
34. Everyone is dead

Seeing their lecherous behavior Li Huan was going to suffocate from disgust. The disgust on her face was shown by one of them and that man gripped her jaw tightly.

"You bitch. You disgust by my touch. Let me show you today what is called live in hell?" her grip tighten as he slapped her hard. At his behavior, all of them laughed out loud.

"You.." Li Huan filled with rage and almost lost her sanity, she spat at his face.

The man's expression changed dramatically. "I thought you are a beauty I'm going to handle you with care now you pissed me off." That man sounded their leader. He clasped her leg and dragged her towards him.

Seeing his angry look all of his companions step out.

Hovering over her his hands roamed all over her body. Just as he was bout to kiss her forcefully. LI Huan who was cutting the tope at the last minute finally freed her hands. Gripping the knife she stabbed him.

"Ahhh..." from the pain he yelped.

Puzzled they all looked over there. Li Huan pushed him away after taking back the knife. Seeing the knife their's expression changed.

"Little girl put down the knife, it's not for your play." one of them threatened her. "You can't escape Seeing her distracted one of them bounced on her. from here. If you support us we'll not harm you otherwise don't blame me." As he was talking everyone gathered her.

Li Huan was cutting her ankle's rope. Seeing her distracted one of them bounced on her, alert she twisted the knife and make a slash on his hand. Blood flowed out dirtying her dress.

They all became more alert and signaled each other with their eyes. On the other hand, Li Huan stepped out of the bed. Threatening them with the knife she cornered them to one side and stepped back towards the door, her body swagging because of the drug.

"Little girl don't be impulsive you can't go out from here." the leader whom she stabbed before spoke. His abdomen bound was deep and due to pain, his eyes turned red. His eyes glared at her like the next second he was going to eat her.

Without showing any fear she twisted the handle of the door to step out. At this moment the men whom she bounded on hand bounced on her. Before she could take any action the person from the other side easily took her. He was also an expert in fighting. Although she knew martial arts due to being drugged and they easily subsided her on the floor.

"you Little bitch, you stab me." the leader kidded her hard. She yelped as her waist hurt.

She didn't want them to be successful. She struggled but due to drugs, she can't even free her hands. Her heart started to beat fast, and she felt scared.

The man who came laughed at her expression. "Now, now, don't be so frightened. What happened to that confident girl from before?" He taunted her and placed a hand on her shoulder. "I never thought you have the guts to stab someone. I underestimate you, little girl."

She stiffened under his touch, her lips turned into a scowl. "You'll be going to regret this. Who told you to do this?" She asked him, eyeing his hand with disdain. Although he appeared calm and collected, the crazy look in his eyes had unsettled her.

All of a sudden, a hand struck her face so hard it had given her whiplash. She gasped at the stinging pain. The smack took her by complete surprise.

"Don't glare at me like that, wh*re." He hissed, offended that she had looked at him the wrong way. The laughter disappeared from his face and it turned chillingly cruel.

Her cheeks burned in pain and a bruise had begun to form. She opened and closed her mouth, attempting to loosen the jaw that had locked upon getting hit.

She winced when he roughly grabbed her jaw and painfully squeezed it which caused more agony.

"Just because I'm nice to you for one second doesn't mean you have the right to look at me with those beady little eyes of yours." He seethed and without warning, punched her stomach again.

With the force of the punch, she convulsed and bent over, as if she was going to throw up. He immediately took a step back, not wanting to get dirty because of her.

She seized this chance to suddenly surge her foot forward, driving her heels right into his shin.

"Son of a bit-"

She doesn't wait for his reaction before suddenly snatching the gun from him.

"Crazy motherfuc-"

Before she unlocks the lock on the gun. Someone smashed the flowerpot on her head. It was smashed hard.


The sound was loud and clear. Blood flowed out from her head, drenching her face. It started to drip from her chin. Falling from her side, She fainted.

"You son of a bitch why did you hit her. you knew how precious she is to her boss. What if she died?" The man shouted at the person who smashed the flowerpot at her.

"She had a gun." he stuttered trying to defend himself. But seeing his frightening eyes he shrank.

"Damn now how we explain it to the boss?" his companion asked him in a different accent. If Li Huan was conscious she understand it.

Frustrated the man's grip instantly tightened on the chair again.


Half an hour later tens of men flooded into the house, each one of them wearing protective gear. They were led by men holding bulletproof shields followed by the others who wielded a variety of weapons.

Helicopters whirred in the air just as the entire warehouse was surrounded by cars, more armed men climbing out of it. The car headlights from outside had filtered inside the warehouse, as well as the helicopter light through the window on the roof.

Despite the chaotic sound of hundreds of footsteps coming from all directions, one pair of footsteps stood out in particular. This one was heavier than the others. All felt his overwhelming and authoritative presence.

Walking in his full glory, long legs that seemed to stretch for miles, his suit jacket blowing in the wind, hair swept to the side, was the man none other than Mo Xuanyi.

Standing in front of the house, with his hands tucked in his front pockets, was a man whose face and aura would put the Gods to shame. He was just that enticingly handsome. His smiling face was cold.

Just as he stepped into the room someone ran from the house his voice was hoarse from running "Sir everyone was dead."

Listening to it he felt someone stab his heart. "did he come late?" he muttered as he ran towards the room.


hello everyone thanks for your love and care please enjoy it.

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