
reborn in bleach with a few stupidly overpowered abilities

the MC was reincarnated into the bleach world with multiple stupidly overpowered abilities and he will use them to become strong enough to protect what he holds dear

jexishere · Tranh châm biếm
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18 Chs

corps commander

sora was once again standing in front of yoruichi looking as carefree as always her personal guard sitting around her

"so you passed, huh" she asked

"Ask her" i said pointing at soifon who simply nodded yoruichi grew serious one of the few times sora saw her do so

"sora kusaragi from now on you will be the new corps commander of the detention unit and the 3rd seat of the 2nd division from henceforth are there any objections" yoruichi said complete silence they all knew first hand he deserved it after the nest of maggots and the stories about his academy days that they heard

"here" yoruichi said

she handed him a token it had the number 2 written in kanji on it and a pasqueflower below it behind it was 3rd seat and corps commander of the detention unit were also written on it

"as you wish" sora said still being expressionless

this brought made yoruichi mope a little she was hoping for something bigger from sora but she learned that he was just expressionless and polite and very mischievous but she quickly went back to her personality and sat down

at that sora bowed had both of his companions do the same and he excused them before leaving

<1 year later>

it's been a year since sora got promoted to corps commander of the detention unit and he has been training his underlings darius to be as powerful as possible and the women he had promised as the best assassins ever seen and they were taking there training quite well sora himself has been meditating a lot he learned that the nine-tailed fox and evolt could both communicate with his zanpakutos which was quite useful for him he of course also started upping the training regimen for the official detention unit members and focusing more on hakudo /binding\ he could now confidently say the detention unit was the most proficient in hakudo which caused him to smile there were no complaints of these actions of course there were some dissatisfactions at the start especially since sora never gave a speech and was very reclusive he then carefully searched for weak spots in the prisons defenses and then he completely changed whole routine layout and system of patrols and he would enhance them further once his assassins training was complete and they were released

he also asked for the females to be released from the nest of maggots so as to continue with what sora called special training but he wouldn't say what he meant by that he kept saying it was a surprise of course she was starting to think that he was favoring females he was also summoned and badgered by yoruichi

"two things first off i favor them as i know for a fact they are loyal to me secondly darius" was all sora said and when she heard the name darius sora was promptly dismissed if he favored woman darius would not be constantly with him in fact it reminded yoruichi about her relationship with soifon although she has a strange feeling that darius is more loyal to sora than soifon is loyal to her a strange feeling indeed

once all of the changes were in place and from time to time sporadically would drop in for an informal inspection so as to keep people fully focused with there training sora never punished his members for slacking off he would just shake his head with a sad look on his face and that worked as it put the worst feeling possible in his members when a person saw that no matter if he was slacking off or not he would jump to high gear and literally train until he falls over breathing for air this also made them more vigilant for his arrival training there senses and he has been known to drop in one day and the very next day drop in just to make certain they are on there best which really heightened there senses

this however did put in some pressure on them mentally causing them to sleep like logs during the night that however did not mean they couldn't jump if needed they liked seeing sora's approving smile it was a nice change from their previous leaders who just loved to scream and even on rest days they talk about sora's sad look as if he were betrayed