
Run of the Mill Idiot

There's this guy, and his name is Daniel. He's REALLY out of shape and almost fat, thinks he's cool, and sucks at anything related to everything.

One day, he was walking around in horribly ugly clothes and playing Porkemon Goo. "Why the heck can't I catch this hecker?!" He murmurs to himself.

Another day, he was playing AdVoompture Capitalist. "I'm so friggin' rich man. I'm probably the richest person on this game."

Then, he could be spotted playing the only good game he has- Skyram. "Hehehe... After hours and hours of hard work, I'm almost level three!" Yup, he really sucks at Skyram.

On one of his better days, he decided to go to an anime store to buy himself some weeb stuff. He was about to walk across the street - he doesn't have a car, too poor for a bicycle even. - when a homeless man that looked way better than him hollered at him.

"Hey, fatso! Yeah, I'm talkin' to you ya loser! You really should go die, I'm less of a disgrace to humanity than you."

That seemed to strike right in Daniel's sore spot because he covered his eyes with his hands and yelled and cried as he ran across the road.

"Guaaaah!" He horridly cries. Cars honk all around him as he runs nearly half-way across the street. It really a miracle- that he could run that far, not that he wasn't hit by any cars.

*HOONNNKK* an especially loud honk sounds out to Daniel's side.

"Oh, friggin' heck..." he says as he stops in the middle of the road and looks over at the huge Semi-Truck filled with copies of Skyram that was rocketing towards him.

A loud *BANG* resounds as he gets smashed into by the truck. His life ended almost instantly, but not soon enough before he saw that he had dented the truck horribly, making it look like a giant horseshoe.


He gave up after that. He closed his eyes and tried to stop thinking. One thing stood out though... why did he feel like he was still alive?

He got tired of feeling alive but thinking he was dead after only a few seconds and he opened his eyes, only to get shocked to... death again?

For in front of him stood Tood Howard, creator of Skyram, with a fake white beard. "Ah," says Tood "Finally somebody who doesn't see me as Morban Freeman..."

"Uh, Tood Howard? OMG WTF IS GOING ON?" Cries Daniel

"Oh... Well, I ordered a shipment of Skyram for the Angels when they have time off, but before the truck that was delivering them could embark on the Heavenly Staircase, it hit you."

And that caused Daniel to stand still for what seemed like an eternity for him but was actually two minutes.

"Oh, well... I guess I'll reincarnate you with a Skyram function since you seem to be so connected with it." said the guy who started looking increasingly like Morban Freeman to Daniel.

But then it hit him kinda like the truck that just killed him. "Wait, I don't like Skyr-" he tried to say, but he was already flying away and Morban Freeman couldn't hear him.

"What was he saying?" asks Morban to a nearby Ramuel L. Jackson

"Something about not liking the sky, I guess." replies Ramuel.

Both of them said in unison "Well, whatever."

Over in a land far, far away from Morban and Ramuel, Daniel was a small little abomination inside of a person with another abomination curled up beside him.

He started thinking, 'Where the heck am I, why can't I see, and why is anything?'

Then he spots something out of the corner of his eye. It says

Access map through the menu.

'Menu?' he thinks, but then he feels his 'vision' blur and suddenly four arrows appear. An arrow pointing upwards says Skills, one poining left says Magic, the one pointing right says Items, and the final one that is pointing down says Map.

Daniel looks down towards the map and his vision darkens and everything turns black except for a single word that hovered in the center of his vision. The word said 'Womb'

'Are you frickin' kidding me? I was definitely reborn man...'

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