
Reborn as a fallen angel in DXD

A 16year old boy is sent tto the world of DXD as a fallen angel with 2 wishes join him on his quest to become the strongest or lazy around Ps bad grammar

Grim_Reaper_4508 · Tranh châm biếm
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26 Chs

Chapter 19

'Remember when I said I hated that morning the most.... Yeah well this one takes the cake without question' I said as I got out of the bed that I had magical appeared in last night because I'm sure that I passed out on the floor. Anyway I got out and went straight for the door and began to look for the bathroom but on the way I passed the rooms everyone else were in 'if I have to be awake so do all of you' I said as I went to all there door and kicked them open as the all immediately woke up 'it sucks being a fighter some times because you guard is always up' but I stopped at valis door because there were two energy sources one was valis and the other was of a female the one vali was fighting yesterday

"hahaha this is amazing now I don't have to worry about getting him a girlfriend in the future but I'm so proud right now" I said as I left him alone 'let him enjoy himself for once it will do him some good' I said as I walked off with a smile on my face

"ahhh brother I see you have awoken" a voice from behind me said as I turned to see thor and the reason why he called me brother was because of yesterday when vali and I challenged him and got our ass beat but it's not like we were beaten like sheep no... We fought back lost but still fought back and gave him some injuries so after that he started calling us his brothers but I don't mind after all his a chilled guy to be around

"oh hy thor is there something you need" I said as he walked toward me and placed me under his arms 'there's no point in fighting' I thought to tired to fight back

"yes brother my father has asked me to call you all to come have breakfast with use as you will be leaving today" he sad a little sad

"hmm well I'm already awake so cool.... But we are going to have to wait for the others as they are still a sleeping even when I tried to wake them up"

"ahhhhhh let them sleep anyway I also want to get you and vali to come with me on the hunt for today but that's fine we shall do it the next time you return but for now how about a tour around asgard since you are going to be coming here a lot hahaha" he said as he released me and walked away with me following behind 'damn I still want to shower... ahh fuck it' I thought as I used my magic to clean myself and my clothes 'still want a shower but this will do for now' I thought as thor gave me the tour of asgard and I got to say this place is better than Grigori

(random store)

"thor your father has asked me to retrieve you and the fallen" the shitty valkyrie from yesterday appeared in of us as we were got out of a store

"you know I have a name shitty valkyrie" I said as I looked at here with an annoyed tone

"so do I but your not going to use it are you" she said as she already know she burnt that bridge on day one

"point" I said as we made our way to the castle to again another giant dining room to see everyone there including Odin and thors other brothers so we went in as I sat next to vali as I looked at him with a smile

"don't you dare" he said not even looking at me

"what do you mean" playing dumb

"you know what I mean"

"but I don't vali I have no what you are talking about as I just came here to eat and nothing else" I said as I closed my eyes took a bit of the food

"really Okey than" he said as the food was brought in

"so how did you sleep" I said as he spat out his food and began to blush

"mother fucker" he said

"hahaha haha it's about time" I said as I laughed my ass off

"his right you know vali almost thought you going to die alone" dad said as he began to laugh too

"I hate you all so so much right now" he shook his head as he looked down

"no you don't... Anyways dad when are you going to go get the dragon to come with us or are you going to wait"

"hmmm I don't know it's not like I need him now but I will maybe come to pick him up tomorrow or in a month from now we still need to take care of things in Grigori we still need to handle and I still need to organize everything so that the trade can go smoothly.... Oh and you will be attending the young devils gathering as the fallen angel representive" he said in a bored tone 'when the fuck'

"what.... Why me and why isn't vali going instead of me his a devil" I said pointing at vali as he gave me an "are you dumb" look

"don't play damn you know why his can't go and you are my son you will be going in my stay as I have to handle this and won't be able to go and I don't think I have to tell you why right" he said as I could understand. The devils had invited us a week ago and since dad had accepted it

"huh whatever I was anyways going to go to the devils side and visit the gremory clan tomorrow so when is this thing anyway"

