
reborn as the perfect original, with some tricks

warning 2-7 my mc stays out of the way for the most part and changes small things 8 on is when there will be bigger changes. Chapter 13 is the start of marvel I've never written anything before, so it'd be nice to have some slack. —————————— I had a strange dream that I died and got reborn in a mixture of The Originals and Marvel as an original. I thought that it would be an interesting topic to run with. Ethan was just your average person, He had a trucking job and when he drove, he loved listening to fanfictions. mainly about The Originals and the MCU. He always wished he had powers and was in these worlds but don't we all, but it's all in our head, that was until God made a mistake and threw a bolt of lightning on him. ————————— This will be a mixture of two different worlds, but it won't follow the story completely unlike the show it will follow the story's rules like it should, until I add my own twist and rules. "Like the older the vampire the stronger they are, not until the plot needs it to change." all credit goes to the writers of The Originals and the MCU. I only own my thoughts and character. I didn't make the cover picture and if the owner wishes for it to be change plz contact me and we can talk.

Busy_Driver · Phim ảnh
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41 Chs

Moving on

It's now the next evening. I'm right now in the woods with a man from the village that's knocked out. I want everything to be as perfect as possible.

Ayana had informed me that she already performed the spell on Mikeal as he left the hut in the morning.

It will make his anger more prominent than usual and focused on Esther.

She also put an illusion on me, so whenever Mikeal comes close, it will activate.

It will make it look like I'm shifting into a wolf and my bones are breaking.

Shortly after I get out of my head on my plan, I can smell Mikeal coming my way to join in the hunt.

I start to scream and fall on my knees, I see him rush over to me, until he goes to a dead stop once he registers what's going on.

Before I can say another word, he turns and runs towards the hut where mothers located.

As he runs, he runs by all my siblings who all look confused and curious why he came back so early and is running to the hut.

Once he leaves I vamp speed behind the hut and wait.

[Mikeal and Esther] he screams "YOU WHERE UNFAITHFUL ESTHER" Esther was cleaning up the area and was very confused "what do you mean Mikeal."

"The twins they are not mine I just seen Ethan turn into a beast, an abomination. Do you have anything to say for yourself."

She looks right in his eyes and calmly states "I do not have anything to say, I was just lonely and you could not live up to your duties."

Before she could blink, he had her around her throat and slammed her up against the wall.

While they were fighting inside the hut, all the children besides me was by the front door listening.

After they heard Mikeal slam her into the wall. They heard you'll die for this and a gasp.

That was my cue. After I heard it, I rushed in the door and shut it behind me.

I saw exactly what I wanted to. Esther up in the air with fathers hand around her neck.

I rushed up behind him, turned him to look at me and staked him. What kind of hurt after I did it was not that he died but the hurt and surprise in his eyes as I did it.

Mother falls to the ground and all I have to say is "why didn't you tell us, did you plan on hiding it all of our lives?"

All I got was a "sorry" and that's all I allowed to be said before I hit her behind the neck to knock her out and start feeding on her almost till death.

I heard Raphael say something in the back of my head, as I lifted my head up from feeding.

I thought, I was going to kill her right here right now, but then why not let Klaus. He did do it in the original timeline. I looked down at her, laying on the ground, bleeding out I lean down and stop the blood temporarily.

I rushed to the door and block the view from my siblings. I put a frantic look on my face and ask Klaus to come in with me real quick and block everyone else outside.

The first thing he asks is "what happened in here, brother why is father dead and mother almost."

I look at him right in the eyes and say " mother and father where fighting about us. Father was saying that we were not his. We are abominations. We are a beasts and mother do not deny it so when his rage he tried to kill her that's what I walked in on, so I stacked him with a white out stake that I made."

He looks at me and I can tell he's thinking it over trying to make sense of it in his own head.

I can hear the others at the door listening in on what is happening so I grabbed him and move him as far and as possible away from the door and whisper " in a fit of rage. I almost killed mother, but I stopped myself and I want you to do it instead I got my fill now you deserve the same. She made us who we are."

The reason why I didn't take the kill myself is because I didn't want to trigger my wolf cursed just yet. I don't know if it would affect gaining witch powers, so I want to wait just a little longer but I still want her dead.

He just stares at me for a second doesn't say a word turns around and start walking towards the door. I thought he was actually going to walk out and tell the others about what I just did but then suddenly he turns to mother and vamp speeds over to her , and before I knew it, her heart is in his hands I knew what would happen next, so before the transition started, I picked him up and ran towards the woods and dropped him off and ran back to my siblings.

I told them all the story that I made up the night before about father and in his rage of her infidelity try to kill her. I told him that's what I walked in on so I had no choice but to stake him. But unfortunately, he already ripped her heart out before I can get to them.

I also said the reason why I carried Klaus out was because it is it is rage of father killing mother, he started going crazy. so, I brought him into the woods where he could release is anger.

We all went our separate ways to think about what just happened.

Later that night, I went out into the woods to find Klaus and see if he turned back yet. as I walk further into the woods I see a gray and white wolf walk up to me and start turning back into human.

Before he could say anything, the first thing I did was hand him clothes to wear

As soon as he got dressed, he started asking questions.

[Klaus]" why did you leave me in the middle of the woods? and how long have I been out?"

" I brought you to the middle of the woods because I knew you would turn into a wolf and then our siblings would know you killed mother, and I left you alone so I could explain to our siblings what happened and why you're not there."

"and just for the evening"

After that short conversation, we talked, and we got our story straight so that way we don't tell two different stories.

We also decided to tell her siblings that in his rage, he accidentally killed a random villager, and intern triggered his curse. So now he is a hybrid.

He asked me "why I have not triggered mine yet."

All the way back, he keeps telling me I should "the wind and the freedom is just breathtaking."

I just made up a random excuse for the time being if I'm not going to tell him the truth, he doesn't need to know that I'll have magic, at least at the moment.

We all went to bed not really speaking to anyone that night, the next morning we all have a conversation and decided that we should move on after we burn our parent and the white oak tree since it's the only thing that can kill us. (I'll let them believe that true for me also.)

As the fire burns, all of us, not just three all the siblings stand in the front of the burning tree, and they swore to be together always and forever.

how did you like my newest chapter. after this chapter we are going to vencure to the outside world. Ethan has plans on how he wants to change the world and shape history to his liking.

Busy_Drivercreators' thoughts