
Chapter 6

After two days of only eating and training, Hagrid finally managed to transform his sadness into anger.

Hagrid looked much healthier than before.

The food cooked with the elixir of life, changed Hagrid in more ways than one. His once shriveled body finally had some meat on it, making him looking like a human rather than a corpse, he grew taller, and his hair started to change colour to silverish-blue. As if something ancient, is awakening in his body. The change is small but of tremendous importance.

"Why can't I change my sadness into happiness!? I can change it into anger just fine, so why can't I change it into happiness!? Is it because anger is closer to sadness than joy?" Wondered Hagrid outloud. "Dealing with dementors, has become much easier. Every time one of them passes by my cell I just clear my mind, and they'll leave my alone. But for some reason, I keep having this uneasy feeling. Like something bad might happen in any moment. I need to weaponize happiness, or I might suffer a gruesome fate."

Hagrid didn't know how accurate he is because right now two beings that mean him harm are observing him. The have been watching him for the last two day. Waiting for the right moment to strike. Moreover, their patience is running out.

"Zaboren, let's do it. I can't wait any longer" Said a shadowy figure in an obscure language.

"Bartimus, you should calm down. Now is not the time for any rash actions. Your impatience is what caused this situation in the first place" Zaboren advised.

"But, can't you feel it!? His emotions will disappear, reappear, and sometimes amplified. What will we do if his emotions were to vanish completely? Let's do it Zaboren! There's no time like the present.

"First, stop calling me Zaboren, call me Demeron. Second, you are right because he is trying to protect his mind from us. But today is not the day. We will do it tomorrow." Zaboren said.

"I'm not calling you that. That's a stupid name for a dementor. Besides, why should we wait until tomorrow?" Bartimus asked.

"Because tomorrow, some dementors will be released from their prison. Thus, when the rest of our kind are busy, we will strike. Moreover, Demeron is not a stupid name. If Demeron is a stupid name, then Devourer of Emotions is even more idiotic. That's not a name it just describes what we do. Besides, we only devour one emotion not all emotions." Zaboren said in annoyance.

"Oh shut up! You're just jealous of my creativity. Besides, I'm a dementor with ambition! I want to feed on all emotions one day." Bartimus said heroically.

Zaboren just stared at Bartimus in boredom before he turned around to leave. Because if he didn't, he might kill his idiotic companion. " let's meet here tomorrow."

"Hey! Wait! Tell me whats wrong with being ambitious." Bartimus said while hurrying after Zaboren.

In the meantime, Hagrid temporarily gave up on happiness, and decided to try his hand at transforming other emotions. He started to think about the six basic emotions, anger, disgust, joy, fear, surprise, and sadness.

Hagrid know these emotions very well. He felt every single one of them in this life and in the previous one. So, he started transforming sadness to anger. Once he felt his anger reach unimaginable height, he tried transforming it into disgust. It was hard at first, but then it became easier. Then, he started changing disgust into surprise. Seeing that it started to become easier, he became bolder. Next, he started to jump from one emotion to another, while avoiding joy.

After he became proficient in changing his emotions, he took a break, drank a potion to relieve his fatigue, and restarted his training.

Hagrid tried to change his emotions to joy but for some reason he always failed. As if there's something blocking him, from feeling joy.

Hagrid knew the real reason, but he refused to acknowledge it. He knew that it's because of this body.

Because the original Hagrid went through a year of torture, his mind refuses to feel joy.

Furthermore, Hagrid can't reach the third or fourth stages of his training because of this. If he reachs the fourth stage, he can fix his problem by entering his mind. But this creates a paradox. If he can't enter his mind, he can't fix his mind.

While it's not impossible to fix this kind of problem, it's impossible for Hagrid. Fixing this kind of problem requires a Mind Healer. But there are no Mind Healers, in Azkaban.

Hagrid continued training for awhile but eventually stopped because of exhaustion. He checked on the food basket and saw that it's full.

"I wish I had a teacher, at the very least I wouldn't be stumped by the second level.

But, there's nothing I can do about it. being stuck here is horrible." Hagrid sighed in defeat. "Once I leave this place, I'm going to start drawing again.

Hagrid started to eat his food, and after he finished he went to sleep.

Hagrid woke up early, or at least he thinks its early. After all, you can't tell time, when the the sky is always clouded.

Hagrid felt cold, colder then usual. He started to prepare for the day by eating breakfast. He wished he could workout but his cell is too small. If he raises his hands above his head, he can touch the ceiling. He feared that one day he might become too big for his cell.

He sat down and started his daily training. Today, he wanted to clear his mind without closing his eyes. Which proved to be more difficult then he previously anticipated. Trying to clear his mind while staring at a pitch black wall is harder than he thought. Hagrid kept trying until he started to feel something. It was vague at the beginning, but after a while it became easier.

He tried to push every emotion to the limit. Making sure not to change his expression. His anger turned to rage, sadness turned to despair, disgust turned to contempt, surprise turned to astonishment, and his fear turned to dread.

Hagrid kept practicing for a while, taking potions to relieve his fatigue. He only stopped when light disappeared and darkness took place.

Outside of Hagrid's cell, two figures lurked in anticipation. They both looked humanoid but you couldn't associate them with humans. For the two of them looked like wet wraiths. Their bodies are black, decayed, and with a sticky, and sickly shine to them. Like a pit of tar but much darker.

"Is it time, Zaboren!? Can we finally see if he's immune to our kiss? I am hungry, and I can't wait much longer." Bartimus said.

No. It's not time yet. We need to wait a little bit more. We wait untill all dementors leave to welcome our brethren." Zaboren said, already regretting his actions. "Can you stop acting as if you've never kissed someone! I don't want to spend the next hundred years in prison. In all honesty, you're acting like a newborn and frankly it's embarrassing. You're already six hundred years old so start acting like it."

"I'm not a newborn!" Bartimus screeched. "I'm impatient because we finally have hope of escaping the hunger. Don't you want to feel full for once? Moreover, having an endless supply of emotions might restore our original appearance.

"I know. But we can't rush and alert the others. What if it's a limited amount of sadness? Then, what!? We kill a prisoner and go to jail. But if he's immune we will become the kings of our race." Zaboren said.

{well king in my case. Because if what he says is true, then he won't live past tonight}

"Okay. I will wait" Bartimus said obediently.

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