
Reincarnated as a Bow

(Updated Version) *In a different universe 'Aaghh... Am I alive? Did Ozzie die?' Bramson Tried to speak but realized his voice didn't seem to work. He quickly stood up, and looked at himself... And realized he couldn't see himself. He didn't even seem to be able to move forward or backward. He felt like someone was watching him. As he looked around, he suddenly saw a gargantuan head, with its huge mouth that was easily the size of a football stadium opened. "You are my final resort... I leave this world in your hands and my power in your friends... Goodbye." A voice resounded through the abyss. 'Who! Help! Who are you!' Bramson tried frantically to yell at the voice, but try as he might he could not speak. Slowly, his thoughts started to fade, his vision dimmed, and his consciousness left him. Authors Notes: Heavily Inspired by I Reincarnated as a Shinia No Harem Or Romance 1500 Words/Chap, 1 chap/day unless sick/out of town. MC Will use people, not be used. (Spoiler) His friend who died with him is the system, but he won't know for some time. First Novel, Sorry for grammar or flow errors. Please do point them out, so I can fix them. (First Novel I actually try on)

ThatWritingDude · Kỳ huyễn
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24 Chs


<Quest Complete: Basic stance: Reward: 20TP, New quests: Basic Nock, Basic Draw>

Whilst the system told him this, Basmon looked through the shop, looking for a new skill to buy with his 30TP. He ended up deciding on triple shot, as in the air the arrow would split and become 3 in the air. This ability could, of course, be upgraded so he could gain more arrows on the split. Sadly, he would have to use it more to upgrade it.

Triple Shot: Shoots 3 arrows instead of 1, Cost 4 Mana. (0/100 EXP)

Basmon then looked at the other quests; Basic Nock and Basic Draw. Their Rewards were hidden, which seems to imply that how well he does on the quest changes the reward. 'Train' Basmon thought, assuming that the book on A Basic Nock would be in the training room.

Inside the training room, on the same unassuming spot, 2 new training books appeared as Basmon teleported there. Basmon ignored the book on Basic Draw for now and looked at the book that said Basic Nock. It had a close-up image of a man pulling back an arrow, with the words 'Guide To a Basic Draw' written on it. 'Spectral Body' Basmon said, picking it up, and started to read. An interesting situation was formed, with a glowing-ghost like man sitting down on a bench, one hand on a normal-looking recurve bow, the other hand on a book. How the book didn't slip through him, no one knows.

After about 30 minutes, he decided to try and nock the arrow correctly. He grabbed the arrow at the end, placed it against the bow, and pushed the arrow back. According to the book, some people would nock the arrow against the string first, but that way you had a lot less control and it would be slower. The shaft of the arrow was slightly above his hand (On the handle) and he nocked the arrow to the string. He homed the arrow, put a random target in the room into his sights, and released...

It hit the target. Wonderful. Then, he started to try and do it over and over again. He slowly got faster. At first, it took him about 30 seconds to full nock and release an arrow, but after running out and regenerating mana a couple of times, he had shortened the time down to 20 seconds.

<Congradulations: Basic Nock Completed. +30TP>

The system said he had completed the quest, but it did not give him a new quest. He then decided to try and kill a lone wolf, so he left the training room by thinking 'Train' again. He destroyed the spectral body and used bow control to float above the trees, to look for a lone wolf. He still did not feel confident with multiple opponents. After a while, he found a pack of wolves hunting... What looked like a centaur? 'Well... I have to remember this IS a fantasy world... I guess...' Basmon thought to himself, deciding to wait until a wolf left the group so he could ambush him. After a while, the centaur had died, and one of the wolves left the pack, to do who knows what, but Basmon followed him for a spell. After a while, he realized that the wolf had stopped, and summoned the Spectral Body. Whilst the wolf stood still, he summoned an arrow, set up his stance, and nocked the arrow.

He pulled back the arrow... Activated triple shot... and released. One of the arrows hit the wolf in the head, the other 2 completely missing. The wolf screeched, instantly alerting other wolves. Basmon, who knew it wasn't dead yet, immediately pulled back another arrow, and released. The arrows hit the wolf, one in the head, finally killing it.

