
Ch.17 Helping her

Entering the room, he could see Ayano crouching in the corner as she mumbled something to herself. 

Before he went towards her, he decided to lay Chifuyu on the bench slowly while making a pillow from the towel next to the bench to give her some headrests.

'Should I just avoid it?' Looking back towards Ayano, he can still see her crouching in the corner and wanting to not interact with her as he could feel that it would not end well.

'Let's get the stuff from outside first.' He suddenly remembered that he had dropped the stuff outside the main entrance, so leaving both of them alone there, he went towards the main entrance.

While going towards the main entrance, he didn't encounter Nanase once or see her anywhere in the shop, 'Oh well, probably she has something to do, let's hope the stuff is still outside.'

"That's good." He sighs lightly in relief, as exiting the shop, he can still see the bag filled with pastry and the handbag of Chifuyu outside the door.

Picking up the bag, he decided to check the condition of the pastries and luckily they were all good afterwards he picked up the handbag but decided not to snoop into it.

'Well, let's go back.' Hoping that Ayano had returned to being normal, he went back towards the locker room to look after Chifuyu until she woke up.

Entering back into the locker room, he was relieved to see Ayano finally away from that corner but instead sitting next to Chifuyu's unconscious body.

"Oh you are back, and I am extremely sorry about the stuff that happened earlier." The moment she matched his eyes, she immediately stood up and bowed down in embarrassment at what happened earlier.

"Ah don't worry, it's not a big deal. And I should be thanking you instead for letting us borrow this locker room." Patting her back lightly, he went towards Chifuyu and lightly laid down the bag near the bench and the handbag next to her.

"Oh, that- yeah." Mumbling something to herself, Ayano looked back with a smile while feeling a lot lighter after the incident that happened earlier.

"Also is it alright for you to be here for this long?" He asked her curiously as he remembered the other lady in the shop looking pretty annoyed while taking the orders.

"Ahhh- I will be back after my shift is over, and if you need anything just call me." In a hurry, she ran out of the locker room and after a while he could hear a lady scolding her, while she was apologising profusely.

He couldn't help but let out a chuckle as he found the situation kind of funny even though she was suffering outside.

After the scolding ended outside, he decided to look around the room as he had nothing to do except wait till Chifuyu woke up, who looked to be in a deep sleep.

"Hmm let's try this." Laying his eyes on the pastry bag, he decided to take one out as he still felt pretty hungry and it would also help distract his mind.

"Huh?" Just as he took out one pastry, he suddenly heard the sound of something falling down and then a light scream of pain.

Curious about the source, he looked towards Chifuyu once before exiting the room and walking towards the sounds, which were in the back of the cafe.

'Should have probably put it back there.' He realised too late that he was still carrying the chocolate pastry, and he couldn't help but feel a bit of regret.

'Too late now.' With a tinge of regret, he opened the door which led to the back side of the cafe and was met with a pretty strange visual.

Outside, he was met with the visual of Nanasa picking up a fork and spoon from the ground and putting back inside a carton which looked somewhat deformed.

While she was picking up a fork, she heard the sound of the door opening and looking towards it, her eyes were met with the guy who had seen her naked earlier.

"Youuuuuuu!" Jolting straight up with a frown, she pointed her fork towards him with an annoyed face.

"Oh don't worry, I am not here to harm you. I just heard some weird sound so I came here." He said while slowly raising his hand with a smile and he didn't forget to balance the pastry on the plate so it didn't fall.

"If you say so." Nodding her head with a frown, she went back to pick up the fork and spoon from the ground.

As he was watching her pick up the spoons, he could hear her groaning lightly while limping a bit and looking towards her leg, he could see her left foot was a little red.

'Hmm, so that's what happened.' He could somewhat guess that she probably kicked the carton in annoyance and created this mess, 'Well let's help her first.'

Without even asking her, he started to pick up the spoons but felt a little annoyed due to the pastry plate in his hand which he had to keep balancing.

"What are you doing?" Nanase asked while looking at him with raised eyebrows and feeling a bit annoyed as she didn't want any help even if her feet were hurting.

"Oh, just trying to help, anyway take this." He didn't feel like arguing with her, so just decided to give her the pastry plate and went back to picking up the spoon and putting it back inside the carton.

"Why are you doing this?" She couldn't understand his behaviour at all as just earlier, she was swearing at him for silly reasons so she didn't understand why he was helping her.

"Ahh can't let you do all this in that condition, so just sit back and relax." He said while pointing towards her injured feet as he didn't want to leave her alone in that state.

Instead of saying anything, she just nodded her head lightly and leaned against the wall while looking at him with a curious gaze.

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