
Reborn In The Multiverse With A Unlimited Upgrade System


Aritra_99 · Tranh châm biếm
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All over the elemental nations people were wondering what the screen like object that was floating in the air was. Some thought of it as a new calamity and some as a punishment brought by the gods. All the kages of all the villages were getting quite concerned with this ongoing development. 

It wasn't until the screen lit up and a Face of a man appeared on it that people stopped their own imaginations about the phenomenon and looked up at the screen, eager to hear the man's words.

Those who didn't know the man were unaware of the storm that this man can bring. Those who knew him were scared. Scared of the shit storm that will be coming on the future. 


" What in the hell is happening." was onoki's initial reaction before a look of horror set on his face as he saw the man on the screen. 

Turning towards the nearby anbu he shouted," Secure the village and stay on guard, do not relax even for a moment."

Confused about the order the ANBUS did not question it though. " as you command my lord."


"Hiruzen, that deplorable man has appeared again." The one eyed resident cripple shouted,.

" I can see that." Hirizen replied

" What do you think he wants this time?" Homura asked

" How am I supposed to now that?"


" Who is this man?" Raikage A asked

" I don't know yo but his intro is cool ya fool" B replied

Raikage and the others looked at B with dead eyes

' Someday I will kill him myself, someday' was the general thought.

It was a few moments later that the man started to speak. His voice was smooth and carried a dominance. 

" Good evening people of the elemental nations. Many of you know me and many don't. But I do believe that you may have heard of me. My name is Lucifer. For those who don't know me I shall tell you about myself. I am a being who has existed and protected this world for centuries. My mere existence has kept many demons and evil gods from attacking this realm. I have existed from before the times of the sage of the six paths and have protected this world. I have seen the creation of the moon and the birth of the Elemental nations. I have witnessed the first shinobis and will live even after the last ones die out. Initially I was content with the way the world was progressing. The way the people were developing. I was pleased that humans were using chakra the way The sage of the six paths wanted to. I was content with you following the path of ninshu. But then you started to use chakra for evil and vile purposes. Killing Looting Massacring. I was angry, Terribly so but I did not intervene. I waited for a change. And change did come. I was happy when the clans came together and created the hidden villages in a sense of unity. I was content with the safety the villages provided to the new generation. but the cycle of hatred never left. It took on a more devastating image. World Wars. People killing each other for the senseless purpose of following orders. And who does these orders come from? Some power hungry fools who sit at the top and Lorded over others. Enough Is enough. I stood my hand believing a change will come but it never did. It took me this long that instead of waiting for a change I should be the change. Today I will apologize. To all the mothers who lost their children, All the wives who lost their husbands all the kids who lost their parents. I apologize for my neglect. I will not sit around and watch anymore from the side lines. No. Time has come for me to take action. From this day onwards I am on a mission. A mission to end the cycle of Hatred. A mission to purge those who wants violence and destruction. I am going to unify the Shinobi world. All the Kages and Daimyos watching this telecast you have been delivered a scroll on your desks. This scrolls contains that you have decided to join the Unified elemental nations and do not seek to wage war against me in this conquest. The kages, Daimyos and councils will be effective immediately giving up their power and authority and will be a part of the centralized ruling system. You can view this as a complete surrender to my conquest and be a part in it. Or you can try to oppose me and be killed in the process. Before the establishment of eternal peace this will be the last war. Now the decision is yours. You have 24 hours to decide your choice. Those who will join me will be protected by me and those who will oppose me shall be destroyed by me. Let's see if you are a true leader. Will you care for your people and give p your power or will you try to stay in power and be obliterated. The choice is yours. and so that you do not think that this is an empty speech I will let you glimpse at a fraction of my power. "

The screen turned black just as he said that. The people were wondering what was going to happen next when they saw something descending from the sky. It looked like a shooting star but it was heading straight towards them. All over the elemental Nations in every Hidden Village and Capitals a burning meteorite was descending from the sky. Those were large enough to dwarf the whole area of the villages and if even one of them hit its mark the damage caused would be devastating. The kages and shinobis were helpless as this was something that they could not defend against without proper time to come up with something. Just as the meteors were about to hit they suddenly vanished in thin air as if they were never there. Everyone breathed a sigh of relief . The screens Lit up again

" I hope that was enough of a demonstration to prove my strength and the truth of my words. If you wish to join the United elemental Nations simply sign on the document and it will be delivered to me. If you don't, then Prepare for war."

