
reborn as the perfect original, with some tricks

warning 2-7 my mc stays out of the way for the most part and changes small things 8 on is when there will be bigger changes. Chapter 13 is the start of marvel I've never written anything before, so it'd be nice to have some slack. —————————— I had a strange dream that I died and got reborn in a mixture of The Originals and Marvel as an original. I thought that it would be an interesting topic to run with. Ethan was just your average person, He had a trucking job and when he drove, he loved listening to fanfictions. mainly about The Originals and the MCU. He always wished he had powers and was in these worlds but don't we all, but it's all in our head, that was until God made a mistake and threw a bolt of lightning on him. ————————— This will be a mixture of two different worlds, but it won't follow the story completely unlike the show it will follow the story's rules like it should, until I add my own twist and rules. "Like the older the vampire the stronger they are, not until the plot needs it to change." all credit goes to the writers of The Originals and the MCU. I only own my thoughts and character. I didn't make the cover picture and if the owner wishes for it to be change plz contact me and we can talk.

Busy_Driver · Phim ảnh
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More magic is always better

For the next couple of years Rebekah didn't really leave her room no one knew what to do,normally she just argued a little then walked it off but this time it's different.

One night Rebekah came to me begging me to talk to Klaus and Elijah, "to let me leave and go on my own for a while, I need to be by myself."

I've been thinking of leaving again I need to go to the ancient one and see if I can learn more magic, they have spells and abilities that I just can't do.

I go to my brother to have a conversation to talk him into the idea of letting us siblings travel and be by ourselves.

"Klaus Elijah we have to have a conversation; I think we should all travel by ourselves for a while it's almost been 1000 years, we have been together all the time, we need a break from each other.

Rebekah needs to be by herself especially after her most recent heartbreak.

Kol also needs to be by himself he always tries but you two stop him so he kills more and more maybe being by himself will help him we don't have to worry they are family they will come back."

Klaus "how can you say such a ridiculous idea. Do you really think that I'd agree to this idea."

Elijah "well brother listen, he's not stupid if he has brought up the idea, he has a plan."

Klaus yells "no he only asks this because he wants to leave us once more."

I look right at him "I don't need your permission, unlike everyone else in your life I'm not under your control.

But yes, I do have an idea I know a spell to project our body we can see and talk from anywhere on the planet."

After a very long argument it was agreed that we all can go our own way but have to have a witch project our bodies to one another every month.

After that we all went our own way before they change their mind. Only Klaus, Elijah and Katharina stay In New Orleans

The first place I go to is Kamar-Taj they have magic that I don't have, magic that I want before the marvel event really start to happen.

I knock of the door of the place I know is Kamar-Taj I've kept track of this place for many years.

The door opens to an old man dressed like a monk "how may I help you."

"I wish to speak to the ancient one "I say as I look behind him out of curiosity.

"Let me go check to see if that's ok." says the old man as he closes the door on my face.

5 minutes later the door reopens to reveal the old man again this time with a smile.

"Come young man I'll show you the way."

I laugh so hard internally at the (young man) of his sentence.

He leads me to a door that when opens shows a bald lady standing in the center of the room staring at the wall.

"You may go now." She says to dismiss the old man

"I have never seen you in any of my visions, to be honest there is a blank spot in almost all of my visions of the future."

She looks at me.

"Do you know why that is. Because I'm very sure it's your doing."

I look around the room before I speak.

" Ancient one, I find that name quite funny. There are many beings older than yourself.

one happens to be in front of you, so before you start questioning things why don't you sit down and have a conversation with me."

" you're right where are my manners? Would you like some tea?" she asks while sitting.

"but to answer your question about the blank spots in your future visions, I have no clue I'm not doing it, at least, as of the present, I am not."

I say as I grabbed a cup.

"I came here to ask to learn your craft. You have many variations of magic that I currently do not."

She thinks before speaking.

"I see no reason and in not letting you learn our version of magic, but I prefer the word sorcery."

"Do you have any place to be, or do you wish to stay with us while you learn."

