1 Chapter 1

Mike:"Where am I?"( Terror making my blood run cold)

Looking around all I see is a large, green forest.

Mike:"Okay I need to calm down and first find out where I am?" I get up I look for any clues. Nothing. I start walking while I am walking I feel something attached on my back. My hand reaches to touch, it feels furry. I look and see, shocked, that it is a tail.

Mike:"Okay so this could only mean one thing..... I AM A SAIYAN. This is a dream come true."

Before I started celebrating I hear a roar. I turn around and what looks like a dinosaur.


Mike:"Is that a freakin dinosaur I thought they were extinct I need to run now."

At that moment the dinosaur saw me. I started running.






Mike:(I did not know I could run this fast. Wait why am I even running I am a freakin Saiyan.)

Turning around I got into a punching pose.

Mike:"Alright you messed with the wrong person pal take this ahhhh"

I punched the dinosaur hard and it went flying.

Mike:"(okay this could either go really wrong or really awesome okay here goes nothing.)

Moving the ki inside my body to my hands I take a pose I remember from dragon ball

Mike:"Ka me ha me haaaaa"

A beam of ki was launched from my hands hitting the dinosaur and causing a explosion

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