
reborn in bleach with a few stupidly overpowered abilities

the MC was reincarnated into the bleach world with multiple stupidly overpowered abilities and he will use them to become strong enough to protect what he holds dear

jexishere · Tranh châm biếm
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18 Chs

foiled prison break

arriving in HQ sora and darius joined the royal guards they were already in uniform after all

"there has been a prison break and all of the escapees have shinigami powers so you are ordered return to your post after you get the piece of paper with the details of the escapees on it" the head said

it wasn't a major problem but the omnitsukido but they wanted to catch the criminals before the news got out sora of course arrived at his post practically an instant later and was notified they were given permission to kill

"prisoner #003 #007 #011 and #013" sora said seeing the prisoners

one attacked him sora smirked as he was defended by darius his loyal servant who parried and chopped off the prisoners head

"who else wants to disrespect my master" darius asked

they decided to all attack at once this time

"that's better" darius said as he parried all of them and one by one killed them once that was done sora waited for the clean up detail and the executive's when the corps commander captain yoruichi arrived with her guards and of course soifon was with them

"as yoruichi read the report everyone including sora and darius were kneeling with their heads lowered the one in charge of the prison was sweating bullets as he waited for yoruichi to speak

yoruichi finished reading and glanced to the one in charge but before she even opened her mouth the one in charge started speaking and sora had the impression this was going to be boring so he decided to take a little nap

"captain it was my fault for neglecting my duties I should be punished for my error" the one in charge said

"no it was mine I fell asleep I should be punished" a subordinate said

sora just kept sleeping away and no one noticed it was a nice nap too yoruichi have a defeated sigh while she watched as the two claiming responsibility were confronting each other this went on for some time before she glanced at sora's direction looked back sighed again then spoke

"well there is no need to brood over who's fault it was sora kusaragi stay behind the rest are dismissed" yoruichi said

"yes ma'am, we thank the captain for her leniency" they both said as they left

"you are also dismissed" soifon said talking to darius

"my place is by my master" darius said while glaring at soifon

"I don't want the two of you to bicker he's allowed to stay" yoruichi said knowing what would be coming

"sora kusaragi, get up" yoruichi called out there was no response

"how dare you ignore what lady yoruichi told you GET UP" soifon said a bit louder but what she didn't know was she crossed an invisible line for darius and a moment later there was a blade at soifon's neck

"you will never yell at master sora again and you will apologize and if you don't you will have no head" darius said

"sora please call off your guard dog" yoruichi said she knew soifon would never agree then they heard it a light snore yoruichi laughed hysterically before walking over to sora and poking him on the shoulder

"sora wake up" yoruichi said

"five more minutes" sora said yawning

"sora wake up" yoruichi said again and this time he looked up into yoruichi's face

"sorry about that I really didn't want to be bored with the two idiots" sora said

"would you mind calling him off" yoruichi said pointing at darius

"but of course darius" I called a second later he was at my right side and was saluting

"my lord" was all he said

"he's scary I hope you have him on a short leash" yoruichi said

"first off he is loyal to me so he has free rain and believe me when i say I've tested his loyalty secondly of course he's strong i have been personally training him I don't need a useless servant" sora said yoruichi nodded good enough soifon was about to start screaming at me but darius gave her the glare of doom which quickly shut her mouth

"sora I want your account on the matter" yoruichi said

"it appears they had assistance although I doubt it was from omnitsukido" sora said professionally

"interesting I will be investigating this as for you the nest of maggots currently doesn't have a corps commander I will transfer you there mold them into whatever you deem fit" yoruichi said

"wha..." soifon said shocked by this darius sneered at her however sora was expressionless as if he didn't really care

"as you wish" sora said indifferently

"report tomorrow for your test if you fail which I doubt you will but if you do you die word of warning" yoruichi said

sora then went to prepare for the transfer followed of course by darius