

As I opened my eyes I could see a bright light, as I started to get up I could see a lady with bright yellow hair and green emerald eyes.

"How long was I out for," I asked.

"A couple of hours," She replied "You used too much chakra which causes your body to shut down."

"Ok," I said while picking up my stuff. When I was about to leave she said "You can't go back to the academy yet, you have to let your body re-." Before she could finish her sentence I was already running back to the academy. When I reached the academy I saw that they just finished the tournament.

"Senji Sensei," I said "Who won our fight."

"You won," He replied "But since you didn't show up for your next match you were disqualified,"

"Sensei where is Daichi," I said

"Over there," He said pointing to a boy sitting down next to the battleground.

"Well, well, well, looks like I beat you," I said with a smug smile.

"Oh shut up," He said half laughing.

"You just need to try harder next time," I said.

"Next time I won't even need to try, you won't be able to blink before I send you flying," He said with a determined look.

After talking with Daichi I had to get ready for the last exam, Chakra control. When re-entering the academy we headed back to our classroom where Senji would place a leaf on our head and we would have to control our chakra to keep the leaf on our forehead. I have been training for this moment for the past 3 months. Once everyone had a leaf on their head we started the final exam. At about the 10-minute mark, 25% of our class was out. At the 15 minute mark, 50% of our class was out. At the 18 minute mark, 80% of our class was out. I reached 21 minutes before I ran out of chakra. I finished in 12th place, the rest dropped out until there were four, Daichi, Murayama, Rai, and Amai. In the end, Rai won as expected. At the end of the day, the rankings came out.

1st Rai Uchiha

2nd Amai Sarutobi

3rd Nagata Hyuga

4th Murayama

5th ...




9th Kenji

10th Daichi Uchiha

I was surprised that Murayama scored so high but I guess it was expected since she specializes in genjutsu has incredible chakra control and probably aced the written exam. I needed to do a lot of training if I wanted to catch up with them. After the class officially ended I went up to Senji

"Senji sensei I want to start to learn swordsmanship/kenjutsu and improve in my taijutsu," I said to him with puppy eyes.

"Oh, I do specialize in kenjutsu meet me at the academy grounds at 5:am tomorrow," He said.

Now that I had a teacher that could advise me through my kenjutsu, I should contact Daichi and see what he will be doing. I soon fell asleep exhausted after the long day. The next I woke up at 4:30 at headed straight to the academy training grounds to wait for Senji. At exactly 5:00 am he strolled in with a sword that was way bigger than mine, it almost looked like Zabuza's sword.

"I see you woke up," He said with a smile. "The Kenjutsu style that I practice is called the Lighting Demon Style. The idea of this style is to draw your sword so fast that your opponent will barely be able to react, when you a johnin or a high chunin you could infuse lightning chakra into your sword to make it faster and more powerful but that is for another time. So the first exercise will be the most simple and most important in this whole style, it is to simply shelve and unshelve your sword over and over."

After 2 hours of doing this, he said "Ok, this is where practice will end for today but keep practicing that." He then disappeared

"Keep practicing this my ass, this is so boring," I murmured.

It was currently 7:00 AM I went to the academy library and looked at more kenjutsu styles. Even though the lightning demon style was awesome it lacked a lot of defense so just like my taijutsu I needed a defensive style. There were a lot of options but I narrowed it down to one. The Water Dance Technique It was a technique that was used to circle the opponent like a dance. After they were in a circle I would use the lightning demon technique to dash through the encircled opponent and overwhelm them with attacks.

After leaving the Libary it was still 8:00 AM, for the next four hours I would condition my body. I started to run around the village until I fell of exhaustion. I would then rest for 30 minutes then do the same thing with push-ups until I couldn't do anymore, then with squats, and finally with pull-ups. When I finished all my physical conditioning it was noon. I met up with Daichi for lunch, we went to Ichiraku Ramen. I learned that he was currently undergoing ninjutsu training from his dad. After we finished lunch I paid for it then started to train my taijutsu styles. I went to the academy training grounds where I trained for 2 hours.

When I was about to finish my set I heard a voice behind me "Hey you're Daichi right,"

I turned around to see Amai Sarutobi, "Yea, you're Amai right," I replied.

"Yea, I noticed you were practicing your taijutsu and I thought we could spar," She said with a smile. Currently, I wasn't much of a match for Amai she had amazing Earth Styler jutsu but it was a good experience so I said "Sure."

We walked towards that battleground. In less than 1 minute I lossed. She first trapped me in Mud and while I was trying to get out she happily hopped and held a kunai to my neck "Looks like I won," She said happily.

After meeting with Amai I trained my chakra control and all my jutsu to get more proficient with all my jutsu's. After meeting with Amai I felt that I was lacking something but I didn't know what it was. I think I should learn something new.


Should Kenji learn...

A) Gejutsu

B) More ninjutsu

Character Update!

[Name: Kenji]

[Gender: Male]

[Race: Human]

[Strength: Mid Acadmey Student Level]

[Stamina: High Mid Acadmey Student Level]

[Speed: High Mid Acadmey Student Level]

[Defense: Mid Acadmey Student Level]

[Taijutsu: High Mid Academy Student Level]

[Genjutsu: Clone Jutsu]

[Chakra Reserves: Mid Acadmey Student Level]

[Affinities: Water and Lightning]

[Jutsu: Substitution Jutsu, Fish Spit Jutsu, Static Strings Jutsu . ]

[Skills: Chakra control: 3/100, Sword Skill: 6/100(Lightning Demon Technique, Water Dance Technique)]

[Relationships: Daichi Uchiha 8/10 very friendly]

[Daichi Uchiha]

[Gender: Male]

[Race: Human]

[Strength: High Mid Acadmey Student Level]

[Stamina: Mid Acadmey Student Level]

[Speed: Mid Acadmey Student Level]

[Defense: High Mid Acadmey Student Level]

[Chakra Reserves: High Mid Acadmey Student Level]

[Taijutsu: High Mid Academy Student Level]

[Genjutsu: Clone Jutsu]

[Affinities: fire,?]

[Jutsu: Fire style: Fireball jutsu]

[Skills: Chakra control 5/100]

[Relationships: Kenji 9/10 very friendly]

[Amai Sarutobi]

[Gender: Female]

[Race: Human]

[Strength: Low Acadmey Student Level]

[Stamina: Low Mid Acadmey Student Level]

[Speed: Low Mid Acadmey Student Level]

[Defense: Low Acadmey Student Level]

[Chakra Reserves: High Acadmey Student Level]

[Taijutsu: Low Academy Student Level]

[Genjutsu: Clone Jutsu]

[Affinities: Earth,?]

[Jutsu: Earth style: Mud Swamp,????]

[Skills: Chakra control 6/100]

[Relationships: Kenji 6/10 just me him]

poopyscoopy123creators' thoughts