"two days from now oh and don't take an shit from anyone no matter what their position is okay" he said with a smile

"hmm I was never going to let them walk over me in anyway"

"hmm good now vali I need you for a search and destroy mission but I will tell you the details later" he said as we finished breakfast and so it was time to leave and we were ready to teleport back to Grigori but the was one problem

"I am going to miss you too you were like the brothers I've never had" thor said as he held vali and I under his arms in a headlock

"yes but you have brother and can you let us go it's getting a little hard to breath" I said as I was going a little purple

"yes but I said brothers I've never had but I hope you visit soon" he said releasing us as we caught our breath

"we will and maybe when we are on your level we can have a proper fight isn't that right vali" I said remembering the ass beating we got

"not that it matters as long as I gave it my all I don't care if I die" he said crossing his arms 'fucking idiot'

"hahaha that's the spirit vali fight till you can not hahah"

"yeah that's stupid but whatever it's not my life" I said as we said our goodbyes and we were ready to teleport

"wait!" the valkyrie that was kicking valis ass flew full speed towards him and punch him in the face

"damn" I said as I dodge his body and we watched her walk towards vali who was getting up as she grabbed him by the collar and pulled to eye level

"were you seriously going to leave without saying goodbye" she said as she looked at him with a blank face as he looked at me 'help me' 'ha no take this as a learning experience'

"well it's not like was leaving forever or anything like that" he said not daring to look her in the eyes

"well whatever it's still impolite to just leave your new wife without saying anything" she said as she dropped him as he got back up as they looked at each other

"well bye then see you when I get back or something" he said with a slight blush 'okay am I the only on who heard her say "new wife"'

"right bye" she said as he walked towards use as we got ready to teleport


"what now" dad said with irritation in his voice from have to stop the spell again

"wha-" valis was cut of by a kiss a deep kiss

"come back soon and you better take responsibility for this" she said as she moved away from him 'what the fuck shouldn't they have taken a longer time to have there first kiss and what's up with this take responsibility crap it must have been the tenth time I've hard it.... Oh right I'm in a anime world... Completely forgot about that'

"right yeah" he said as his face was as red as the banshee hair

"looks like Lucidrago got himself a girlfriend isn't that cute" Tobio said as they begin to tease vali without mercy as we teleported home

"okay since we're back we can get back to business vali, sephiroth come the rest you are dismissed" dad said as he walked towards his office and everyone we passed bow 'oh right we are back huh' I said as we got to dad's office

"okat I was not able to give you details on your mission vali now we're were we.... Ah right you mission is a search and destroy as it seems some fallen and strays have allied them selfies with some Magis so your job is to find them get as much information out of them then kill all of the as they have been doing a lot of unspeakable things so live non of them alive" dad said as he took out a file out and gave it to vali

"the destroy will be easy but the information gathering part will be a problem it was always mittelt job when we were a team"

"true you can take that cat friend of yours" dad said as he kicked his feet up onto his table

"what" vali said a little shocked

"yes your cat friend the SS class stray that use to sneak into your room"

"how did you know about that"

"vali I didn't get to were I am just because I was good at fighting and mittelt found out the first day she snuck... we just kept quiet as we felt that you need a woman in your life but that failed since you shut down any attempt she made"

"what about the fact she's an SS class stray"

"yeah I really don't care she's the enemy of the devils not fallen and she's done nothing wrong for her to be our enemy"

"oh I'll give her a call is that all"

"yes and sephiroth as you know you will be going to the young devils gathering your mission is to just go there in my stay as the king's have invited us for political reasons that I'm sure you don't care about but remember do not let anyone walk over you we don't want them thinking that I've sent a weakling instead of my self as devil have big egos and the Satan have no power oh and don't kill anyone "

" then I will leave for the gremory castle and attend this thing and from what Gray has told me most young devils are far worse then the banshee so putting them in there place will be fun" I said with a smile "anyways let me go pack and then I'll teleport to the gremory household"

"good then you two are dismissed oh and say hello to your A.I for me" he said as we left and vali want to call kuroka and I want to my lab to check out a few things and pack then teleported to the front gate of the gremory castle