I think really quick to make sure then speak.

"No, I do not. I plan on learning anything that is possible from sorcery.

I'll stay for however long I have to as long as you allow it."

"Then I see no problem letting you study here. My only condition is that if the world shall ever need you, you will be there. I can sense how powerful you are. You are another creature; you are not human I can tell that much. but I'll allow it."

For the next 50 years I dived deep into studying sorcery.

To learn everything, they have in their library and from the masters at the sanctums.

Normal people can't do as such do to their life span, but I don't have that problem. The only time I stopped was to project myself to visit my siblings and to give commands to the strix to start the infiltrating of All the governments to have control of ever needed.

My main reason to come study here is for the sling ring I wanted to learn to portal places it'll come in handy.

When I became a master, I went to find an artifact like everyone else and to my surprise I did find one.

One I love very much it's fabric but not just any fabric it the fabric that has the properties of the future doctor Stranges cloak that allows him to fly.

With the fabric I studied how it was made what charms and spells where used so I could use it in the future to make a costume out of so I can fly without thrusters.

It's now the early 1900s and I've decided to make my way to New York and start a weapons company, with World War 1 around the corner, it'll be very lucrative. I want to have a business just as big as the starks in the future and instead of battling in the wars I want to be one of the scientists who helps create the super soldier serum.

I'm now going to start changing my face and age, I never used this ability of mine before because there was no need to.

in the past I could have just moved, and no one would be the wiser, if it was needed. but with me being in the spotlight like I hope, and with everything being documented and captured it'd be wise to change the way I look in public.

I'm now Rick Mikealson, I'll be in my early 40's, and in 1920 I'll have a son who will stay in the house so no one will know who he is. This (son) will be a clone that will be de-aged. and have its face changed.

This way I can have a business established early and then have my "son" go to school and be the same age as Howard to have a friendship.

It's been a couple of years now, and (Mikealson industries) is doing very well for itself.

With my future knowledge and Raphael's help to remember or figure out the design it was easy.

With Raphael in my head, I have an almost eidetic memory.

I have already made military contracts and my business is unstoppable in its field.

After World War 2 I plan on going into medicine and electricity. But for now, I'm making low quality weapons to keep them to the time appropriate area.

It's now 1920 and I announced that I had a son but unfortunately the mother died in birth with this lie I don't have to worry about hiding the fact that I'm not married or have no female in my household.

My new identity will be Nathan Mikealson, I will be taking up this identity when it's time to go to college which I'll have him go early in life if I'm not mistaken Howard was 20 when he started his business and was recruited by the SSR.

At the moment Raphael pretty much runs my company by herself, I have one of my clones doing what she says to do.

This way I don't have to physically be there or give the orders, but things are still getting done.

I have my clone-me going to elementary school in the same school as Howard, in doing this I'm hoping to have them make friends while they go through school together and when he needs funds, I'll be there to give them if ever needed there's a favor available.

As the years have gone by my clone-me and Howard have become very close friends almost inseparable which is great for me.

They are now 15 and going into college, in about to switch places with my clone he will be Rick while I'll be Nathan.

I'm doing this because, I only looked at books and used Raphael to make the weapons.

But I plan on actually studying and learning what's needed.

I plan on making use of the time at college to make more connections and study what the times have for its science.

Time seems to fly when you are very interested in what you're reading and studying.

In my old life I wasn't very smart, and my memory wasn't the best so studying was hard so a truck driver was the best I could get but, in this life, I have an almost perfect memory, and I can understand everything I read, and I love it.

We are now graduating from college and at first Howard asked to join our company but me and my clone quickly denied him and told him "He needs to start his own," he could make it just as big as ours.

We even agreed to sponsor and show him to some of our connections.

Like I said I'm doing this to get his favor if needed and to actually help a friend I made, it started as a means to an end, but I've actually come to like him as a friend and want to help him.

So with our push he decided to make stark industry a year earlier then before.

Just as I planned the ssr came to our doorstep asking both of us to come and help make the serum, and help I will.