
Reborn In SuperGene

Blacksupremacy123 · Võ hiệp
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2 Chs

Entering the world of Supergene

After, i said that i found myself in a room facing someone extremely beautiful in fact so beautiful that words could not begin to describe.

And she said" hello my name is Angelase,and I've been put in charge of helping you enter the predetermined world, mr leo."

leo " mmm if you say so but could you please explain how this whole thing will work cause God said something about receiving gifts and skills, and i am really confused"

Angelase the angel in charge of me said" well how that works is that you'll be given the chance to create 2 unique abilities known as gifts and have 3 specials skills or traits,please remember that you will be the one creating the gifts and whatever side effect come as a result of your created gifts shall be beared by you,so if there is no question please choose".

wow,that seems really cool and then i thought why did she say creating only gifts,so i asked her and guess what she said "you will be responsible for creating two gifts and their abilities but as for the skills or traits,you will give me three names and i will use the names to decide what kind of abilities you will have, so choose wisely and remember i am only giving you 1 hour to think"

so i began to think of what would be the best possible skills(names) and gifts while thinking of how mess up this whole process is but remembering how level headed i usually am, i manage cqlm down.

1 hour later

After what seemed like an eternity i came up with two incredible gifts and three skill name which i believe will be very helpful and at the same time very powerful, i said" for my two gifts i want something similar to the library of heavens path that Zhang Xuan had,and it should be customised to geno arts and please remove any part that won't work well while for my second gift i want the created gift which i named Divine monarch"

Angelase "mmm it's accepted but remember that only one gift will be active at the start of 16 years and you will have to find a way to awaken the other yourself"

well it doesn't matter anyway,I'll just choose the first gift since it'll be more helpful in the long run.

And she then continued "remember only two of these trait will be active and similarly you have to awaken the other yourself but remember that some things and beings will be included this story,in order to balance things out. so now, what skill name have you chosen"

damn it, she's doing this purposely but it doesn't matter now,I'll just choose the important two first.

After a painful agonising of moment i chose the two skill name which i want to be check out firsted.and with the utmost caution i choose the skill Martial prodigy and the trait which if it goes the way i planned can only be described as godly and it's name is Boundless. Angelase" are sure about this cause if you're sure, just tell me and I'll send you on your way ".

and with the greatest resolve i could muster i said " let the journey begin".