"huh so they were able to make a ward that can keep me out interesting" I said as over the years I've made it a habit to just pop in at random times

I stood there as a guard came up to me

"who are you" he said

"who I am is non of your concern devil but I have some business with Zeoticus Gremory Venelana Gremory so if you would let me in" I said as I placed my hand on the gate

"huh who do you think you are this is the great house of the gremory clan and you will address the lady and lord in there proper titles" he said with a lot of pride in his tone 'well its not like I need him anyways'

"huh whatever you help was no needed anyway" I said as I opened the gate breaking the seals

"how that was a high level ward that could stop ultimate class beings" he said as I walked passed him 'ultimate class idiot but that ward is child play for me'

"Okey kid stop right there or else I will be forced to take you down" he said as he got in front of me 'I just broke a ward that you just said could stop an ultimate class and you have the balls to get in my way'

"you must be new here right first day" I looked at him as I increased my KI as he's legs started shaking as sweat started falling from his face

"well if it is then my name is sephiroth son of Azazel leader of the fallen and I have some business I need to take care of with Zeoticus and Venelana so will you escort me to them" I said as an image of kurama the Nine-Tailed fox appeared behind me as my KI was directed at him as the poor devil was basically shitting himself

"y y y yes r right t this w w way sir" he said as he made a deep bow 'oh so that why I got to stop scaring people but weaponizing my KI was the best decision I ever made'

"good now lead the way" I said as he quickly began to walk and my KI went back to normal and after a few minutes of walking in silence we made it to the castle 'huh should have teleported but for the fact of looking like a badass I chose to walk' as I stopped outside the door

"go inside and tell them that I have arrived and don't take to long I hate waiting" I said as he basically disappeared from his spot and ran into the house

"huh it still irritates me at how big this place is" I said as I took out my phone and started playing minecraft

"oh what's this.... It seems you've finally decided to visit us sephiroth" venel said as she walked out with well Millicas as he ran up to me and jumped at me but I side stepped

"I have no idea what you are talking about I visit three months ago and nice try kid"

"hehe he I will catch up to you one day sephiroth" he said as he got up with a smile on his face

"Millicas Gremory that is no way for a noble to behave" the elder Rangiku appeared along with Zeoticus and Grayfia

"oh cut him some slack elder he was simply giving me a greeting I find acceptable isn't that right little guy" I said 'huh the power of pissing people off with just words' as she looked at me annoyed


"huh I should have know it was you as you are the only reason why he acts like this" she said

"I have no idea why you would have been surprised you knew I was coming" I said as I crossed my arms

"you know what I don't have time for you Millicas come you where not done with your class" she said as she walked back into the house

"well it's good to see you sephiroth it's been quite a while hasn't it" Zeoticus said

"why do you say that it's only been three months and I've been busy there's been a few problems that had to be taken care of" I said as I shook his hand as I looked at Gray

"well honey why don't we go inside" venelana said as she dragged him inside

"well gray how have you been"

"I've been well sephiroth but must you always fight with my sister"

"yes annoying her is my own little fun but it's good to see you gray"

"you to sephiroth and did you have to scare the poor man like that do you know how long it's going to take to find a replacement and we also have to fix the ward you just shattered huh.... Why is it that every time you come here it's always more work for me"she said as it looked like she was getting a headache

"name one time I did something like this"

"remember when you where younger and you burnt down the forest"

"okay point but are you going to invite me in the sun's my worst enemy today" I said still a little tired

"what are you a vampire why would I need to invite you in if you have already broken in" she said as she walked in with me following her as we spoke about my adventures as she did her maid duties with her telling me about her life before the war 'huh to think that over the years grayfia and I have become such close friends it's actually nice to have someone to talk to and can take my bull with no effort ' I thought

"huh it seems that lady gremory and her peerage have returned from there trip to the human world"

"wonderful" I said as I rolled my eyes

"so you two still don't get along even after so long"

"no we don't and ever since her engagement she has been on my ass constantly trying to get me in her peerage to bad I've created a seal that will stop that shit from working on me"

