
Reborn Into A Fantasy World

Yuto Kasumi was always interested in tarot card reading, and it had become one of his many hobbies throughout his rather short life. With the end of his short journey, a new one shall begin soon after in an entirely different world. Afterall, the end is only just the beginning! P.S: This story will contain a number of times my MC will perform tarot readings, and just wanted to say I am in no way an expert in the subject.

ConstantReign · Tranh châm biếm
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2 Chs

A New World

Just wanted to say that while the fantasy world he is being placed into is entirely made up by me, there might be crossovers with other fantasy worlds at some point.





'Wh-What the?!'

Yuto widened his eyes as he suddenly sat up while using his left hand to support himself while his right hand was gripped over his right eye. His eyes being widened to their max as his breathing was heavy, his shoulders were visibly going up and down as his eyes were shaking slightly. It took a bit for him to actually get a grip.

'The pain... it's gone?' Yuto thought in major confusion as he placed his hand on his chest, the bullet hole wasn't present. In fact, his clothes seemed to be back to their optimal condition, no signs of blood or sign that the bullet shot had even occurred. 'How is this possible? I know for a fact that I was shot...'

Yuto was seriously confused.

The pain and everything he had experienced a second ago was as real as real could be, and yet he felt as if none of it had even happened. Just what was going on here? He vividly remembered everything that had transpired, with the whole reading he did, to the attack and to the time that he was shot by that last gunman.

He had a thought though, and it honestly sounded ridiculous...

'Was I... brought back to life?'

It was a thought that he could only assume might have been what had happened to him to bring him into his current situation. To normal people, it would sound completely unbelievable. Though, he himself was quite aware of supernatural forces as well as higher beings, so maybe it wasn't so hard to believe.

That didn't mean he isn't surprised though.

If a higher being did indeed bring him back from the dead, then why was it that they did it? Was there even a reason for doing so in the first place? He shook his head as he gave a sigh, to which he soon gave a chuckle. He didn't expect the reading he did for himself to come into fruition to come true so fast, he died. Simple as that.

Perhaps this was why The Fool had appeared as one of the card? The Fool does represent a form of a new beginning after all, so maybe this new chance of life was that new beginning. It would make sense if that was the case. Speaking of which, he could feel that he still had some of his items on him. His clothes obviously, his tarot deck which he could feel in his pocket, his necklace around his neck, and a few others things too.

'Well, I guess I should be grateful for this second chance...' Yuto smiled slightly. He was only fifteen and yet he had his life come to its end so quickly, so at least he'll have the chance to live it more. He soon looked around to see that he was in some kind of bedroom of sorts, he himself sitting on the bed. 'Where is this place?'

Yuto could see that the room was made of both wood and stone and had only a few things inside. Those things being the bed he was on, a few bookshelves, a nearby wooden desk, as well as a few other basic pieces of furniture. He didn't recognise the room he was in right now at all, and it sure as hell wasn't a hospital or his own bedroom.

Yuto soon snapped his head towards the door as he heard it creak.


Yuto couldn't help but release a confused sound from his mouth as the door opened to reveal a young girl that appeared to be his age, a young girl with fair skin much like himself. She had long blonde neat hair that reached down past her waist along with a pair of blue eyes, along with her attire consisting of a white sleeping dress.

The dress was a bit tight so you could see that she had a developing chest.


[Appearance Image]


While Yuto couldn't get a clear view of her entirely, he had to admit that she was quite the beauty. If he was so bold to say, then he would have to say that the girl could put to shame quite a number of idols he had seen on the news and such. Though, her appearance wasn't what caught his attention the most, it was her clothes.

He wasn't sure if the white dress that she wore was sleeping attire or not, but if it was, then he had some suspicions sneaking into his mind. The type of dress she wore, if it was for sleeping, was something that no female wore anymore. It was attire that was usually seen back during more medieval times compared to modern times.

Everyone usually wore casual clothes or pajamas to sleep now.

'Was I just sent back to the past?' Yuto frowned ever so slightly as the thought passed through him. There were a number of possibilities, one being that he was sent to the past, or even that he was in an entirely different world. He was always open to superstition, so he wouldn't be too surprised at least. "Hello?"

"H-Hello, I'm glad to see that you've woken up..." The girl stuttered her words as she gave him a small bow. He could already tell that the girl probably wasn't used to talking with others or she was just simply too shy, the small stutter alone told him this. He noticed her avoiding to look him in the eyes as a red tint was visible on her face.

He sweatdropped at her nervousness as he decided to introduce himself.

"My name is Kasumi Yuto, it's a pleasure to meet you." Yuto pushed himself off the bed as he stood up, and when he did, he could judge that she was probably a head or so shorter than he was. "I assume that you were the one that placed me in the bed. I thank you for your assistance."

"I-Tt was actually my grandfather who found you, I just helped to check if you were okay..." The girl waved both her hands in front of her as she said this. She then soon realised something as she then gave another bow to him. "I apologise, I should introduce myself! My name is Liana Risestar, nice to meet you as well, Kasumi...!"

'Liana? That's an English name...' Yuto thought as he heard her introduction. If she wasn't Japanese, then it seemed that for whatever reason, he had no trouble understanding her. He did have knowledge in the English language, but not an expert at it. "My name is actually Yuto, Kasumi is my family name. My people introduce our names backwards."