These were the last words before the screen turned black and vanished. All throughout the elemental Nations the kages and councils along with the Daimyos began their discussions to prepare for the decision that will reflect their future.


Back on the moon, As I ended the broadcast I turned towards the people present. " Well then in 24 hours we will know what awaits us. The choice is clear. Peace or Death." 


Madara was a busy man. Planning out his plans of revenge against Konoha and preparing his pawns for his Eye of the moon project. His First contact with Lucifer was in the battle of the End with Hashirama. He knew the strength Lucifer possessed. He and Hashirama together could not defeat him. So he was naturally beware of the man. When he used izanagi to resurrect himself he was sure that Lucifer does not know that he is even alive. But he also hated the man to his very core. Firstly he humiliated him in battle. Next he took away the entire uchiha clan from konoha and hid them somewhere even Black Zetsu couldn't find any trace of them. And the third reason came today. While he was sitting in his dark cave giving out Emo vibes and contemplating who he should manipulate to do his bidding suddenly a screen materialised in front of him. and the next moment that man appeared. The man he hated so much.

He summoned his susano blade and slashed towards the screen hoping to obliterate it but the attack phased through the screen as if it wasn't even there. " Fucking Hell" He cursed out in desperation. 

After hearing his speech he was once more Infuriated. " Fucking Bastard what gives him the right to decide how we use chakra. Black Zetsu!!"

A Black Gooish creature arose from the ground looking at Madara. " Yes master Madara." 

" Infiltrate every Hidden village with white zetsus and find out what they are planning. This might be the only chance we have to kill this bastard. I alone cannot defeat him. But the force of the entire shinobi world and the tentails will be enough. Also Prepare a new body I need to transfer to my prime. "

" You will use the edo tensei jutsu?"

"Yes that is the only solution for now."

" What about the side effects?"

" Once the war is over I will use nagato to summon me back in my real body using the outer path. I cannot fight that bastard with a body that can perish in a single attack."

" I never thought the great Madara Uchiha will be scared to face his death."

Glaring at zetsu madara said out with gritted teeth, " I am not scared of death. Do as you are told"

" As you say."


" What are we going to do about this situation?" A council member asked

" We are shinobi. The moment we wear a head band we are prepared to die for our nation. I will not be giving into the demands of some guy who has a little power. If we did that then this village would not have been standing. We are Kumo we will not back down. He wants war then so be it." A said standing up.

Some were motivated and some were doubtful but nobody opposed the Raikage. They will fight to protect their home and no one can stop that.


" ABSOLUTELY NOT" Danzo was the one who shouted

" Hiruzen Konoha is the strongest of all the five great villages, we will not bend over for some guy. Where is your pride as a shinobi?" Danzo continued

" Pride?? I thought shinobis should be emotionless tools according to you" Hiruzen snapped back

" Don't turn this around. We will not be giving into that monsters demands" Danzo snapped back

" Hokage sama he is just man. although from his display I would say he is quite powerful but taking on the entire shinobi world? Wouldn't that be too much even for the likes of the first hokage?" The Hyuga head commented

" Fool" The hyuga elder who was the previous patriarch said in an angry voice. Seeing the outburst from his own Father the Hyuga head along with all the others present looked at him

