
Reincarnated as a vampire lord

Being a worthless person in his other life he also died a worthless death, He was a game player 24/7 all he did was play games which didn't earn him much income. He died and he was now reincarnated. -------------------------- 'Damm' 'what where the fuck am i' the boy thought as he looked around him, he looked like he was in a house and was currently lying on the bed, he stood up immediately as he went out looking around, he noticed that the place where he was looked like a village. 'Fuck am I in hell' he thought not wanting to voice it out loud so as not to draw attention, 'uh but where the fuck am I Going back into the house he was thinking hard about the question, where was he? Before he came to this mysterious place, he was running away from some bandits he caught harassing a girl he didn't even try to help the girl but still he was pursued by them, while he was crossing the road he got hit by a bus which should have made him dead by now. ---------------------------------- Now he had a vampire system but things didn't go well as his 'world' was being invaded by other system users and they were all stealing his spot light. "Have you heard of the great blue dragon?" "damn I pray that ??? Level demon stays away from me" (read the book to know why those question marks are there) "Do you know of those seven handsome male heroes? especially Lucifer he the most good looking" "Do you know of the creatures called vampires? Eww they disgust me" -------------------------- Now he had promised himself to make his race one of the greatest in the whole of history once again but when his goals are planned to be crushed which step will he take? Will he use sacrifices or find a safe route to his goal. ******************** DISCLAIMER- I DO NOT OWN THIS BOOK COVER! MESSAGE ME IF YOU WANT IT TO BE TAKEN DOWN. The first few chapters may be a little disappointing as I am still an new writer. Please support me with your reviews or powa stones I need them. Tags #HENTAI,# R18, #VAMPIRE, #MYSTERY, #SYSTEM, #WEAK TO STRONG, #EVIL MC, #REINCARNATION.

Dreamy_winter · Kỳ huyễn
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44 Chs

Summons (R18)

Note that some scenes are inappropriate for some readers skip this chapter or read at your own cost


Walking on the road Jagger was now in the slums and not more in the rich area people looked at him as he passed by 'oh I'm still wearing this' Jagger thought looking at his body as he now understood that it was because of the attire that he was being looked at by the people of the slums.

He looked sideways at the person beside him it was his sister, the hero.

he didn't understand why she was so clingy to him, Jagger never had a sibling so he never felt like this before but now he was getting used to it.

In another place a man with scar's on his face could be seen coming out of the shadows as he stood near a chair with a desk at the front, "what do you want? aren't you supposed to be looking for ideas" asked the fat man with anger he was on the bed inside his office, he seemed angry due to being interrupted as his palm was fondling the breasts of the lady beneath him.

She had almost no clothes on her body she seemed to be a little bruised on her hands as the fat man ignores Rollan and forces a kiss on her lips she couldn't do anything but stay as Rollan kept watching 'sister forgive me' Rollan said in his mind as he watched his sister being r*ped in his front.

He opens her legs inserting his brother into her as he immediately starts moving after some seconds blood starts pouring out of her special area but this didn't matter to the fat man as he continues doing what he enjoyed.

Even after pouring much of his seed inside her he continued pounding, the fat man normally had what he wanted and when it came to women he always did but he had never been able to make a move on this beautiful lady because he had made a deal with Rollan which was that he would not touch his sister as long as she does nothing wrong thing and when the man heard of what she did he was overjoyed and this was the reason he didn't want to stop now because she would have to make another mistake for him to be with her.

Not too long the fat man was done with the lady he told her to take her to leave here as he put a towel on her body, she was scared she would never be the same but it didn't matter to the fat man he gave orders and they had to follow them.

"so what did you find out," the fat man said putting on his clothes," he was actually from a village that was recently destroyed by demons but they have no record of him for a long time ago before he arrived so it was decided that he was a summon in the body of a boy who had died."

"Why do you think so?" asked the fat man with curiosity, "summons are known to be or are called otherworlders, it is believed that when people from our world die they go to that world to live but when people in that world die they still reborn it that same world only people with the power or will matching that of the heroes will be able to be brought here to reborn as the heroes but there is another method of bringing otherworlders to our world and that is summoning.

when a person is summoned they need a vessel and the people needed to carry out the summons are supposed to have great magical energy but even when someone is summoned they don't appear immediately it could take years or centuries, so I guess that he was not recently summoned" said Rollan with a straight face.

The fat man nodded his head in approval as he said "take 200 gold coins on that table and give them to your sister tell her I apologize for what I did" Rollan was surprised but he accepted immediately not asking questions "also I need you to go to the assassin guild and hire around five silver grade assassin's to kidnap that boy" the fat man said, "you don't need need to hire assassin's I can get him for you" Rollan said bold " no that's not it I want to test his strength if I sent you he would be dealt with easily" said the fat man as Rollan now understood why he sent silver grade.

A smile appeared on the face of the fat man, an evil smile "Zack you have done it again" the fat man said calling out his name, he gave the money to Rollan and apologized just because he didn't want one of his favorite pawns to go out of hand he was a careful man who played his cards well and he hopes for Jagger to become one of his pawns.


Note that I don't know how to write this kind of scene's and thank you for reading, sorry for the long wait.

5 power stones - 1 bonus chapter

1 golden ticket - 5 bonus chapters.