of superiority but with calmness and familial love at the same time.

The soul of light said:" So you are saying I died because you accidentally spilt my remaining life essence so I died in my previous world."

Big ball of light said:" Yes and I am very sorry for this, That's why I am going to give you 3 wishes with the world of your choosing."

Soul said:" it's okay not like anyone is waiting for me back home, but can I know who are you and are there any restrictions on the wishes."

Big Ball of light said:" I can't tell you about who I am as you are not going heaven or hell but getting reincarnated so you can't know about me and for restrictions, the only restriction is you can't ask to become a God and before you ask I already tell you that you will retain the memories of the world you are going but not your previous world."

The soul said:" Ok, can I have 5 minutes to think about my wishes."

The big ball of light said:" Of course, you can take as much as you want because time doesn't matter here."

After thinking for a while The soul said:" Ok, I have decided on my wishes."

The big ball of light moved a little in a motion of nodding and the Soul said:" For my first wish I want to have Nano Machine from the book "Nano Machine". 😅

For My second wish i want to have a space with unlimited resources and whatever i throw in it should also be available in Unlimited quantity.

For My third wish i want to have Dragon bloodline which increases my magic, affinity with shadow and darkness and give me powers to tame any magical creature i want


Last but not the least i want to reincarnate in the world of Harry Potter but will you do me a favour and make it that the girls i fall in love with accept polygamy."

Soul laughed awkwardly and thought,' why the hell i even asked for this shit.'

The big ball laughed loudly and said," Hahahaha, i like it and as for your wishes all of them can be done accept that you won't be able to increase living organisms except plants to unlimited quantity as i don't want to see thousands of people with Dragon blood in them."

The soul bowed and said," Thank you for your generosity and i hope my looks won't be a problem right."

The big ball of light said," Aren't you a greedy one but nevermind it will be done and go on your way and give me some rest."

Soul was about to say something but immediately disappeared and Big ball of light said in a mischievous tone," Now to make this scenerio more interesting why don't i send those three at his time also." and started laughing.


Thanks for reading.🤣🤣🤣🤣