
Battling Black Wolf

In the dense expanse of the giant tree forest, a black wolf, vigilant beneath a towering tree, suddenly sensed a presence. Looking up, he spotted his quarry – Dick, the goblin he had been relentlessly tracking, now skillfully clinging to the tree's vast trunk.

The wolf, with a flash of its fangs, let out a mocking grin. It seemed to him that Dick was merely trying to evade capture, a futile attempt to escape the inevitable.

However, the black wolf, confident in its predatory prowess, remained unfazed. He knew that hunger would eventually drive the goblin down from his arboreal refuge. The wolf fantasized not just about devouring Dick but also about tormenting him first, demonstrating the might of his kind with cruel delight.

Meanwhile, Dick, now reborn as a goblin, moved cautiously along the branches, gathering leaves and twigs. He could hear the wolf's taunting laughter below, interpreting it as an assumption of his eventual surrender and defeat.

This infuriated Dick. He had narrowly escaped this predator's clutches before, and now the black wolf seemed intent on tormenting him, watching with amused patience.

Dick's eyes glinted with a sharp resolve. Having undergone two simulations, he had evolved into an adult goblin of level F-, equipped with four skills. He felt a surge of confidence against his F-level adversary, vowing to make the wolf pay for its arrogance.

"Your time has come," he muttered through clenched teeth.

Gathering his collected materials, Dick returned to the tree hollow. It was afternoon, and he knew he couldn't delay his confrontation with the wolf until nightfall, especially since the tree hollow likely had its original inhabitant.

For his safety, he needed to act before darkness fell.

Utilizing his tool-making skills, Dick crafted a rudimentary but effective wooden longbow. The bow was fashioned from a sturdy tree trunk, and the bowstring was made from resilient leaves. Lacking metal, he sharpened branches to serve as arrows. While these arrows lacked the strength of metal-tipped ones, Dick's proficiency in archery, boasting a 90% accuracy rate, compensated for this weakness.

Dick peered out of the tree hollow, his cunning eyes focusing on the black wolf lounging below, oblivious to the looming threat.

A sly grin spread across Dick's face. "The hunter becomes the hunted," he whispered.

Without further ado, he pulled the bowstring taut and released it. The wooden arrow, propelled by his expert aim, soared straight towards the black wolf's eyes.

A howl pierced the air as the arrow found its mark, testament to Dick's archery skills and his determination to survive against all odds.

In the shadowy embrace of the giant tree forest, the black wolf, lounged in a state of casual indifference. This relaxed demeanor was abruptly shattered by a sudden, sharp pain and the loss of vision in his right eye.

A pained howl erupted from him as he leapt up in shock, only to be narrowly missed by another wooden arrow aiming for his remaining eye.

The black wolf, now gripped by fear, stared up at the tree in disbelief. The goblin he had been pursuing, once the prey, was now an aggressor, wielding a bow and arrow with menacing intent.

"Damn, the shot missed! Moving targets are always trickier," Dick muttered under his breath.

Enraged and armed with newfound determination, the black wolf howled loudly, but Dick, undeterred, swiftly loosed another arrow. It struck the wolf in the hindquarters, eliciting a sharp yelp of pain.

Realizing the goblin was no easy target, the black wolf attempted to flee, each movement sending jolts of pain through its body. But Dick, fueled by a fierce desire for revenge, launched a volley of arrows, each one finding its mark and slowing the wolf's escape.

Despite the pain, the black wolf's strong survival instinct drove it to persist. However, Dick, relentless in his pursuit, quickly descended from the tree, bow in hand, his face a mask of ferocity.

"I'm coming for you!" Dick yelled as he chased the wolf, his arrows flying with deadly accuracy.

Finally, the black wolf, peppered with arrows like a porcupine, collapsed to the ground. Dick delivered the final blow, an arrow piercing the wolf's eye and brain.

"You've chased me long enough, you wretched beast!" Dick spat, his anger manifesting in kicks and punches to the fallen wolf. He wondered if the goblin genes were influencing his behavior, making him more savage.

Only when the black wolf lay motionless did Dick's fury subside.

[System Notification: 100 evolution points gained from the adult black wolf.]

With a heavy sigh, Dick muttered, "May we never meet again in another life."

Relieved and exhausted, he gathered stones and deftly removed the wolf's teeth and claws, already planning their use.

In this remote forest, Dick, a once weakest goblin, understood the necessity of utilizing tools for survival. The black wolf's fangs would serve as arrowheads, its claws as knives.

Skilled in tool-making, Dick soon fashioned wooden arrows with sharp tips and crafted several makeshift knives.

As he busied himself with slicing the black wolf's meat, a distant human voice caught his attention. Two men and one woman – adventurers, he realized. In this world, humans who braved the dangers of monsters were known as adventurers, with ranks ranging from white porcelain to the rare platinum level.

Dick tensed up, realizing the gravity of encountering human adventurers so soon. And then, hearing their words, his eyes narrowed with caution.

"Look! There's a lone Goblin here!" the adventurers exclaimed, their discovery marking the beginning of a new and potentially perilous chapter in Dick's fight for survival.

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