
Ben the deity

In the vast expanse of the cosmos, there existed an omnipotent deity known as Ben. His power was unrivaled, and his authority absolute. He was the strongest being in the universe, and none could stand against him.

Ben had always existed, and he always would. He had created the universe with a single thought, and had watched over it ever since. His power was so great that he could move planets with a wave of his hand, and create new worlds with a mere flick of his finger.

Despite his immense strength, Ben was a benevolent god, and he watched over his creations with care and concern. He had imbued the universe with countless wonders and mysteries, and he took great pleasure in watching his children explore and discover them.

However, there were those who dared to challenge his authority. Other beings of great power sought to usurp his throne and take control of the universe. But Ben was always ready for them. He met their challenges with ease, striking them down with a mere thought.