
Rebirth: The Strongest Shinobi

Follow Kazama Ryou, in his new life in Naruto. (A/N: I don't own anything except for the OC.)

IsekaiGod1 · Tranh châm biếm
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9 Chs

Chapter 4

The sound of my alarm clock woke me up. After I stopped the alarm from making any more noise. I looked at the clock that said 3 a.m.

I got up from the bed and hit the shower. After I'm all finished cleaning myself up and the room, I started to go on 10 kilometers jog.

It's been a week since I started trained by Minato and Kushina. I gradually got good at chakra control. I learn the 3 basic jutsu and have learned a few E-rank and D-rank jutsu. At this point, Minato and Kushina are not surprised anymore.

I also experiment with my kekkei genkai through those weeks. There is not much in the library since Ice Style is only famous among Yuki Clan and Gale Style is kinda rare.

I continue my jog until it finished.

I arrive at the training ground 7 afterward. I saw Kushina and Minato waiting for me. Once there, we talked for a bit, and then Kushina tossed me a scroll. She told him that it was her family's Fuinjutsu and that I should study it every day when I returned home. I opened the scroll and saw many notes on the Uzumaki seals and how they worked.

Ryou: "Nee-san, can I learn them?"

Kushina: "Of course you can. I am the Uzumaki, and I approve that you learn them. I can't let Minato the only person teach you, can I? "

Ryou: "Thank you nee-san."

For the rest of the evening, Minato watched me practice as usual. Then he called him over to him.

Minato: "Ryou, I got a call from the Hokage for my mission. I'll not be here starting tomorrow as well."

Kushina: "But don't you worry cause nee-san is still here to help."

Ryou: "That glad to hear. Nii-san, please be careful on your mission."

Minato: "I will"

Minato said as he smoothed my hair.

He then took one scroll, which was slightly larger than the usual ones, and handed it to me.

Minato: "This scroll contains several jutsu with all five elements. Usually, Jounin can use jutsu outside their chakra affinity."

Ryou "So, is this some sort of test?"

Minato: "Your catching on. The only way for you to read is by studying Kushina's scroll. After you manage to open them, we will teach you."

After a few more minutes of taijutsu, kunai, and shurikenjutsu sparring, I said goodbye to them and went to the shelter to eat and rest.


Currently, I'm in the forest of death, doing an experiment jutsu. Today is lightning training.

Ryou: "[Chidori]!"

The sound of birds chirping filled the silence in the forest. The lightning sparks wildly around me. I saw the lightning slowly taking shape like a blade around my hand. Then, I run towards the huge boulder. The ground was destroyed as run while my shadow clone attack me. I dodged them, not stopping my momentum. When I reached the boulder, I thrust my hand forward. The stone was easily broken into million pieces. After that, I take a break and release my shadow clone.

Ryou: 'Wow, I can't believe I can go that fast!"

I said as I'm looking at the memories of my shadow clone

I go check on the last boulder I destroy and see what can I do to improve it.

Ryou: 'The attack is good but my dynamic vision still needs improvement. Without a sharingan, my blind spot will easily be my downfall.'

Suddenly, It was at that moment I heard a meow. I turn my head and see a white kitten. I noticed it bleeding.

Ryou: 'It seems hurt'

I came closer but it hisses at me. I reached the flying raijin kunai that I hang on my right waist.

Ryou: "Hey, look. See, I'm putting it down nice and gently."

I then dropped them. That makes the cat stop and continue lying on the ground. I continue making my way to get closer to it.

Ryou: "Here let me heal you"

I apply mystic palm to the wound. The cat seems to have calmed down. I picked it up and bring it to the orphanage. I have to sneak it in as the orphanage didn't allow animals


A month has passed, I was walking around town while wearing a dark long-sleeve midnight blue shirt and a red scarf. I have a pouch tied behind my waist. Inside the clothes, I have weight on my body and arms that I make with the help of Kushina include the ankle weights that I bought. Meanwhile, a white cat who is wearing a jacket with paw prints logo named Koneko is sleeping on top of my head.

Ryou: "It's nice weather today to be lazy right Koneko."

Koneko: "~Meow~"

I brought Shirone to Minato and Kushina, asking their advice. Minato suggests that I should train her to be ninneko as she shows quite Intelligence for an average cat. When she is old enough, I can make her my summoning animal.

So, I decided to train her to be a ninneko for these past months. Thanks to the shadow clone I already unlock crack the fuinjutsu, master the shurikenjutsu and the rasengan. Meanwhile, the original me do the One Punch Man regimen.

Today is my day off for training exclude the weight on my body. This is a good opportunity to rest my body and survey any gossip from anyone. At the same time, I was thinking about how my knowledge of the previous world could apply to jutsu.

My train of thought stop as I heard something interesting.

???1: "Sugoi! Rin I gonna join the competition and I'll win that silver kunai! This will be my first step of being Hokage."

???2: "I looking forward to it Obito."

I stopped walking and look in the direction of the voice. I saw a boy with an Uchiha Clan logo on his back jacket and a girl named Rin who was about the same age as me.

Ryou: 'Uchiha Obito and Nohara Rin.'

After they left, I looked at the poster that Obito and Rin were talking about.


I was shocked when I read it. In the anime, this competition is where Obito meets Kakashi for the first time.

Ryou: 'Ninjutsu competition huh. Sound like fun.'