
Chapter 87- Returning the Favour

"T-that was indeed Lady Drishti herself," Dreck informed about the identity of the woman who arrived at the end of the battle.

'Drishti,' naturally, after getting defeated last night, Ryuk had not thought much.

He planned to leave Ardoros like any other Flagbearer and train to settle his scores after he became strong.

Instead of maintaining his pride, acting with patience seemed more important.

But it seems there are some changes in his predestined plans.

Not because he understood the identity of that person or he was confident to defeat her now after taking some rest.

After all, with that battle, Ryuk knew the difference in their strength was enormous, maybe comparable to a predator and prey.

The only thing that caused all his changes in plan was the reason behind last night's event — he was not a puppet for someone's interest.

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