
Blood Ritual!

Astonishment flickered in Bruce's ancient eyes as he discovered not one, but two mighty bloodlines awakened within the young Cyclops. "Impressive," Bruce acknowledged, his tone admiring. "This child's talent is indeed exceptional, far above any Cyclops I've seen."

Turning his focus back to the little Cyclops, Bruce asked solemnly, "Young one, are you prepared to join my ranks as one of my valiant warriors?"

The child, unable to articulate his eagerness, merely cooed and babbled in the primitive tongue of baby beasts, his intent clear through his excited gestures.

Satisfied, Bruce carefully took the child's small hand in his vast claw. "Such power in one so young..." he mused. The father, known among his kin as Sansham, watched on, a mixture of pride and hope in his eyes.

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