
Reborn Into A Relatively Peaceful Life, But How Long Will It Last?

After sacrificing himself to save his comrades from an invading mecha fleet, Kaito 'Kite' awakens in a new, rustic world that harbors supernatural forces akin to his former home. Remarkably, the golden sword he clutched in his final moments also traveled with him. Could this blade be linked to his mysterious resurrection? Is he fated to be a warrior once more? Although all Kite yearns for is a tranquil existence, free from high-stake battles.

sun_imperial · Kỳ huyễn
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78 Chs

Green Flames

Kite smiled as he got up. The birds chirped outside. This town sure was nice. He kind of worried about learning more of this world. People back in his original world would say ignorance was bliss. What if this town had unsavory things?

He hummed. Granted, it already had the blacksmith who became a berserker as a blemish in its history.

The boy stood up. As soon as he stepped out, Liliana jumped on him like a playful dog.

"Kite, let's play!" Liliana asked.

Kite laughed. Was she going to make this a routine or something?

He ruffled Liliana's hair playfully. "You're full of energy this morning," he said with a chuckle. "Sure, what do you want to play?"

Liliana's eyes sparkled with mischief. "How about hide and seek? You're it!"

Before Kite could respond, Liliana dashed off, her laughter trailing behind her like a melody. Kite shook his head, a smile tugging at his lips. "Alright, you asked for it!" he called out, starting to count. "One, two, three..."

As he counted, Kite's thoughts wandered. Yes, the town had its dark tales, like the blacksmith turned berserker, but every place had its shadows. It was the light, the laughter of children, the warmth of the community, that made the town what it was.

"...ninety-eight, ninety-nine, one hundred! Ready or not, here I come!"

Kite opened his eyes and set off to find Liliana. The game took him through the yard and outside by the forest.

He found Liliana hiding behind a large oak tree in the backyard, her giggles giving her away. "Found you!" Kite exclaimed.

Liliana pouted playfully. "You're too good at this."

"Kids! Breakfast time!" Liliana's mom called out. 

Tomas smiled and ran to hug his big sis.

Liliana giggled and snuggled her brother. "How was the bed today, Tommy."

The five-year-old pouted. "I don't pee the bed all the time!"

Their mom smiled slightly. "Don't fight you two. Come on, let's go eat."

"Yay! Food!" Liliana exclaimed, running inside.

Kite wondered how one little girl could have so much energy.

Kite followed Liliana and Tomas back into the house, the comforting aroma of breakfast wafting through the air. The kitchen was a hive of activity, with pots bubbling on the stove and fresh bread on the table.

As they sat down, Elder Mirrin joined them, his eyes twinkling behind his spectacles. "Good morning, young ones," he greeted, serving himself a generous portion of scrambled eggs.

"Good morning, Elder Mirrin," Kite replied, taking a seat at the bustling table.

The family shared breakfast, exchanging stories and plans for the day. Kite enjoyed the warmth of the family's company, feeling more at home with each passing day.

After the meal, as they were clearing the table, Elder Mirrin turned to Kite with a thoughtful expression. "Kite, I've noticed your interest in the ways of our world," he began. "Would you like to learn how to make spells of your own?"

Kite's eyes widened with surprise and curiosity. "Really? I could do that?"

Mirrin nodded. "Indeed. You have shown great potential and an open heart. Those are the first steps in learning our ways."

Liliana clapped her hands excitedly. "Oh, Kite, you should definitely do it! It's so much fun!"

Kite smiled, the prospect of learning magic igniting a spark of excitement within him. "I would be honored to learn," he said.

"Very well," Mirrin said, a smile spreading across his face. "Let's go to the backyard." He glanced at his granddaughter and grandson. "You two are welcome to watch."

Liliana's eyes glistened. "Can't wait to see what kind of powers Kite has!"

In his old life, he could use green flames.

The backyard was bathed in the soft light of the morning sun, the dew on the grass sparkling like a field of diamonds. Elder Mirrin led them to a clear space, away from the overhanging branches and blooming flowers.

"Magic," Mirrin began, his voice taking on a reverent tone, "is projecting your will outward, manifesting your inner self."

Kite listened intently, the words resonating within him. He remembered the green flames he could conjure in his previous life—a manifestation of his inner strength and will. But they were also drawn from his surroundings. What Mirrin described sounded like only the inner energy.

Mirrin continued, "To harness magic, you must reach out with your spirit and shape it."

Kite closed his eyes, taking a deep breath. He reached out with his senses, feeling the warmth of the sun, the coolness of the breeze, and the vibrant life force of the earth beneath his feet. He shook his head. This was ki he was using. He wanted to learn how to only use inner energy.

"Now, focus on what you wish to achieve. Visualize it clearly in your mind," Mirrin instructed.

Kite focused, recalling the sensation of the green flames dancing at his fingertips. He imagined the warmth, the light, and the power.

He focused inward, feeling the energy that resided within him. It was a warm, pulsing force—a part of his very essence. He took a deep breath, allowing the energy to build, to swell from the core of his being.

Elder Mirrin watched, his gaze encouraging. "Remember, Kite, magic is an extension of your inner self. Let it flow outward."

With a steady exhale, Kite extended his hand, palm up, and willed the energy to manifest. There was a moment of stillness, a beat of silence, and then a soft green glow began to emanate from his hand. It grew brighter, coalescing into a small flame that danced upon his skin, harmless and controlled.

Liliana clapped her hands in delight. "You did it, Kite!"

Tomas looked on in awe, his eyes wide with wonder. "So cool!"

Mirrin nodded, a look of approval on his face. "Well done. You've taken your first step into a larger world, Kite. This flame is a reflection of your spirit—nurtured by your will and your heart."

Kite watched the flame, a sense of amazement washing over him. So one really could manifest stuff with only inner energy. He wondered if one could do the same with only outer energy. A smile crossed his face. He would have to experiment later.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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