
Reckon the Ragnarok

Millenniums ago the Norse gods, giants, and other creatures all fought in the Ragnarok. This killed all humans, giants, and gods. A tragedy that happened so long ago, doomed to happen again. A group of teens all fall into fear and other despair when they realize they are the next characters of the Ragnarok.

RixVanus · Quân đội
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1 Chs

Lonel and friends (1)

I'm Lonel, I'm 15 and just started my second year of high school. My older brother Thomas. He's always been popular, strong, and loved. While I've always been unknown, weak, and unnoticed. I made peace with it, it's my life. One thing I've always had was my smarts. Unlike Thomas, I'm sly and intelligent. One time I tricked him into a money scheme that ended in me having more money than he's ever had. Of course, he beat me up for it but still, I kept the money. "Hi bro", he slapped my shoulder as I poured the milk into my cereal. The milk splashed onto the table. I looked down at it and zoned out. "Wow", I thought. "Lonel", my dad called my name. I looked up from the spilled milk and at him. "Don't cry over spilled milk, son".

I sighed and put the milk down on the table. I put on my jacket and backpack before running out the door. "Hey, the bus", Thomas shouted. I ran onto the bus and told the bus driver, "Thomas isn't coming to school today, you can drive off". She drove off and I went to the back of the bus. I watched as he tried chasing after the bus, only to get left behind. Not only are Thomas and I personalities different but so are our looks. He has blonde hair and blue eyes. I have black hair and green eyes. He's always a bit tan and filled with life, I'm always pale and look dead. As I turned around back to my seat everyone looked at me.

"Remember him? That's Thomas' brother", a girl whispered. "Lonel", some guy whispered back. "Yeah, I hear he's an ass". I put my headphones on so that I wouldn't have to hear them. I put my head back and closed my eyes. I awoke to someone tapping my shoulder. "Hey, we're almost at the school". I looked out the window to see us pulling onto the school lot. "Thanks". The guy looked a bit muscular but not too much. His hair was long and black, his eyes were as dark as his hair. "What's your name"? "I'm Fin, you"? "Lonel". He shook my hand. "Nice to meet you Lonel". We got off the bus and walked into the school. We talked while walking through the hallway. "Are you new to the town"?

"Yeah, is it obvious"? "Yeah, I don't know anyone else here who listens to My Chemical Romance," he said, pointing to my shirt. I looked down at the shirt I had gotten from the mall. "Yeah, you guys here seem picture perfect". "Everyone here is either rich and lucky, or poor and unlucky", Fin told me. "Yeah, I'd say I'm the second pick". "That's okay, I am too". "What do you guys do for fun here", I asked. "I've been here for two weeks and everything seems dull and gray". "Sometimes I go to the skate park, hang out at the mall, and I even have a band". "Really, what's you guys' name"? "Ragnarok". "That's cool, it fits the whole Norwegian vibe".

"I'll take you to meet them after school", he said, walking into his classroom. After school, I got off at his bus stop. He lived in a trailer. "It's not much, but it's home". I looked around, "It's not too shabby", I chuckled. He took me behind the trailer into a large shed. "You sure you're not trying to kill me"? He laughed and continued walking. There were posters and equipment everywhere. "Lonel, meet The Ragnarok". It was a girl with platinum blonde hair, she was also wearing an eye patch. The eye that I could see was dark green. There was another guy with light blue hair and grey eyes. The last guy was wearing a suit and had light blonde hair. He looked rich. "That right there is Slug, his real name is Ryan, but that's what we call him", he said, pointing to the rich guy.

"That chic over there is Haley, and the dude over there is Jonathan", he said. "You can't tell anyone about Slug, he's a rich guy and his parents think he's at violin practice right now", he laughed. "Hi everyone, nice to meet you", I waved. "Hey, who's this", Haley asked. "This is Lonel, he's a new friend... okay"? "Nice to meet you", Slug shook my hand. "Nice to meet ya", Jonathan said. "You can just call me John by the way". "Okay. What kind of music do you all play"? "We make rock and metal". "Cool, my favorite kind of music". "Really, what's your favorite band", Slug shouted. "It's between My Chemical Romance and Falling In Reverse". "Cool, you're a keeper for sure", Haley smiled. I smiled before sitting down on a bench.