" Let me tell you young folks something. It was a long time back. All of you here weren't even born yet. The village was recently formed and we all were quite young. It was the day when Uchiha madara along with the nine tails came to destroy konoha and Lord Hashirama stopped him in the valley of the end. The story that is told to the younger generation is not what actually happened. Lord hashirama did fight Madara but it was this man who interfered in that battle. And he was the one who killed Madara. Hashiram and Madara teamed up to fight this guy and was manhandled like a 5 years old fighting a full grown kage. They both were crushed and humiliated before this man killed Madara. and that is not even the worst part." He paused

" There is worse?" Koharu wimpered

" Yes. The person Fighting madara and hashirama was just a shadow clone of this guy. When he killed Madara and left hashirama was powerless to even approach and detain him. I wanted to share this with you guys as the only older generation alive who knows of the true events. Although I do not hold any power over this council I will advise you this much. It is better to have him on your good side rather than having him after you. That is all." All of them had a grave expression on their faces after hearing the full story

" Even lord Hashirama was powerless" the Yamanaka head exclaimed 

"This is a disaster." Inuzuka head said out loud 

" What do you suggest ?" Hiruzen asked

" Sigh the papers and Join him. I would advise the Daimyo to do the same." 

" Hyuga clan elder. Are you suggesting handing over Kohona to that villain. Does the Hyuga clan plan to rebel?" Guess who

" Shut it " Hiruzen threw a glare at the man.

" Although I understand you point of view. I cannot agree with it. Giving up Konoha will mean that we are weak and will submit to another's will. Where there is a will there is a way. We are Konoha we will persevere through this ordeal." Hiruzen said 

Standing up he continued ," Prepare the Army and Lock down the village. We are officially entering the Third Great Shinobi War."


"Onoki what are we going to do?" The Daimyo who was present in the village asked Onoki in the counsel chambers

" I think it is better to Join him. " Onoki said 

There were noises of disagreement all over the chambers and it continued for some time before the daimyo raised his hand. After the chamber quieted down he asked, " Why?"

Onoki took a deep breath and began ," This individual is very powerful. And by powerful I mean something out of this world. During the first Shinobi world war, He was the one who killed all of our men who were marching towards konoha to crush it. At that time he had some relations with Konoha so he moved to protect it. He was the one who Killed the second Tsuchikage and tortured me in a genjutsu. He spared me out of a whim to let me grow stronger, This was my first contact with him.

The next one came in the second war when we went to raid Uzushio. The story is that the uzumakis activated a suicide seal and every body died except for me who escaped by flying. This is a bullshit cover story. It was this same man who butchered a force of 30,000 shinobis from three of the great nations within an hour or so. He killed the third Raikage while fighting me and the third Mizukage. After that he said that he will allow only one of the remaining kages to leave. I and the Mizukage battled each other and I am sitting here today because I was victorious in battle. Then this man proceeded to Erase the entire Island of Uzushio using some technique I had never seen before. The aftermath of that Technique was felt all over the elemental nations I believe. 

The reason I don't want to face this man is because it is simply impossible to defeat him."

The chamber was quite for five minutes before someone said," We have an army greater that 30,000 if all the nations come together."

Onoki looked at the man who spoke and said, " He has he ability to turn the dead into his soldiers who will not die in battle. As far as I know both the Raikage and Mizukage are in his army. He calls them Shadows. They will battle as long as he stands. It is simply impossible to defeat him." 

" Sign the document." The Earth Daimyo said in a resolute voice. 

"Daimyo sama.. " 

" The survival of my people is more important than being the one in power. A true leader is the one who will lay down his life for the good of his subjects. I have made my decision. Onoki Sign the Documents." 

Onoki nodded and both he and the Daimyo signed the documents. After they finished the documents vanished in a golden flash.

" I hope the future is bright." Daimyo said

" The will of the rock will persevere." Onoki commented


24 Hours had passed and the screen had appeared again . The people were eagerly waiting for the announcement of which villages choose to join and who will go to war. 

The screen lit up and the Lucifer appeared.

" Good Evening....."