
Reborn : I Don't Need You To Take Responsibility !(Dropped)

After an unseen passionate night with her new employee,mafia leader Riya Hope realizes that she is pregnant.After three months of hiding this fact she decides to let the baby daddy know about his new responsibility.But what's this?On the day she decides to tell him a bunch of unknown people came and called him boss?Then another group came and called him mister CEO?But why did they start shooting everybody?!Riya died confused in the middle of a gunfight she knew nothing about. Only to be reborn in the moment of them doing the deed! "W-wait!What if I get pregnant!?" A certain CEO paused in his actions. "Then I will take responsibility" he said seriously. Riya was then effortlessly turned over and her legs where widened further.'But I don't want you to take responsibility!' she shouted woefully in her head. Riya wants nothing to do with this CEO who she thought brings nothing but trouble,but what can she do when he won't leave her alone? COVER NOT MINE!IT BELONGS TO THE ORIGINAL OWNER!

SweetCupcup · Thành thị
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8 Chs

Chapter 7

Colson nibbled on the slightly brunt toast in his hands.It was now 9 am and Riya had yet to leave her room.He was a bit worried.Thirty minutes passed and Colson finally decided to check on her.

When he reached her door he held out his fist and softly knocked.Hearing no response he knocked again.A minute passed and he still heard no response .He knocked a few more times even louder.Still not hearing hearing anything Colson became even more worried.He turned the knob of the door and seeing that it was unlocked he pushed it open.

He was met face to face with Riya's widened eyes who..was in the middle of changing!?They locked eyes for a second,the two of their faces becoming increasingly redder.Colson couldn't help but let his eyes trail down.Riya was in the middle of putting on a dress .The only thing she had on was her underwear .

Colson then looked up at Riya's bare chest,before he finally looked back up at Riya.They stayed like that for a moment.Riya finally snapped out of it."You!G-get out!" Riya shouted at him.Her face now resembling a tomato.Colson also snapped out of it and calmed him self down.



"Not until you answer my questions."

"Can't you wait until I get some clothes on ?!"

"Will you promise to answer me when your finished?",Riya was about to shout at him again when she saw his pain filled and hopeful eyes.All the words she wanted to say got stuck in her throat."Ugh!Fine!Just go!" Colson smiled happily and went to wait for her outside of her room.

Once she was finished changing she opened her door."What did you want to talk about?" Riya asked irritatedly,"Why have you been avoiding me?" Colson asked in a sad voice.Riya raised an eyebrow "You don't know?" Colson shook his head.

Riya glared at him ,"Why don't you go ask that other girl you got pregnant?".Colson looked at her in confusion ,before it finally came to him."From that time?!But you said you weren't angry?" "So you do admit you got her pregnant?!"Riya looked at him fiercely.Colson immediately shook his head "No!Of course not!" "Then what was all that talk about getting someone pregnant?" "The girl my mom wanted to marry faked her pregnancy to tie me down!I never touched her I swear !".

Riya looked him in the eyes and Colson looked back at her with innocent eyes."Hmm..." "You still don't believe me ?" Colson asked in a desperate voice."I believe you...but...go take care of that." Riya pointed down.Colson sighed in relief before also looking down.His face then immediately grew red.Because he was so focused on wanting to talk to Riya,he totally didn't notice his now erect wood!

"I bet you got it when you saw me naked!"

"I-its not like that!"Colson said his face growing even more red.

"Or maybe it's when you saw my stomach! Pervert!"

"I-its really not like that." Colson murmured quietly.He had indeed saw her slightly bulging stomach,but he swear it's not because of that !At the moment,even his ears were going red ."Go take care of it .I'm waiting in the kitchen,I'm hungry." Riya then turned and walked away.Seeing her walk away Colson immediately turned around and went towards the bathroom.




Lin Nuan stared at the other party vigilantly.While the other party looked at her in anger.Right now she was in a meeting from the second most influential mafia gang from Russia.The Armored House, what kind of name was that she didn't know.After she had relayed Riya's words to the other party,they had immediately became hostile.

"Are sure about this?" the representer who was sent to them asked with a heavy russian accent. Lin Nuan nodded at them.

"You do know what we will do if we don't get our way.Don't you?"

Lin Nuan gave them a light frown."Mr Komarov,I do not believe that is the right choice to make."

"Not the right choice?!The right choice is to make a deal with us for that drug! Didn't you make a deal with the Hei Hua gang from China?!So why not us?!"

"Mr Komarov,we both know why,and your remark earlier proved this.Im sorry but we don't want to make a deal with you."

Mr Komarov 'tched' and his guards behind him raised their guns."You see , you have no choice but to cooperate with me." Mr Komarov said with a smirk."Ah,I think you have been mistaken." suddenly men in suits bursted in and with out any orders shot down all of Mr Komarov's gaurds.He was shocked beyond belief.He didn't even get to tell his men to shoot before they were all shot down.

"You!" he glared fiercely at Lin Nuan and went for his gun.Before he could take it out one of the black suited men pushed him forward on the desk making lose his balance and fall down.The black suited man then lifted his head roughly by his hair while still pushing his body down on the desk.

Lin Nuan raised her gun and placed it on his forehead ,"You have brought this upon your self".A shot then ran out.

More than a thousand kilometers away, a man crushed the hearing piece in his hands angrily.