"I've also noticed it and we all have tried to help her help herself but huh anyways I must go greet me" she said as she began to walk in the direction of the banshee

As we arrived in one of the many rooms in this castle with chairs and a table 'number 99'i thought as I had made it a game to number new rooms that I find that look the same but anyway when we entered we saw rias with her slav... I mean "family" with Venel as Zeoticus was probably in his office

"well hello there sephiroth it's so good to see you how have you been over the last three months" rias said 'we have never been friends'

"huh what do you want" I said as he peerage got a little angry

"what ever could you mean"

"don't play dumb this little game of yours works on perverts and idiots which I'm not so I'll ask again what do you want"

"fine I want you to join my peerage and help me break out of this engagement with that asshole"

"huh yeah that impossible"


"yes a few years ago dad made something that would make it impossible for and devil to turn us into devil so no matter how many pieces you have you can never turn me but you can you know train" I said as the look in her eye was priceless as she walked out the room with her peerage 'I just gave her a ticket to break out of her engagement'

As they all gave me dirty looks

"really Azazel made something like that why" Zeoticus said as he looked intrigued

"well some devil decided it would be a good idea to try and kidnap a few of our residents and turn them in to devils and long story short we killed the kidnappers and saved them after that dad made this and gave it to everyone who lives in Grigori" I said as a mark appeared on my neck

" I see but I believe that you two should get along I don't like seeing you two fight time you visit sephiroth" venelana said as after a few years she was still trying to get me with rias

"well I'm sure it will work its self out anyway is the trap here or did he run and hide I have a new game for him" I said as I looked around the room

"oh Gasper his in his room but it has new seals that were placed there by sirzechs"

"hmm then they shouldn't be that hard to break your son maybe powerful but he sucks at seals" I said as I walked towards Gasper room as I got to the door I placed my hand on the door handle but I got a shock

"ow that irritating" I said as my magic circle appeared as I placed it on the door as a sound of glass shattering was heared and I opened the door 'looks like his improved'

"noooooooo why is the door opening" I heared a voice as I saw the trap hidden in the corner as time around us stopped as I walked towards him now you may be asking how am I able to move well that because I've been using counter vanish on the magic as it touches my it's takes a lot of construction and it limits what I can do so it's very irritating now I could just increase my power to the point that it doesn't effect me but removing the seals would cause the devils in the castle to go into a panic like last time

"hy little buddy it's me sephiroth you can come out I've finally finished making that game for you" I said as over the years I've been trying to help him with his problems since the other were not and we've been making progress as now he can sit next to me without shaking or running away

"oh its only big brother.... oh did you say you finished the game let me see let me see!" he said as he ran up to me with stars in his eyes 'what I can be friendly if I wanted to and I've been helping him for years and besides I see the little idiot as a little brother'

"okay here it's called minecraft" I said as I gave him the game as he ran to the computer I made him and started playing and I also added myself as we played for hours but it was getting late so I called it a night and want to my bedroom only to find gray in my bed but she's been sleeping in the same bed as me for five years now so I'm use so I got into bed with her

"you missed dinner what were you doing this whole time" she said as she moved close to me

"I got Gasper a new game and we've been playing it.... what did I miss something"

"no but I could have used your help I the kitchen" she said

"nuh I probably would have just sat down as you did all the work oh and vali has a girlfriend now isn't that cool"

"huh so it's only you who single now why not try to date lady rias or akeno or both of them"

"I am but getting a girl is not that important and I have a type that I like those two don't match so there out and heram is not my style"

"oh you have a type tell me about it"

"well first off she must be strong both in body and mind, she must be someone who doesn't need saving, must be able to handle my bullshit without a problem and she also must smart and powerful oh and loving to..... Oh and must not be married " I said as I closed my eyes as grayfia got up to look at me as I opened one of my eyes "what"

"you do realize that in that list serafall and I are check all those right"

"huh I guess you're right we'll good night gray" I said as I closed my eyes to sleep


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It's going to be an info damp for the next few chapters