"I-I see, then it's nice to meet you, Yuto..." Yuto couldn't help but sweatdrop once again at her awkwardness. Was this girl sheltered or something? "My grandfather is downstairs right now, so I believe that he might want to talk to you if that's okay..."

"Oh, sure. Let's go then, Liana-san."


"Oh yeah, they probably don't have honorifics..." Yuto muttered as he walked out of the door as Liana sent him a confused look. "Well, it's just a little thing my people add to people's names. Let's just leave it at that. It's really nothing you need to be concerned at all about."



"So, your name is Yuto?"

"Yes, it's a pleasure to meet you, Andrias-san." Yuto replied to an elderly man that was currently sat on the opposite side of the table to him. Liana was seated next to the old man as the two males were talking with one another. The old man being none other than Liana's grandfather, the one that wanted to talk with Yuto.

Adrias was an old man probably in his late sixties or so and still had quite the built body despite his age, along with greyish-blonde hair that was cut short. He had a clean beard on him as well along with a slightly bushy moustache to boot. His clothing being that of a typical medieval peasant, though he could see it was well made and not ragged at all.

Liana had led Yuto downstairs to the main room where Andrias was sitting at the table after having prepared breakfast, and Yuto had to admit that Andrias was quite the decent cook. Yuto had introduced himself to the man as the old man did the same in return, and Yuto could see the confused look the man had when he addressed him.

Yuto had already explained about his situation, though not entirely truthfully. He had just said that he wasn't sure how or why it was that he was unconscious on the ground, just that he had somehow ended up there. He couldn't say that he had amnesia as he had already revealed that he knew of his past, that being since he had explained of why he used honorifics.

He doubted they would believe him if he said that he did indeed have amnesia. Maybe if he said slight amnesia, though he was sure that might bring some issues in the future, so that wasn't happening.

"I can't say that I've heard of this Japan though, perhaps you're from another continent which we have not come to know of." Andrias assumed as Yuto just nodded his head in agreement. That was probably the best thing as he wasn't going to just up and say he was from another world, and plus, he wasn't even sure if that was true.

Though, he was sure he indeed was in another world, there was no continent that he knew of that was still in medieval looking times. Maybe he was wrong, he didn't know.

"So, what exactly is this continent called, Andrias-san?"

"Oh, we live upon the Continent of Malikanta."

Yuto frowned slightly as he heard the response. 'Yep, never heard of it...'

"So, what are you going to do now then, Yuto?" Andrias wondered curiously as he looked at the young boy in front of him. Yuto just blinked as the man asked this. "What do you intend to do from now on? It's obvious that you don't have any way of returning home to this Japan place you mentioned."

"Well, I suppose I'll just have to make do. I'll first gather information on this continent of yours as well as locating any means that may be able to bring me back home." Yuto replied with a shrug of his shoulders. He doubted there was a way for him to go back, but who knows, there might be something in this new world.

"Good, you have a cool head on your shoulders." Andrias voiced with approval. "Why don't you just stay with us? I don't mind you staying with us until you can find a method of getting back to your home. What do you say?"

"I don't want to be a burden..."

"No worries, young man! I'm completely fine with it!" Andrias grinned with a nod of his head. He then looked at his granddaughter, who had been listening to their conversation quietly. "I'm sure that Liana here doesn't mind either. We do have an extra room upstairs after all. What do you think, Liana?"

"I-I don't really mind..." The girl seemed embarrassed as both males looked at her.


"I suppose I owe you one, thanks Andrias-san." Yuto smiled a bit nervously. He didn't feel right taking advantage of Andrias's kindness, so he would make sure to pay the old man back one way or another one day. "I think I'm going to go and get some fresh air. I also want to explore this city of yours for a bit."

"Oh, Liana can show you around then!" Andrias voiced as he gestured towards his granddaughter, who flinched at the sudden mention of her name. "She was going to go and buy a few things from the stores anyway, so it would be best if she also showed you around in the process."

"I see, I hope it isn't much trouble, Liana-san."

"Don't w-worry, I don't mind. I'll go get changed. I'll be right back!" Liana assured as she stood up from the table before quickly running up to the room to get changed, she wasn't about to go out to the streets wearing her sleeping attire. Andrias just chuckled and smile as she left, he then looked towards Yuto.

"Oh, you should also accompany Liana tomorrow."

"Hm? Where to?"

"An examiner from the Malikanta Magic Authority Organisation will be arriving in the city soon, and they will allowing children your age to test for their affinity." Andrias explained. Yuto was majorly confused though, and Andrias noticed this. "Oh, you must not know, you aren't from here after all! We'll be testing if you have the ability to utilise the Noble or Sorcerer Magic Arts."

'Magic, huh?' Yuto thought curiously as he heard this. He knew that magic might exist somewhere in his previous world and was just undiscovered, but it seemed that it might be common knowledge here in this new world. He wasn't sure the difference between these Noble and Sorcerer Arts, but it sounded interesting. "Will they let me test for an... affinity?"

"Of course. As you are the same age Liana, they'll allow you to try out."

"I see. Very well then. I'll accompany here tomorrow."
