
Chapter 1

[Chapter 1]

In a remote village far away from the great empire, a group of children could be seen playing tag happily. The village didn't look too good in condition, but the children were nonetheless playing peacefully.

They were completely unaware of the wickedness of the world, the fact that corruption had taken deep roots in the empire, and their parents were forced into labor to pay off ever-increasing taxes imposed by the empire.

They were just mere children, enjoying their games.

However, while most of the children were engaged in the game of tag, a girl with pinkish-orangish hair leaned against a tree, seemingly lost in deep thought.

'How the fuck did I reincarnate in this world? And why as a girl?'

Those were her thoughts. She wasn't from this world, but from a modern world, and she had been a boy in her past life.

One day, 'he' was out buying groceries when someone ruthlessly drove over him, sending him to this new world as a newborn girl.

Initially distraught about dying and coming to this medieval world, he loved the modern world and its conveniences. Suddenly being asked to live without the internet was just plain torture.

And one more thing, she was already aware of the world she had come into and who she had become.

She had reincarnated into the world of "Akame Ga Kill" as one of the important characters called Chelsea.

She decided that it was useless to dwell too much on something she had no control over, but instead, she should focus on her future now that she was already in this dangerous world.

She had watched the anime "Akame Ga Kill" in her previous life a long time ago and knew about some major events and details. She knew she would be brutally murdered by Akame's sister, Kurome, in a fight and later be put on display as a show where her dead body would be studied, with her head shown to the public.

Honestly, she felt very bad when even her dead body was treated with such disrespect in the anime.

There was no way she was going to be that naïve this time and let herself be killed so easily.

Not when she already possessed her imperial arms. She was able to inherit the imperial arms when she was born. In the anime, it was not explained how someone gained these weapons at birth, but she was born with her imperial weapon.

As for how she got born with something like an imperial weapon or Teigu, she had no idea. It seemed that some things had changed. She was pretty sure that imperial weapons were made as objects and contained supernatural powers.

But she was not sure where her weapon was. To put it into words, it was more like she was born with a skill similar to the imperial weapon Chelsea from the anime had. It was more of a skill than an imperial arm.

There were different types of imperial arms, and while some of them required a certain compatibility to be used, others could be inherited. Chelsea, in the anime, must have found her weapon in the future.

Whatever it was, she, as a reincarnate, had no clue about it whatsoever. It was more like she now had a skill similar to the imperial arms Chelsea wielded in the anime: Gaea Foundation.

Her imperial arms had given her the ability to transform into anyone she touches once in her lifetime. This ability was actually overpowered, and the anime couldn't fully draw out its potential, according to her.

This ability not only allowed her to impersonate someone but also gave her access to some of their abilities, making them her own. It was a broken power, and she knew that if she trained appropriately, she might be able to extend it further.

She was currently four years old, and from what she knew about this world, her village would be slaughtered soon, leaving her as the sole survivor. Later, she would seek revenge against the Empire by joining Night Raid.

Naturally, coming into this world, she intended to alter the plot a little for her own benefit. She wouldn't interfere too much, lest she lose control of everything.

She was still as weak as a chicken, and there was no way she could protect her village with the meager power she had. Not to mention, she couldn't trust anyone from the empire to help her cause.

Even the Revolutionary Army might not aid her; they were too busy, and they wouldn't believe the words of a four-year-old girl either.

So for now, the most she could do was train. She needed to train with her imperial arms and escape from this doomed village.

She felt sympathy towards her villagers, but she couldn't give her life for them. Her parents had abandoned her when she was born, and now she only had a little sister.

She would take her sister and flee the village at the appropriate time, trying to find a relatively safer place. She doubted she could find true safety in this world, so she would settle for a place that was relatively less dangerous.

Currently, she was living in her parents' house with her sister. Their parents had become food for the danger beasts some time ago, just after she had turned three years old.

The village aunties would help her occasionally with food or other things, but only minimally out of pity, since food was expensive and even their own houses faced shortages. One could imagine how terribly the two sisters lived, as no one wanted to take them in.

But she understood perfectly. Survival was more important, and the Empire was cruel to these poor villagers. Yet, she was still grateful to them because they provided her with a little bit of food.

To survive, she was forced to start training in embroidery under a seamstress in her village to meet their basic needs.

Having been a boy in her past life, she was more or less used to physical work. She used to be a professional athlete at one point in her old life.

Her hands were always covered in bandages, but no one had the time to care. Everyone worked hard, and she was no exception.

'The earlier she realized the cruelty of the world, the faster she would mature...' These were their simple thoughts.

Of course, they believed that once she was old enough, she could just marry a man in the village and spend the rest of her life doing household chores and being happy.

They weren't aware that they would soon be mercilessly slaughtered.


[Author's Note-

The novel will have some original characters from the author itself which were not there in the anime. These characters would be completely original and will mingle with Chelsea as she follows along.

The novel will start from the very scratch when Chelsea was still a kid before even joining the revolutionary army, although the childhood arc won't be long but it will be worth the read.

There will be some things different from the main story as well, and a reminder that the main character has only the knowledge of some major events from main anime, other than that he knows nothing more.

Enjoy the novel.]


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