
Wait, WHAT! I died?!

As i was opening my eyes i could see i wasn't in my room. While i was recollecting my memories i had realized what had happened i was saving a group of kids from being hit by a truck. 'Hmm Where am i now.' i thought "Welcome child to my domain. For all your good deeds in your past life i will give you four wishes and your choice where you want to be reborn in. Choose carefully. oh and before i forget tell me your appearance." He said

"I want to be reborn in naruto. I want to have like kakashi's hair style but black, handsome, and be cute. For my first wish is to have instant max. My second wish is to make a new bloodline called OverKana Which stands for overpowered.-" "Please explain more about the new bloodline so i can create it." God interrupted. "Its special moves are Full Counter, Sharingan, and RASENGAN, Regular moves are all the jutsus from naruto." "ah i see please continue your third wish." "My third wish is to have access to other anime worlds. My fourth wish is to have a personal library filled with every power form every world and regular books and to keep my memories of my past life." "ok. Oh i forgot to mention you will be a baby when you start so good luck." "Wait wha---" and everything went black.