<+2 Exp Triple shot. Quest Completion: Death: 1/20>

The system announcement came out, and he knew he had killed it. He immediately jumped up, and started to run. He was low on mana, and wouldn't be able to use bow control for a super long time, so he wanted to get the most use out of this spectral body. Wolves quickly caught up, and started to yap at his feet. About 20 wolves surrounded him on all sides, slowly closing in. Basmon, right as they jumped through himself (The Bow) into the air, immediately activating bow control so he was in the air, able to easily run from the wolves. The wolves, on the other hand, looked around in confusion. This dumb purple thing died in 1 hit, and then just disappeared.

Basmon had survived, killed a wolf, gotten his revenge, and escape flawlessly. 'Awesome! That was so exhilarating!!!' Basmon thought to himself, adrenaline still coursing through him. He still did not know how he could experience that, because he wasn't a human or even really living, but he had nothing he could do about it, so he just put it on the back burner.

Now, Basmon just needed to do the other quest, Basic Draw. He went to the training room, but unexpected to him, the book he expected was not there. He looked around, finally finding the book under a plant in the break room. He summoned Spectral Body, grabbed it, and started reading. After a while, he started to practice what he had learned.

He made sure his head was straight, Relaxed and lowered his shoulders, straightened his wrist, and centered the string. He made sure his chest was perpendicular to the target, while trying to find his "Archer Point" (Something that can take people years to master), and pulled back the arrow using not only his arm, but also his back. He made his index finger was close to his mouth and released it. The arrow hit, but not perfectly. It was on the edge of the target.

After this, he started to try and make shooting the bow smooth. It should be one clean motion, not so mixed up and slow like he had been doing. After a couple of hours, he had gotten down the basics of an Archers Draw.

<Quest Complete: Basic Draw: Reward: Fire Arrow: New quest generated: Hold and Aim>

Basmon quickly desummoned the Spectral Body, then went to check out his new skill, Fire Arrow. He had seen it earlier in the shop for 20TP. 'Information on Fire Arrow'

<Fire Arrow: Conjures an arrow made of fire, sets what it hits on fire (Cost: 5 Mana) (1/100 EXP)>

'Hmm... I guess I should use it at the start of a fight, then use regular arrows...' Basmon set up his new strategy and left the training room. Basmon then decided he wanted to go take care of some of the wolves. He still couldn't take on all of them, especially once his spectral body was killed, so he decided to try and snipe a couple after trapping them with fire. He wasn't sure where they were, so using bow control, he flew far above the trees and started looking for signs of the wolves. He was extremely bored, just looking for the wolves.

-10 Durability

Basmon reacted just barely in time, so the attacker did not do more damage.

A large bird came back into his sight, trying to grab him from the air.

Basmon summoned the Spectral Body, and used Flaming Arrow.

The arrow through the air...

And missed entirely. He was too used to shooting in a standing still position.

The bird took this to its advantage and dive-bombed him, claws extended towards Basmon.

Basmon had the Spectral Body throw the bow as far as he could, and the Spectral body died.

The bird immediately changed directions to follow the bow. Basmon used bow control, trying his hardest to get away, dodging and weaving whilst the bird attacked him.

-10 Durability

One of the first things Basmon tried was going to the training room, but he learned the hard way you can't if you were attacked within the last 30 minutes.

-10 Durability

He had already lost over 30 Durability, and he had no way to run. He only had 30TP left. He started looking through skills as fast as he could, trying to find a skill he could use.

<Skill Bought: Invisible (30 TP, Cost 10 Mana/Min)>

Basmon immediately used the invisible skill. In actuality, he was supposed to use it on an arrow, mainly for assassinations, but in this situation he used it on himself, the dropped himself to the ground.

-10 Durability

He had forgotten fall damage. Thankfully, the bird didn't know where he had gone.

"Screeeeach!!!" An ear-piercing cry was heard from the bird, who was mad and confused that its prey had gotten away. Basmon hid in a tree and started to heal his durability. He had lost half of his durability that fight (50) and had to heal. He could not wait to rank up, as that would give him more mana, skills, and durability, and this was why he needed to complete the quests. Above him, the bird could still be heard looking for him... But he would never find him.